front 1 If anyone is injured in the medical office, no matter how insignificant it might seem, who must examine the individual? | back 1 Provider |
front 2 In most situations, who will know if you did or did not follow standard precautions and quality assurance recommendations? | back 2 you |
front 3 Which of the following should be used when performing a safety inspection of the lab and medical environment? | back 3 Checklist |
front 4 When collecting specimens from patients, the basic recommended PPE includes gloves, face shields, fluid-resistant lab coats, and respirators for airborne pathogens. | back 4 Respirators |
front 5 Gloves that are too small will most likely: | back 5 Tear |
front 6 If you are assisting with a sigmoidoscopy, you should complete the assisting, clean up, and complete the charting after you do which of the following? | back 6 Remove the contaminated barriers |
front 7 Excessive jewelry is not only inappropriate but could present a _________ situation. | back 7 dangerous |
front 8 For those who have respiratory conditions, having protection to which of the following diseases is recommended? | back 8 pneumonia and influenza |
front 9 section 6 | back 9 Accidental Release Measures |
front 10 section 4 | back 10 First Aid Measures |
front 11 Section 10 | back 11 Stability and Reactivity |
front 12 section 1 | back 12 Identification |
front 13 section 7 | back 13 Handling and Storage |
front 14 section 8 | back 14 Exposure Controls and Personal Protection |
front 15 section 16 | back 15 other info |
front 16 section 15 | back 16 regulatory information |
front 17 section 2 | back 17 Hazard Identification |
front 18 section 3 | back 18 Composition/Information on ingredients |
front 19 section 5 | back 19 Fire-Fighting Measures |
front 20 section 9 | back 20 Physical and Chemical Properties |
front 21 section 11 | back 21 Toxicological Information |
front 22 section 13 | back 22 disposal considerations |
front 23 section 12 | back 23 ecological info |
front 24 section 14 | back 24 transport info |
front 25 If you are going to be working directly with patients and there is a risk of coming in contact with blood or other body fluids, you should receive the series of three _____ injections. | back 25 HBV |
front 26 Which of the following states employers must develop, implement, and maintain at the workplace a written, comprehensive hazard communication program that includes provisions for container labeling, collection and availability of safety data sheets, and an employee training program? | back 26 Hazard communication standard |
front 27 Which organization created SDSs so employers and employees receive materials regarding the hazards of any chemicals and products they encounter and to ensure that all chemicals produced or imported are evaluated? | back 27 OSHA |
front 28 Which of the following is a new, single unified system for standardizing and harmonizing the classification and labeling of chemicals, making it more effective, consistent, and easier to understand? | back 28 GHS |
front 29 The HCS requires all labels to have which of the following on them, alerting all users of the chemical hazards they are being exposed to? | back 29 pictograms |
front 30 The local fire department will conduct routine walkthroughs of the facility to verify compliance with fire codes. When should this be done? | back 30 when first moving into an office, prior to seeing patients |
front 31 Which of the following laboratory tests goes beyond the preceding requirements in that the testing personnel must have very specific and specialized training to perform those tests? | back 31 Highly Complex |
front 32 Why must a supply of lens paper be kept nearby when using the microscope? | back 32 To clean the lens after each use |
front 33 Which of the following is a process that assesses testing procedures, reagents, and technique of the person performing the tests? | back 33 Quality Control |
front 34 Which of the following does quality assurance involve? | back 34 Proper patient identification |
front 35 use to hold specimen | back 35 stage |
front 36 lower-power field objective | back 36 lens that scans the field of interest and focuses on the specimen |
front 37 regulates the amount of light directed on the specimen | back 37 condenser |
front 38 monocular | back 38 one eye piece |
front 39 used for a greater detail of the specimen | back 39 high-power objective field |
front 40 magnifies what is being seen | back 40 lens |
front 41 Through partial voiding before collection, which part of the body is cleared of contaminants such as bacteria, mucus, cells, or other debris that could adversely affect the results? | back 41 Urethra |
front 42 Which of the following urine samples is the best for testing because the urine, having been in the bladder overnight, is the most concentrated specimen? | back 42 the first morning specimen |
front 43 Which of the following is the first step in collecting a specimen for testing? | back 43 verify the correct patient |
front 44 Catheterization includes the introduction of a sterile plastic tube into the | back 44 bladder |
front 45 Which is a specialized type of urine collection that is indicated when the patient is unable to void? | back 45 Catheterization |
front 46 For the collection of specimens for substance abuse analysis and chain of custody, patients should be informed that all drugs that have been consumed within the _______ prior to testing are likely to be revealed by the test, even including over the counter (OTC) medications. | back 46 30 days |
front 47 What method is used to collect a urine specimen from an infant? | back 47 collection bag |
front 48 What is added to the toilet prior to the patient entering the bathroom facility for the collection of specimens for substance abuse analysis and chain of custody? | back 48 bluing |
front 49 females 10 to 20 hpf | back 49 WBCs |
front 50 Males 0 | back 50 RBCs |
front 51 Few to moderate | back 51 Epithelial cells |
front 52 Non to slight | back 52 bacteria |
front 53 slight | back 53 mucus |
front 54 Which of the following is immediately checked following collection and recorded with the patient observing you? | back 54 Temperature of the specimen |
front 55 What type of specimen is used in most POLs for home pregnancy tests and screening tests? | back 55 urine |
front 56 If a urine pregnancy test is determined to be negative, which of the patient's levels must be tested in order to determine how concentrated the urine is? | back 56 specific gravity |
front 57 Which of the following should a patient be advised to avoid starting seven days before obtaining a fecal blood test? | back 57 aspirin |
front 58 What is NOT included in the physical testing of the urine specimen? | back 58 protein |
front 59 orange | back 59 pyridium |
front 60 red | back 60 blood |
front 61 green | back 61 jaundice |
front 62 brown | back 62 old blood |
front 63 blue | back 63 certain medications |
front 64 Which of the following is the normal pH for urine? | back 64 5.0 to 7.0 |
front 65 Cancer is detected in the sputum specimen using the same stain used for the detection of cancer of the cervix in women. Which of the following stains is used? | back 65 Papanicolaou stain |
front 66 What time of day is best for collecting a sputum specimen? | back 66 First thing in the morning |
front 67 Throat cultures are usually inoculated to blood agar and chocolate agar; if strep is present in the specimen, the blood agar will show________ which assists the microbiologist in determining the strain of Streptococci. | back 67 hemolysis |
front 68 Which organisms are rod-shaped? | back 68 bacilli |