front 1 Consciousness | back 1 Person’s subjective |
front 2 Experience | back 2 ones ability to feel pain, pleasure, |
front 3 Agency | back 3 ones ability for self-control, planning, memory or thought |
front 4 Full Consciousness | back 4 Consciousness in which you know and are able to report your mental state |
front 5 Self-Consciousness | back 5 Distinct level of consciousness in which the person’s attention is drawn to the self as an object |
front 6 Minimal Consciousness | back 6 Low-level kind of sensory awareness and responsiveness that occurs when the mind inputs sensations and may output behavior |
front 7 Daydreaming | back 7 the act of refocusing attention from one's external surroundings to one's inner thoughts and imagination |
front 8 Mental Control | back 8 Attempt to change conscious |
front 9 Thought Suppression | back 9 Conscious avoidance of |
front 10 Ironic Processes of Mental Control | back 10 Mental processes that can producec ironic errors because monitoring
for |
front 11 The Rebound Effect of Thought Suppression | back 11 Tendency of a thought to return to consciousness with greater frequency following suppression |
front 12 Dynamic Unconscious | back 12 Active system encompassing a lifetime of hidden memories, the
person’s deepest instincts and desires, and the |
front 13 Repression | back 13 Mental process that removes unacceptable thoughts and
memories |
front 14 Cognitive Unconsciousness | back 14 Mental processes that give rise to a person’s thoughts, choices,
emotions, and behavior even though they |
front 15 Subliminal Stimuli | back 15 a thought or behavior that is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot consciously report perceiving; controversial Unconscious processing can help or hurt decision making. |
front 16 Altered State of Consciousness | back 16 Forms of experience that depart from the normal subjective experience of the world and the mind |
front 17 Beta Waves | back 17 high-frequency, low-amplitude brain waves that are commonly observed in an awaken state |
front 18 Sleep Stage 1 | back 18 ![]() lightest sleep – just starting to “nod off;” alpha waves |
front 19 Sleep Stage 2 | back 19 ![]() muscles more relaxed, breathing/heart rate slower, harder to awaken; theta waves |
front 20 Sleep Stage 3 | back 20 ![]() transitional stage from light to deep |
front 21 Sleep Stage 4 | back 21 ![]() deepest sleep; almost pure delta wave activity |
front 22 Slow-wave Sleep (Slow-wave deprivation) | back 22 Affects mood (irritable) , forgetful |
front 23 Delta Waves | back 23 the slowest brain waves in humans, with a frequency of 1–3 Hz. |
front 24 Stage 5/REM Sleep (REM deprivation) | back 24 relatively light sleep; alpha waves |
front 25 When do we sleep less as people? | back 25 Sleep patterns tend to change as you age |
front 26 Insomnia | back 26 Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep |
front 27 Sleep Apnea | back 27 Person stops breathing for brief periods while asleep |
front 28 Somnambulism (sleep walking) | back 28 Occurs when the person arises and walks around during sleep |
front 29 Narcolepsy | back 29 Sudden sleep attacks occur in the middle of waking activities |
front 30 Night Terrors | back 30 Abrupt awakenings with panic and intense emotional arousal |
front 31 Dream Consciousness (Illogical) | back 31 the continuities of time, place, and person don't apply. You may find you are in one place and then another |
front 32 Freud (Hidden Wishes) | back 32 Manifest content: Dream’s apparent topic or superficial
meaning |
front 33 Activation Synthesis | back 33 Theory that dreams are produced when the brain attempts to make sense of activations that occur randomly during sleep |
front 34 Depressants | back 34 Substances that reduce the |
front 35 Stimulants | back 35 Substances that excite the CNS, |
front 36 Narcotics | back 36 Highly addictive drugs |
front 37 Hallucinogens | back 37 Drugs that alter sensation and perception and often cause visual and auditory hallucinations |
front 38 Marijuana | back 38 Leaves and buds of the hemp plant that produces an intoxication that
is |