front 1 le linn do | back 1 while |
front 2 a bheith amuigh | back 2 to be out |
front 3 i lár | back 3 in the centre |
front 4 an ghrá acu don teanga dúchais | back 4 they had a love for their native language |
front 5 chinn siad | back 5 they decided |
front 6 a chur chun chinn | back 6 to improve |
front 7 spreagadh iad | back 7 they were inspired |
front 8 chun snas a chuir | back 8 polish to put |
front 9 níorbh fhada gur | back 9 it wasnt long before |
front 10 thug siad faoi deara | back 10 they noticed |
front 11 ar fáil | back 11 available |
front 12 tuairiscí ann ar thuras | back 12 reports on trips |
front 13 eagraithe | back 13 organised |
front 14 ar chósta | back 14 the coast |
front 15 chúis áthais | back 15 cause of delight |
front 16 cleachtadh rialta | back 16 regular practice |
front 17 ar phointí gramadaí | back 17 points of grammar |
front 18 iarnóin | back 18 evenings |
front 19 tráth na gcéist | back 19 quizzes |
front 20 istoíche | back 20 every night |
front 21 sar i bhfad | back 21 before long |
front 22 líofa | back 22 fluent |
front 23 a bhunú | back 23 to found |
front 24 imeachtaí | back 24 events |
front 25 go rialta | back 25 regularly |
front 26 aaron | back 26 both |
front 27 gurbh fhiú féachaint air | back 27 that is was worth looking for |
front 28 gradam | back 28 award |
front 29 tugadh ardmholadh | back 29 high praise was given |
front 30 as ucht | back 30 for the sake |
front 31 a neartú | back 31 strengthen |
front 32 narbh iad a bhí brodúil astu féin | back 32 werent they proud of themselves |
front 33 cleachtadh a dhéanann máistreacht | back 33 practice makes perfect |