How do an observation, a hypothesis, and a prediction differ?
Observation - acquisition of information from a
primary source
Hypothesis - a testable statement to explain a
phenomenon or a set of observations
Prediction - a measurable or observable result that
may be correct if a hypothesis is valid
What makes a hypothesis useful for scientific investigations
that try to explain the natural world?
A hypothesis is useful for investigations because you must
have an original idea to
test to see if that is correct. It also specifies the expected
relationship between variables. It helps you identify controls and
variables to test.
Give examples of hypotheses that are and are not
scientifically useful. State the null hypothesis that corresponds to
each of your examples.
Scientifically Useful Hypothesis: Squirrels only eat
Scientifically Useful Null Hypothesis: Squirrels do
not only eat nuts.
Scientifically Unuseful Hypothesis: Dinosaurs like
cinnamon toast crunch.
Scientifically Unuseful Null Hypothesis: Dinosaurs do
not like cinnamon toast crunch.
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