Snow Falling on Cedars Page 2 (仲宗根)
人々、両親 People, parents. Folks means "people", but can often mean one's parents. 例:Mark's folks are from Hawaii.
Get away with
(よくないこと)を罰せられないで (見つからずに) やり通す。You do something bad, but don't get caught. ごまかして(犯罪)を犯してそのままうまく通す。 Get away with cheating (a crime).
Get the message
意をくむ、理解する(インフォーマル) Often used as, "You get the message?"分かったか? "I get /got your (the) message" = おっしゃる事は分かります。
Give away
ただで配る。ただであげる People often give away tissues at train stations.
Go ahead
いいよ、どうぞ Please continue/ Feel free to do it/After you. "Go ahead, ask!"
Go by
立ち寄る To make a short, casual, unannounced visit (similar meanings: stop by, drop in on) I went by Misaki's house on my way home.
Go straight to
〜に直行する、まっすぐ行く、寄り道をせずに To go to a place directly without stopping anywhere. After school, you should go straight to your house.
ある、もっている, 〜なければならない Casual usage of "have got", "have got to" In conversation, "have" is sometimes dropped - got, got to. "I got a book." "I got to study."
Hang around
うろうろする、ぶらぶらする In some cases, その場所にのこる "I think I'll hang around here for a while." しばらくこの辺をぶらぶらしてみるかな。
Have a bad feeling
嫌な予感がする "She's two hours late and she hasn't called. I have a bad feeling about this."
Have to do with
〜と関係がある Have a connection/relation to "What does this have to do with our situation?"これと我々の状況と何の関係があるっていうんだ?
I feel
気がする I feel = I think, but with the added nuance of 感じる "I feel I have to tell you the truth."
I figure
〜と考える、だと思う I figure = I think. But with a special nuance: Considering the circumstances, I conclude that... " I figured you'd have heard by now." そのことをきっと聞いただろうと思った。