Translate the term phacoscope as literally as possible.
Instrument for looking at the lens
Translate the medical term xerophthalmia as literally as possible.
Dry eyes
What is the medical term for a hearing aid?
Auditory prosthesis
Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the ear."
Select the correct definition for the term cerumen impaction.
Buildup of earwax blocking the ear canal
Translate the term audiogram as literally as possible.
Hearing record
Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the eye."
Translate the medical term asthenopia as literally as possible.
Weak vision condition
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term blepharoptosis?
blepharo (eyelid) + ptosis (drooping)= drooping eyelid
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term rhinosalpingitis?
rhino (nose) + salping (eustachian tube) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes
Translate the medical term ophthalmopathy as literally as possible.
Eye disease
Translate the root lacrim/o.
Translate the term vitrectomy as literally as possible.
Removal of vitreous liquid from the eye
Read the excerpt from this patient’s health record:
Ms. Cloud is a 58-year-old woman who first presented to
her ophthamologist with c/o leukocoria. She was also noted to have
nystagmus and strabismus. She was diagnosed with a cataract. She was
treated surgically with cataract extraction and lens implantation. She
was admitted to the hospital on 6/23/2015 for postoperative observation.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
The patient was diagnosed with a cataract, cloudiness of the lens of the eye.
Read this patient’s discharge diagnosis, as follows:
Patient Name: Ms. Susan Cloud
Date of Admission: 6/23/15
Date of Discharge: 6/28/15
Admission Diagnosis
Cataract extraction
Discharge Diagnosis
Post-cataract extraction
2. Endophthalmitis
Discharge Condition
Infectious disease
According to this patient’s discharge
diagnosis, she has endophthalmitis. What is the correct
breakdown of this medical term?
end (in, inside) + ophthalm (eye) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation inside the eye
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cycloplegic?
cyclo (ciliary body) + pleg (paralysis) + ic (pertaining to) = a drug that paralyzes the ciliary body
Which root refers to the innermost part of the ear that contains both the cochlea, which controls hearing, and the vestibular system, which controls balance?
Read the following information from the patient’s health record:
Physical Exam
RR: 24; HR: 88; Temp: 99.9; BP: 98/68.
Well-developed 4y/o in no acute distress.
HEENT: Normocephalic.
PERRLA. No conjunctival erythema; mild clear nasal discharge; right
canal blocked with cerumen—after ceruminolytic placed and canal clear,
the tympanic membrane was seen. It was erythematous and full. Some
mild tympanosclerosis of TM noted; the left ear was erythematous and
full. Mild mastoidalgia on the left, but the ear is not displaced
CV: RRR without murmur.
Resp: CTA.
Which of the following is TRUE given this information?

The medical professional performing the physical exam washed the external ear canal.
Answer: Right canal blocked with ear wax.
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the abbreviation AD?
It stands for auris dextra, and refers to the right ear.