Psychology: Neuroscience and Behavior Flashcards

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created 12 years ago by harryandlaura
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Chapter 2
Grade levels:
College: First year, College: Second year, College: Third year
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Which of the following statements id FALSE?
a. all behaviors is controlled by the brain
b. the spinal cord handles both incoming and
outgoing messages
c. the central nervous system is protected by bone
d. the brain is suspended in cerebrospinal fluid
to help protect it

a. all behaviors is controlled by the brain


Based on studies with rats, it is clear the exposure to environmental enrichment:
a. enhances right-hemisphere abilities but not
left-hemisphere abilities
b. can have an impact on brain development during
early life but not in later life
c. has no detectable effect on the brain
d. produces significant brain changes regardless
of the age of the rats

d. produces significant brain changes regardless
of the age of the rats


As you're eating lunch with a friend, you reach for your glass of water with your right hand, lift it to your lips, take a sip, and then set it down. This simple task involved:
a. multiple brain structures and regions
communicating via neural pathways
b. neuroplasticity
c. just the right hemisphere of the brain
d. only the primary motor cortex in the brain

a. multiple brain structures and regions
communicating via neural pathways


What is the function of the cerebrospinal fluid?

it protects the central nervous system from being jarred


Neurons are what?

highly specialized cell that receive and transmit information from one area of the body to another


The limbic system refers to what?

change function and structure


Neuroplasticity, or simply plasticity, refers to the brain's ability to:
a. generate new neurons
b. change function and structure
c. change structure but not function
d. change function but not structure

b. change function and structure


Which of the following is TRUE of glial cells?
a. they are usually larger that neurons
b. they manufacture endorphins
c. they help enhance the speed of communication
between neurons
d. they are both located in the cell body of every

c. they help enhance the speed of communication
between neurons


The part of the neuron that carries messages to other cells in the body is what?



The phrase white matter in the brain refers to what?

myelinated axons


Functional plasticity:
a. can occur in children prior to about the age
b. has been demonstrated in research with primates
but not with humans
c. refers to the brain's ability to shift
functions from damaged to undamaged areas of
the brain
d. can produce aphasia or paralysis

c. refers to the brain's ability to shift
functions from damaged to undamaged areas of
the brain


In humans, electrical stimulation of the amygdala produces what?

feelings of fear


The primary function of the myelin sheath is to do what?

insulate the axon and increase the speed at which neurons convey their message


According to the Critical Thinking box in the text, "'His' and "Her" Brains?"
a. research findings in differences in male and
female brains conclusively support the belief
that men and women think and reason differently
b. physiological gender differences are innate,
biological, permanent, and hard-wired in the
c. not all structural differences found in male
and female brains lead to differences in
measurable behavior or abilities
d. neuronscientists have found no structural
differences between make and female brains

c. not all structural differences found in male
and female brains lead to differences in
measurable behavior or abilities


Information is transmitted along the axon:
a. at the speed of light or 186,000 miles per second
b. in the form of a brief electrical impulse
c. by glial cells
d. by hairlike projections

b. in the form of a brief electrical impulse


The cell body of a neuron:
a. directs the creation of new neurons in response
to new learning experiences
b. provide the energy needed for the neuron to
c. manufactures myelin
d. regenerates about every 3 months

b. provide the energy needed for the neuron to


The physical arousal that accompanies the fight-or-flight response involves the activation of which of the endocrine glands?

the testes in males and ovaries in females


Evidence suggests that the addictiveness of some drugs, including cocaine and nicotine, is related to increases in the activity of which of the following neurotransmitters?
a. dopamine
c. acetylcholine
d. serotonin

a. dopamine


Multiple sclerosis is a disease that involves what?

the degeneration of the myelin sheath, slowing ir interrupting the transmission of neural messages


Which of the following statements about glial cells is FALSE?
a. glial cells are smaller than neurons
b. glial cells outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1
c. one type of glial cell produces the myelin
sheath that surrounds the axons of some neurons
d. in the most sophisticated area of the brain,
glial cells send and receive information on
almost exactly the same way that neurons do

d. in the most sophisticated area of the brain,
glial cells send and receive information on
almost exactly the same way that neurons do