Human Anatomy & Physiology: Quiz - Bones & Skeletal Tissue Flashcards

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created 12 years ago by gobugin
Chapter 6 quiz
updated 12 years ago by gobugin
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anatomy and physiology 1, education, teaching methods & materials, science & technology, medical, anatomy, physiology
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Important bone functions include:
A. support of the pelvic organs
B. protection of the brain
C. providing levers for movement of the limbs
D. protection of the skin and limb musculature
E. storage of water

A. support of the pelvic organs
B. protection of the brain
C. providing levers for movement of the limbs


Which of the following are correctly matched:
A. Short bone- wrist
B. Long bone- leg
C. Irregular bone- sternum
D. Flat bone- cranium

A. Short bone- wrist
B. Long bone- leg
D. Flat bone- cranium


Terms that can be associated with any type of bone include:
A. periosteum
B. diaphysis
C. diploe
D. cancellous bone
E. medullary cavity

A. periosteum
D. cancellous bone


Which would be common location of osteoblasts?
A. Osteogenic layer of periosteum
B. Lining of red marrow spaces
C. Covering articular cartilage
D. Lining central canals
E. Aligned with Sharpey's fibers

A. Osteogenic layer of periosteum
B. Lining of red marrow spaces
D. Lining central canals


Which of the listed bone markings are sites of muscle or ligament attachment?
A. Trochanter
B. Meatus
C. Facet
D. Spine
E. Condyle

A. Trochanter
D. Spine


Which of the following are openings or depressions?
A. Fissure
B. Tuberosity
C. Meatus
D. Fossa
E. Tubercle

A. Fissure
C. Meatus
D. Fossa


A passageway connecting neighboring osteocytes in an osteon is a:
A. central canal
B. lamella
C. lacuna
D. canaliculus
E. perforating canal

D. canaliculus


Between complete osteons are remnants of older, remodeled osteons known as:
A. Circumferential lamellae
B. Concentric lamellae
C. Interstitial lamellae
D. Lamellar bone
E. Woven bone

C. Interstitial lamellae


Which of these could be found in cancellous bone:
A. Osteoid
B. Trabeculae
C. Canaliculi
D. Central canals
E. Osteoclasts

A. Osteoid
B. Trabeculae
C. Canaliculi
E. Osteoclasts


Elements prominent in osteoblasts include:
A. Rough ER
B. Secretory vesibles
C. Lysosomes
D. Smooth ER
E. Heterochromatin

A. Rough ER
B. Secretory vesibles


Which of the following are prominent in osteoclasts?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosomes
C. Microfilaments
D. Exocytosis

A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosomes
C. Microfilaments
D. Exocytosis


Endosteum is in all these places, except:
A. Around the exterior of the femur
B. On the trabeculae of spongy bone
C. Lining the central canal of an osteon
D. Often directly touching bone marrow

A. Around the exterior of the femur


Which precede(s) intramembranous ossification?
A. Chondroblast activity
B. Mesenchymal cells
C. Woven bone
D. Collagen formation
E. Osteoid formation

B. Mesenchymal cells
D. Collagen formation


Which of the follwoing is (are) part of the process of endochondral ossification and growth?
A. Vascularization of the fibrous membrane surrounding the cartilage template
B. Formation of diploe
C. Destruction of cartilage matrix
D. Appositional growth
E. Mitosis of chondroblasts

A. Vascularization of the fibrous membrane surrounding the cartilage template
C. Destruction of cartilage matrix
D. Appositional growth
E. Mitosis of chondroblasts


What is the earliest event (of those listed) in endochondral ossification?
A. Ossification of proximal epiphysis
B. Appearance of the epiphyseal plate
C. Invasion of the shaft by the periosteal bud
D. Cavitation of the cartilage shaft
E. Formation of secondary ossification centers

D. Cavitation of the cartilage shaft


Which zone of the epiphyseal plate is most influenced by sex hormones?
A. Zone of resting cartilage
B. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage
C. Zone of proliferating cartilage
D. Zone of calcification

C. Zone of proliferating cartilage


The region active in appositional growth is:
A. Osteogenic layer of periosteum
B. Within central canals
C. Endosteum of red marrow spaces
D. Internal callus
E. Epiphyseal plate

A. Osteogenic layer of periosteum


Deficiency of which of the following hormones will cause dwarfism?
A. Growth hormone
B. Sex hormones
C. Thyroid hormones
D. Calcitonin
E. Parathyroid hormone

A. Growth hormone
C. Thyroid hormones


A remodeling unit consists of:
A. osteoblasts
B. osteoid
C. osteocytes
D. osteoclasts
E. chondroblasts

A. osteoblasts
D. osteoclasts


The calcification front marks the location of:
A. newly formed osteoid
B. newly deposited hydroxyapatite
C. actively mitotic osteoblasts
D. active osteoclasts
E. the activity of alkaline phosphatase

B. newly deposited hydroxyapatite
E. the activity of alkaline phosphatase


A deficiency of calcium in the diet would lead to:
A. an increase of parathyroid hormone in the blood
B. an increase in calcitonin secretion
C. an increase in somatomedin levels in the blood
D. increased secretion of growth hormone

A. an increase of parathyroid hormone in the blood


Ionic calcium plays a role in:
A. the transmission of nerve impulses
B. blood clotting
C. muscle contraction
D. cytokinesis
E. The activity of sudoriferous glands

A. the transmission of nerve impulses
B. blood clotting
C. muscle contraction
D. cytokinesis
E. The activity of sudoriferous glands


Which of the following is NOT associated with Wolff's law?
A. Compression
B. Gravity
C. Growth hormone
D. Orientation of trabeculae
E. Bone atrophy following paralysis

C. Growth hormone


The initial event following a bone fracture is:
A. formation of granulation tissue
B. ossification of internal callus
C. hemorrage and hematoma formation
D. remodeling
E. endochondral ossification

C. hemorrage and hematoma formation


Women suffering from osteoporosis are frequent victims of ____________ fractures of the vertebrae:
A. compound
B. spiral
C. comminuted
D. compression
E. depression

D. compression


Which of the listed bone disorders is (are) caused by hormonal imbalances?
A. Osteomalacia
B. Osteoporosis
C. Gigantism
D. Achondroplasia
E. Paget's disease

B. Osteoporosis
C. Gigantism


At birth, ossification has progressed to the point where:
A. only intramembranous ossification has begun
B. endochondral ossification is complete
C. some secondary ossification centers have appeared
D. only major long bones have primary centers of ossification
E. appositional growth has yet to begin

C. some secondary ossification centers have appeared


The growth spurt of puberty is triggered by:
A. high levels of sex hormones
B. the initial, low levels of sex hormones
C. growth hormone
D. parathyroid hormone
E. calcintonin

B. the initial, low levels of sex hormones