micro test 2 lecture 1
past, current, "conquered" plagues
THE plague
the plague sickness had 3 major human pandemics
this was the worst plague
"the plague"
caused by yersinia pestis
bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic plague
"black death" - name bc tissue dies and gets black
plague + pestilence in london
what was thought at the time to be cause of the plague?
19th century (1880s) - germ theory of disease
17th century (1660s) - humans became aware of microbes
14th century (1350) - black death
humans didnt know microbes existed at the time
not until 17th century - became aware of their existence (far from even knowing it could cause disease)
the plague today
plague still around + infects people
easily treatabe if given antibiotics fairly quickly
more in subsahara africa + madagascar (there endemically, every year ppl get it)
can be blood-blood transmission - usually how ppl get it in the US if bitten by infected wild animal
draft genome
is same yersinia pestis still around?
thus, less deaths due to other things - like public health measures to contain it, antibiotics, etc. = less ppl die/world not as impacted
= early episodes of plague truly caused by y pestis
estimated 25-50 million deaths
book on slide = definitive historical account
knew abt microbes 100 yrs ago + that they cause disease
at time, wasnt clear what was going on was caused by flu (virus)
flu virus cellular infection cycle
viruses infect cells
each year 3 strains are chosen for selection in the flu vaccination for that year by WHO global influenza surveillance network
flu very seasonal
based on symptoms - more in winter/near year time
flu went down drastically during covid bc of precautions
even partial protection may reduce viral load that lowers chance of getting severely sick as well as transmitted virus to others
how flu vaccine similar to covid one
eradication of a human infectious disease
success - smallpox
near success
nigeria reaches 1 year without polio
wild polio eradicated in africa
is measles next?
mortality rates
Right after WWII, public health infastructure destroyed
- so in Germany, as infastructure rebuilt, saw decline
= selective data/cherry picking data
They leave info out
anti vaccine movements
We cite four published studies that support this position:
Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children
Lancet 1998 Feb 28
Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A, Linnell J, Casson DM, [University Department of Medicine, Royal Free Hospital and School of Medicine, London, UK]
This study demonstrates that the MMR vaccine triggered autistic behaviors and inflammatory bowel disease in autistic children. Excerpt:
"Onset of behavioral symptoms was associated, by the parents, with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination [MMR] in eight of the 12 children, with measles infection in one child, and otitis media in another… We identified associated gastrointestinal disease and developmental regression in a group of previously normal children, which was generally associated in time with possible environmental triggers."
Paper used by many groups to create mistrust in vaccines
- turned out to be a fraudulent paper
- made up data
- he had financial interest in the outcome
Paper retracted
Many studies have shown that the vaccine he claimed to cause autism (MMR)
- other studies failed to find associated btw autism and the vaccine
Some ppl say the thirmosol (contains mercury) was source of problem