front 1 Which layer of the skin - dermis or epidermis - is better nourished? | back 1 The dermis is connective tissue, which is vascular, so its cells would be better nourished than those of the epidermis, which is avasular epithelium. |
front 2 While walking barefoot, Jeremy stepped on a rusty nail that penetrated the epidermis. Name the layers the nail pierced from the superficial skin surface to the junction with the dermis. | back 2 Since the sole of the foot has thick skin, the layers from most superficial to deepest would be the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinsosum, and stratum basale. |
front 3 What is the major function of the stratum basale? | back 3 The stratum basale undergoes almost continuous mitosis to replace cells lost by abrasion. |
front 4 Why are the desmosomes and tight junctions connecting the keratinocytes so important? | back 4 The skin is subjected to a lot of abrasion and physical trauma. The demosomes, which are connecting junctions, help to hold the cells together during such stress. The tight junction helps to reduce water movement through the skin. |
front 5 Suppose that the dead cells of the stratum corneum did not shed from your body, but rather stuck to it and continued to accumulate. What problems might this cause? | back 5 Some possible answers to this question are: 1. You would either be unable to grow, or there would be big cracks in the stratum corneum as you grow. 2. The thickness of the skin would impede joint movement so it would be hard to move. 3. You could not be able to lose heat through your skin as effectively as you do now. 4. Your skin would be very heavy to carry around after a while. |
front 6 What typoe of tissue makes up the papillary and reticular dermis? | back 6 The papillary dermis consist of areolar connective tissue, and the reticular dermis consist of dense irregular connective tissue. |
front 7 You have just gotten a paper cut. It is very painful, but it doesn't bleed. Has the cut penetrated into the dermis or just the epidermis? | back 7 Because there is no bleeding, the cut has penetrated into the avascular epidermis only. |
front 8 Stefan's front bike tire slipped on a patch of gravel as he road to work. He needed five stitches to close the cut above his left eye. The split skin ran along the cleavage line. Is Stephan likely to have a major scar or is the wound likely to heal cleanly? Explain | back 8 Since Stefan's wound runs along a cleavage line, it is likely to heal much more cleanly than it would if it ran perpendicular in the cleavage lines. |
front 9 chart of dermis and epidermis labeled | back 9 ![]() |
front 10 Melanin and carotene are two pigments that contribute to skin color. What is the third and where is it found? | back 10 The third pigment that contributes to skin color is hemoglobin, the pigment contained in read blood cells found in blood vessels of the dermis. |
front 11 Which alteration in skin color may indicate a liver disorder? | back 11 Jaundice, a yellow cast to the skin due to the deposit of yellow bile pigments in the body tissues, may indicate a liver disorder. |
front 12 Why is having you hair cut painless? | back 12 There are no nerves in the hair, so cutting hair is painless. |
front 13 Hair follicle diagram | back 13 ![]() |
front 14 What are the three concentric regions of the hair follicle? | back 14 ![]() |
front 15 Why is the lunule of the nail white instead of pink like the rest of the nail? | back 15 The lunule of the nail is white because the thick nail matrix that underlies it blocks the rosy color of the dermal blood supply from showing through. |
front 16 Why are nails so hard? | back 16 Nails are hard because the keratin they contain is the hard keratin variety. |
front 17 Which cutaneous glands are associated with hair follicles? | back 17 Sebaceous glands and apocrine glands are associated with hair follicles. |
front 18 When Anthony returned home from a run in 85 degree weather, his face was dripping with sweat. Why? | back 18 His autonomic nervous system activated his eccrine sweat glands and caused heat-induced sweating in order to cool the body. |
front 19 What is the difference between heat-induced sweating and "cold sweat", and which variety of sweat glands is involved? | back 19 Heat-induced sweating occurs all over the body when we are overheated. A cold sweat is emotionally induced sweating that begins on the palms, soles, and armpits and then spreads to other body areas. Both types of sweating are primarily produced by the eccrine sweat glands. |
front 20 Sebaceous glands are not found in thick skin. Why is their absence in those body regions desirable? | back 20 The palms of the hands and soles of the feet are thick skin areas. It would be dangerous to have oily soles, and oily palms would decrease the ability of the hands to hang onto things. |
front 21 What chemicals produced in the skin help provide barriers to bacteria? List at least 3 and explain how the chemicals are protective. | back 21 The low pH of the skin secretions (acid mantle) inhibits division of bacteria, and many bacteria are killed by dermcidin in sweat, bactericidal substances in sebum, or natural antibiotics called defensins produced by skin cells. Damaged skin secretes cathelicidins that are effective against a certain strain of strep bacteria. |
