Black Power:
Using economic and political strength to gain civil rights.
Malcolm X (in 1963)
Believed that African Americans should reject white society,
build a separate culture.
Martin Luther King:
Believed the most effective tool for change was non-violent protest
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896):
The Supreme Court Ruled that racial segregation
was constitutional
President Eisenhower's action to bring about school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas:
He placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal command to carry out the desegregation plan
De Jure segregation:
Segregation that results from LAWS.
With Jim Crow Laws in Place:
All of the following occurred:
a "Colored" sections in
restaurants segregated blacks and whites. b. Blacks were required to
pass literacy tests or pay poll taxes to vote. C. All-black and
all-white schools were the norm in many states.
Freedom Riders:
Were organized to protest segregation in SOUTHERN BUS STATIONS
Major Impact of the I Have a Dream speech:
It helped to pass civil rights legislation.