Patient Care in Imaging Technology: Chapter 15 Pharmacology - Test Flashcards

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updated 11 years ago by Annabelle
sonography, medical, allied health services, radiological & ultrasound technology
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Which of the following are aspects of drug administration the sonographer is expected to know.

A) the indications and contraindications for its use
B) the side effects
C) the safe dose
D) the safe route
E) all of the above

E) all of the above


True or False?

The radiographer who administers a drug incorrectly is not held liable for the error.



Drugs that must bear the legend “caution: federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription” include the following:

A) Hypnotics and narcotics
B) Alternative drugs
C) All diet drugs
D) All analgesics

A) Hypnotics and narcotics


True or False

Alternative dietary and herbal supplements are classified as food, not drugs.



Define drug dependence and drug addiction.

reliance of a drug from psychological or physiologic reasons


The alternative name for Valium is diazepam. Valium is:

A) The trade name
B) The generic name
C) The chemical name

A) The trade name


If the radiographer is required to administer a drug with which he is not familiar, he must seek information prior to administering the drug. He would seek such information in which of the following reference books?

A) The encyclopedia
B) The radiographer’s textbook
C) The Physician’s Desk Reference
D) From his colleague
E) From the Los Angeles Times

C) The Physician’s Desk Reference


Drugs given by mouth are generally given in larger doses. This is because:

A) They absorb more slowly
B) They absorb more rapidly
C) They are unreliable
D) Larger doses ensure that some of the drug will remain to perform the intended effect

A) They absorb more slowly


True or False?

A damaged or absent drug surface alters the time it takes a drug to reach its intended site



For a drug to reach its therapeutic effect more quickly, a physician might order:

A) A larger initial dose, and later smaller doses
B) A smaller initial dose, then a larger dose
C) A bolus
D) A maximizing dose

A) A larger initial dose, and later smaller doses


Marjorie Merriweather takes oral morphine for chronic pain. After taking the prescribed dosage for 2 weeks, she notices that it no longer seems to be controlling the pain. This reaction is called:

A) Addiction
B) Dependency
C) Tolerance
D) An adverse reaction

C) Tolerance


Two drugs must never be mixed in the same syringe for administration before checking their:

A) Effectiveness
B) Correct dosage
C) Compatibility
D) Expiration dates

C) Compatibility


Drug absorption varies from person to person. The efficiency of drug absorption is largely dependent on:

A) The time of day
B) The sex of the individual
C) The absorptive surface available
D) The type of drug

C) The absorptive surface available


True or False

Drugs given orally are not affected by the first-pass effect.



Factors that may influence the effect of a drug are:

A) Age and weight
B) Sex and time of day
C) Medication history and the patient’s temperament
D) a and b are correct
E) a, b, and c are correct

E) a, b, and c are correct


Factors the radiographer must consider before administering a drug to a patient include:

A) The age of the patient
B) The gender of the patient
C) The patient’s health status
D) a and b are correct
E) a, b, and c are correct

E) a, b, and c are correct


True or False?

Contrast agents are categorized as drugs. This is because they are absorbed into the systemic circulation and may produce a physiologic response on the body.



The physiologic effect of a contrast agent on the patient’s body that may create an adverse reaction when administered is due to:

A) Its low viscosity as compared to other drugs
B) The fact that it is isotonic
C) Its high viscosity, which prompts a sudden shift in body fluid from the interstitial spaces and cells into the systemic circulation
D) Its shift of fluid into the interstitial spaces and cells related to its high viscosity

C) Its high viscosity, which prompts a sudden shift in body fluid from the interstitial spaces and cells into the systemic circulation


Expected side effects of contrast agents administered by intravascular route are:

A) Feeling of warmth and flushing
B) Feeling of being short of breath
C) Metallic taste in mouth
D) Complaints of itching
E) a and c are correct

E) a and c are correct


List obligations of the radiographer before he begins administering a contrast agent.

obtain detailed assessment
prepare for any reaction that might occur
prepare the patient emotionally


A patient is receiving an intravenous contrast agent by bolus intravenous injection. The patient begins to complain of nausea, itching around his eyes, feeling dizzy, and a headache. The radiographer decides the patient is having:

A) Side effects from the injection
B) A vasovagal reaction
C) A mild adverse reaction
D) A severe adverse reaction
E) A moderate adverse reaction

C) A mild adverse reaction


If coldness and swelling at the site of an intrvenous infusion are observed, the radiographer must:

A) Call a code
B) Stop the infusion and apply cold or warm compresses
C) Inform the patient that this is a normal occurrence
D) Attempt to restart the IV

B) Stop the infusion and apply cold or warm compresses


List the five rights of drug administration.

the right drug
the right dosage
the right route
the right patient
the right time



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

F) as necessary



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

C) every day



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

B) at once



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

D) intravenous



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

A) milliliter



A) milliliter
B) at once
C) every day
D) intravenous
E) by mouth
F) as necessary

E) by mouth


Which of the following is not required item in the sonographer's charting if he administers a drug?