front 22 Which epidermal cells play a role in body immunity? | back 22 The epidermal dendritic cells play a role in body immunity |
front 23 How is sunlight important to bone health? | back 23 Sunlight causes the skin to produce a precursor of vitamin D from cholesterol. Vitamin D is essential for absorption of calcium from the diet, and calcium is a major component of bone. |
front 24 When blood vessels in the dermis constrict or dilate to help maintain body temperature, which type of muscle tissue that you learned about in histology acts as the effector that causes blood vessel dilation or constriction? | back 24 The effector in this case is smooth muscle |
front 25 Which type of skin cancer develops from the youngest epidermal cells? | back 25 Basal cell carcinoma develops from the youngest epidermal cells |
front 26 What name is given to the rule for recognizing the signs of melanoma? | back 26 The ABCD rule helps one to recognize signs of melanoma |
front 27 The healing of burns and epidermal regeneration is usually uneventful unless the burn is a third-degree burn. What accounts for this difference? | back 27 First and second degree burns can be healed uneventfully by regeneration of epidermal cells as long as infection does not occur. Third degree burns destroy the entire depth of skin and regeneration is usually not possible. Infection and loss of body fluid and proteins make recovery problematic. |
front 28 Although the anterior head and face represent only a small percentage of the body surface, burns to this area are often more serious than those to the body trunk. Why? | back 28 Burns to the face are serious because damage to the respiratory passageways can occur in such burns. |
front 29 Which epidermal cell type is most numerous? | back 29 keratinocyte |
front 30 Which cell functions as part of the immune system? | back 30 dendritic cell |
front 31 The epidermis provides a physical barrier due largely to the presence of? | back 31 keratin |
front 32 Skin color is determined by? | back 32 a. the amount of blood b. pigments c. oxygenation level of blood |
front 33 The sensations of touch and pressure are picked up by receptors located in? | back 33 the dermis |
front 34 Which is not a true statement about the papillary dermis? a. it is largely areolar connective tissue b. it is most responsible for the toughness of the skin c. it contains nerve endings that respond to stimuli d. it is highly vascular | back 34 b. it is most responsible for the toughness of the skin |
front 35 Which of the following is not an epidermal derivative? a. hair b. sweat gland c. sensory receptor d. sebaceous gland | back 35 c. sensory receptor |
front 36 An arrector pili muscle? | back 36 can cause a hair to stand up straight |
front 37 The product of this type of sweat gland includes protein and lipid substances that become odoriferous as a result of bacterial action? | back 37 apocrine gland |
front 38 Sebum | back 38 a. lubricates the surface of the skin and hair b. consists of cell fragments and fatty substances c. in excess may cause seborrhea |
front 39 The rule of nines is helpful clinically in? | back 39 estimating the extent of a burn |
front 40 Distinguish clearly between first, second and third degree burns. | back 40 First degree burns damage only the epidermis, second degree burns damage the epidermis and the upper region of the dermis, and third degree burns damage the entire thickness of the skin (the entire epidermis and dermis) |
front 41 Why does skin wrinkle and what accelerates the wrinkling process? | back 41 Wrinkling is due to the loss of the elasticity of the skin along with the loss of the subcutaneous tissue, and is hastened by exposure to the sun. |
front 42 Which epidermal cells contain keratonhyaline and lamellar granules? | back 42 Stratum granulosum, 3-5 cell layers, contains diamond shaped cells with keratohyalin granules and lamellar granules. |
front 43 Is a bald man really hairless? Explain | back 43 No, the follicular growth cycles become so short that many hairs never even emerge from their follicles before shedding. |
front 44 Count Dracula, the most famous vampire, rumored to have killed at least 200k people, was based on a real person who lived in eastern Europe about 600 years ago. he was indeed a monster, although he was not a real vampire. The historical Count Dracula may have suffered from? | back 44 (a) Porphyria- Certain enzymes needed to form the heme of hemoglobin of blood are lacking. Without the enzymes, metabolic intermediates of the heme pathway called porphyrins build up, spill into the circulation, and eventually cause lesions throughout the body, especially when exposed to sunlight. The fingers, toes, and nose are disfigured, gums degenerate and teeth become prominent. |
front 45 On an outline diagram of the human body, mark off various regions according to the rule of nines. What percentage of the total body surface is effected if the skin over the following body parts is burned? | back 45 ![]() Several methods are available to estimate the percentage of total body surface area burned. Rule of Nines - The head represents 9%, each arm is 9%, the anterior chest and abdomen are 18%, the posterior chest and back are 18%, each leg is 18%, and the perineum is 1% |
