Marketing Management Flashcards

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Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller - 2012 - 657 pages

ISBN: 0132102927, 9780132102926

Table of Contents - Part 1 - Understanding Marketing Management; Chapter 1. Defining Marketing for the 21st Century; Chapter 2. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans; Part 2 - Capturing Marketing Insights; Chapter 3. Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment; Chapter 4. Conducting Marke...ting Research and Forecasting on Demand; Part 3 - Connecting with Customers; Chapter 5. Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships; Chapter 6. Analyzing Consumer Markets; Chapter 7. Analyzing Business Markets; Chapter 8. Identifying Market Segments and Targets; Part 4 - Building Strong Brands; Chapter 9. Creating Brand Equity; Chapter 10. Crafting the Brand Position; Chapter 11. Competitive Dynamics; Part 5 - Shaping the Market; Chapter 12. Setting Product Strategy; Chapter 13. Designing and Managing Services; Chapter 14. Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs; Part 6 - Delivering Value; Chapter 15. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing; Chapter 16. Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics; Part 7 - Communicating Value; Chapter 17. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications; Chapter 18. Managing Mass Communications - Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations; Chapter 19. Managing Personal Communications - Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word of Mouth, and Personal Selling; Part 8 - Creating Successful Long-Term Growth; Chapter 20. Introducing New Marketing Offerings; Chapter 21. Tapping into Global Markets; Chapter 22. Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization.

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Publisher: Prentice Hall


business & economics, marketing

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