A) the sonographer's signature
B) the drug name
C) the patient's signature
D) The time given
E) the dose and route of adminstration

C) the patient's signature


All drugs given by parenteral routes are given using:

A) Medical aseptic technique
B) Surgical aseptic technique

B) Surgical aseptic technique


List the items that must be included in the incident report if a drug is administered in error.

dosage administered
name of incorrect drug
patients reaction
how remedied


Discuss the precautions that must be taken when administering a drug to an elderly person.

tension of tourniquet
potential for dehydration
size of needle
condition of the veins


Discuss the precautions that must be taken when administering a drug to a child.

emotional state
finding suitable vein
size of needle
having peds specialist administer
adverse reactions
need for extreme vigilance
correct emergency equipment at hand
need for child to be fully awake before discharge


A ____ drug is one that is designed for or involving local application and action



Which of the following is not a variable the physician considers when selecting a contrast agent for use?

A) The viscosity
B) the ionic strength
C) its persistence in the body
D) its ability to stay separate from body fluids
E) the osmolality

D) its ability to stay separate from body fluids


The method of drug action on living tissues

A) half-life
B) clearance rate
C) Pharmacodynamics
D) Metabolism
E) Side Effects

C) Pharmacodynamics


The rate of drug removal from the body

A) half-life
B) clearance rate
C) Pharmacodynamics
D) Metabolism
E) Side Effects

B) clearance rate


Unintended but nontoxic effect of a drug

A) half-life
B) clearance rate
C) Pharmacodynamics
D) Metabolism
E) Side Effects

E) Side Effects


The time it takes for a 50% decrease in a drug's presence in the body

A) half-life
B) clearance rate
C) Pharmacodynamics
D) Metabolism
E) Side Effects

A) half-life


The process by which the body alters the chemical structure of a drug

A) half-life
B) clearance rate
C) Pharmacodynamics
D) Metabolism
E) Side Effects

D) Metabolism


Within the gastrointestinal tract

A) Intra-articular
B) Intralesional
C) Intra-arterial
D) Enteral
E) Intracardiac

D) Enteral


Within a lesion or wound

A) Intra-articular
B) Intralesional
C) Intra-arterial
D) Enteral
E) Intracardiac

B) Intralesional


Within a cavity of a joint

A) Intra-articular
B) Intralesional
C) Intra-arterial
D) Enteral
E) Intracardiac

A) Intra-articular


Within the chambers of the heart

A) Intra-articular
B) Intralesional
C) Intra-arterial
D) Enteral
E) Intracardiac

E) Intracardiac


Within the artery

A) Intra-articular
B) Intralesional
C) Intra-arterial
D) Enteral
E) Intracardiac

C) Intra-arterial


The first 3 months of pregnancy is considered the first ______ of pregnancy.



_____ indicates fluid passing out of a blood vessel and into surrounding tissues



Drug absorption varies from person to person. The efficiency of drug absorption is largely dependent on:

A) The absorptive surface available
B) the time of day
C) the sex of the person
D) the type of drug

A) The absorptive surface available


An acute disease condition that presents with an extremely low number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes

A) Hypokalemia
B) Thrombocytopenia
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Thyrotoxicosis
E) Agranulocytosis

E) Agranulocytosis


An abnormally low concentration of potassium ions in the bloodstream

A) Hypokalemia
B) Thrombocytopenia
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Thyrotoxicosis
E) Agranulocytosis

A) Hypokalemia


A disease state related to excess amounts of thyroid hormone

A) Hypokalemia
B) Thrombocytopenia
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Thyrotoxicosis
E) Agranulocytosis

D) Thyrotoxicosis


An abnormally small number of platelets in the circulating blood

A) Hypokalemia
B) Thrombocytopenia
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Thyrotoxicosis
E) Agranulocytosis

B) Thrombocytopenia


Reduced amount of thyroid hormone leading to a disease process

A) Hypokalemia
B) Thrombocytopenia
C) Hypothyroidism
D) Thyrotoxicosis
E) Agranulocytosis

C) Hypothyroidism