front 46 Dean, a 40-year old aging beach boy, is complaining to you that although his suntan made him popular when he was young, now his face is all wrinkled, and he has several darkly pigmented moles that are growing rapidly and are as big as large coins. He shows you the moles, and immediately you think "ABCD". What does that mean and why should he be concerned? | back 46 ![]() ABCD the rule for melanoma recognition. |
front 47 Patients with third-degree burns demonstrate the loss of vital functions performed by the skin. What are the two most important problems encountered clinically with such patients? Explain each in terms of the absence of skin. | back 47 The two most important problems encountered clinically with a victim
of third-degree burns |
front 48 You go to the beach to swim on an extremely hot, sunny summer afternoon. Describe two ways in which your integumentary system acts to preserve homeostasis during your outing. | back 48 Chemical barriers of protection: Melanin provides a chemical pigment
shield to prevent UV damage to skin cells. |
front 49 Describe the process of hair formation, and list several factors that may influence a. growth cycles b. hair texture | back 49 Each follicle goes through growth cycles. In the regressive phase, the hair matrix cells die and the follicle base and hair bulb shrivel somewhat, dragging the hair papilla upward to abut the region of the follicle that does not regress. The follicle enters a resting phase for one to three months. The cycling part of the follicle regenerates and the matrix proliferates again and forms a new hair to replace the old one that has fallen out or will be pushed out by the new hair. |
front 50 Explain each of these familiar phenomena in terms of what you learned in this chapter. a. pimples b. dandruff c. greasy hair and "skinny nose" d. stretch marks from gaining weight e. freckles | back 50 (a) Accumulated sebum blocks a sebaceous gland duct, a white head
appears. If the material oxidizes and dries, it darkens to form a
blackhead. |
front 51 Why are there no skin cancers that originate from stratum corneum cells? | back 51 Because the cells in the stratum corneum are dead. |
front 52 A man got his finger caught in a machine at the factory. The damage was less serious than expected, but the entire nail was torn off his right index finger. The parts lost were the body, root, bed, matrix, and eponychium of the nail. First, define each of these parts. Then, tell if this nail is likely to grow back. | back 52 Body- visible attached portion |
front 53 Mrs. Gaucher received second-degree burns on her abdomen when she dropped a kettle of boiling water. She asked her doctor if she would need a skin graft. What do you think he told her? | back 53 Very serious deep second and full-thickness burns require skin graft surgery for quick healing and minimal scarring. In the case of large burn size, patients will need more than one operation during a hospital stay. |
front 54 Integumentary System | back 54 Includes skin, nails, hair, glands (ceruminous = earwax; sebaceous = oil around hair follicles; sudoriferous = sweat glands) |
front 55 Study of the integumenty system is | back 55 Dermatology |
front 56 Integument is only made up of | back 56 epidermis and dermis |
front 57 Functions of skin include | back 57 resist trauma; resist dehydration, vitamin D synthesis: protects from UV lights; participates in thermoregulation; involved in sensatoin of touch/temperature/pressure; useful in nonverbal communication. |
front 58 Vitamin D synthesis | back 58 First state in production of vitamin D3 called cholecalciferol is synthesized from a derivative of the steroid cholesterol in the skin |
front 59 Thermoregulation | back 59 Lose excess heat from and keeps from loss of heat when needed to be retained. |
front 60 Epidermis | back 60 Made up of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium lakes blood vessels - avascular |
front 61 Layers of Epidermis | back 61 Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidem, stratum corneum |
front 62 Stratum Basale | back 62 contains stem cells which form all cells above them |
front 63 Stratum Spinosum | back 63 named for the look in histology preps which is an artifact of preservation |
front 64 Langerhans cells | back 64 Antigen presenting cells of immune system found in stratum spinosum |
front 65 Stratum Granulosum | back 65 This layer is slowly replacing the cell contents with keratin as granules |
front 66 Stratum Lucidem | back 66 Only found in thick skin!!!! Lucidem means clear |
front 67 Stratum Corneum | back 67 the top layer of completely dead cells, completely filled with keratin. therefore, waterproof and dead... so can resist abraision |
front 68 Dermis | back 68 Connective tissue Contains: pressure sensors, i.e. Messiner's corpulsles and Merkel Discs: Blood vesselsL hair roots (but the hair lies in a follicle which is invagination of the epidermis into the dermis): contains Sudoriferous and sebaceous glandsL contains Erector Pili muscles to goosebumps Broken collagen in this connective tissue layer cause Striae (stretch marks) |
