front 1 to wash the clothes | back 1 lavar la ropa |
front 2 to clean the bathroom | back 2 limpiar el baño |
front 3 to vacuum | back 3 pasar la aspiradora |
front 4 to iron | back 4 planchar |
front 5 to set the table | back 5 poner la mesa |
front 6 to clear the table | back 6 quitar la mesa |
front 7 to wash the dishes | back 7 lavar los platos |
front 8 to feed the cat | back 8 dar de comer al gato |
front 9 to feed the dog | back 9 dar de comer al perro |
front 10 to dust | back 10 quitar al polvo |
front 11 to make the bed | back 11 hacer la cama |
front 12 to take out the trash | back 12 sacar la basura |
front 13 to need | back 13 necesitar |
front 14 to have to | back 14 tener que |
front 15 should | back 15 deber |