front 1 Translate the term phacoscope as literally as possible. | back 1 Instrument for looking at the lens |
front 2 Translate the medical term xerophthalmia as literally as possible. | back 2 Dry eyes |
front 3 What is the medical term for a hearing aid? | back 3 Auditory prosthesis |
front 4 Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the ear." | back 4 Otoplasty |
front 5 Select the correct definition for the term cerumen impaction. | back 5 Buildup of earwax blocking the ear canal |
front 6 Translate the term audiogram as literally as possible. | back 6 Hearing record |
front 7 Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the eye." | back 7 Oculoplasty |
front 8 Translate the medical term asthenopia as literally as possible. | back 8 Weak vision condition |
front 9 Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term blepharoptosis? | back 9 blepharo (eyelid) + ptosis (drooping)= drooping eyelid |
front 10 Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term rhinosalpingitis? | back 10 rhino (nose) + salping (eustachian tube) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes |
front 11 Translate the medical term ophthalmopathy as literally as possible. | back 11 Eye disease |
front 12 Translate the root lacrim/o. | back 12 Tear |
front 13 Translate the term vitrectomy as literally as possible. | back 13 Removal of vitreous liquid from the eye |
front 14 Read the excerpt from this patient’s health record: HPI Which of the following statements is TRUE? | back 14 The patient was diagnosed with a cataract, cloudiness of the lens of the eye. |
front 15 Read this patient’s discharge diagnosis, as follows: | back 15 end (in, inside) + ophthalm (eye) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation inside the eye |
front 16 Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cycloplegic? | back 16 cyclo (ciliary body) + pleg (paralysis) + ic (pertaining to) = a drug that paralyzes the ciliary body |
front 17 Which root refers to the innermost part of the ear that contains both the cochlea, which controls hearing, and the vestibular system, which controls balance? | back 17 labyrinth/o |
front 18 Read the following information from the patient’s health record: Physical Exam Which of the following is TRUE given this information? | back 18 The medical professional performing the physical exam washed the external ear canal. WRONG Answer: Right canal blocked with ear wax. |
front 19 Which of the following statements is TRUE about the abbreviation AD? | back 19 It stands for auris dextra, and refers to the right ear. |