front 69 Hypodermis | back 69 Not part of the integument is made up of connective tissue Contains: Adipose tissue (fat) and largest blood vessels is where you deliver injectables when they are given subcutaneously also termed hypodermal injection |
front 70 Two types of normal pigments which contribute to color of a person's skin | back 70 Eumelanin Pheomelanin |
front 71 Eumelanin for skin | back 71 Eu means "true"; so its considered true melanin, therefore brownish black colored. |
front 72 Pheomelanin for skin | back 72 which either contributes a reddish or a yellowish coloration to skin |
front 73 Other normal factors affecting skin color include | back 73 Hemoglobin Carotene |
front 74 Hemoglobin for skin | back 74 gives pink undertones |
front 75 Carotene for skin | back 75 found in yellow to orange vegatables which make skin orange like |
front 76 Abnormal skin colors and their cause include | back 76 Cyanosis Erythema Pallor Albinism Jaundice Hemotomia |
front 77 Cyanosis is | back 77 due to a low oxygen carriage in the blood |
front 78 Erythema is | back 78 abnormal redness, sunburn, anger, embarassment, exercise, etc. |
front 79 Pallor is | back 79 a pale gray color termed "ashen" which normally means they are just about to pass out |
front 80 Albinism is | back 80 a genetic inability to make pigment to color skin |
front 81 Jaundice is | back 81 due to accumulation of unbrokendown hemoglobin because the liver isn't functioning properly |
front 82 Hematomia is | back 82 a bruise which is blood outside of the blood vessels wrongfully |
front 83 Friction Ridges | back 83 what we all call finger prints and these form in the womb before birth due to differences in temperature |
front 84 Freckles | back 84 flat areas of skin which are intensely pigmented |
front 85 Moles | back 85 More correctly termed Nevi ( one is a nevus) these are heaped up piles of pigmented cells of skin which can occur for several reasons including a tumor of skin or viral infection of skin cells |
front 86 Hemogiomas | back 86 commonly called birth marks, these normally grow larger in children up till past the toddler stage of growth and then they normally start to shrink, therefore most of the time nothing is done about removal unless they block the eye being able to open. occlusion of sight for long periods of time can result in loss of vision so those birthmarks are considered for removal |
front 87 Hair | back 87 hair is a pilus, several hair are pili |
front 88 Lanugo | back 88 hair found on infants before time for birth |
front 89 vellus hair | back 89 after birth we have soft hair on our body |
front 90 Terminal hair | back 90 normally more pigmented, which is longer and coarser. |
front 91 determinate hair | back 91 grows to certain lengths and stops growing |
front 92 indeterminate hair | back 92 continues to grow, like the hair on our head or beard hair |
front 93 Shaft hair | back 93 part of the hair above the skin surface |
front 94 Root hair | back 94 the part of the hair below the skin surface |
front 95 Bulb | back 95 beginning of the root closest to the skins dermis where blood vessels and nerve connect to the hair |
front 96 The shape of the hair itself gives your hair it's texture | back 96 Round - straight Oval - wavey |
front 97 Nails | back 97 Just know the whiter crescent moon shape nearest your finger is the "lunule" and the pink nail bed is the "body" and the white tip is the "free edge" and that the nail has a root which is back up under the skin beside the lunula |
front 98 Basal Cell Carcinoma | back 98 the most common skin cancer, seldom metastases, due to cell of stratum basale becoming cancerous often has a central depression and is pearly in appearance. |
front 99 Squamous Cell Carcinoma | back 99 due to cells of stratum spinosum becoming cancerous, often raised and reddened and scaly, can metastasize over a long time |
front 100 Melanoma | back 100 due to melanocytes becoming cancerous. Normally over 7mm wide (width of a No.2 pencil eraser) irregular bordered, and very dark in color. Often metastasizes and most people who find these do not survive but a few years. Like 2-5 years due to metastasis to major organs away from initial tumor before they even know the melanoma is there |
front 101 Causes of burns | back 101 chemical, fire, sun |
front 102 First Degree Burn | back 102 involves only the epidermis and appears red, swollen (edema) and is painful... like a sunburn |
front 103 Second Degree Burn | back 103 involves the epidermis and part of the dermis... also known as a partial thickness burn... involves blistering and very painful, can be many colors, can scar |
front 104 Third Degree Burn | back 104 involves epidermis and all the way through the dermis therefore called "full thickness burn" (which means it burns off the nerve endings therefore they don't feel the pain... which is a sign that the extent of damage is severe) and often cause of accidental death.... often requires skin grafts... if it goes to the bone they may refer to it as a 4th degree burn. |
front 105 ![]() Skin Structure | back 105 ![]() |
front 106 ![]() Epidermal Cells and Layers of the Epidermis | back 106 ![]() |
front 107 Light micrograph of the dermis | back 107 ![]() |
front 108 Cleavage Lines | back 108 ![]() |
front 109 Flexure lines | back 109 ![]() |
front 110 Friction Ridges | back 110 ![]() |