Functions of the upper airway
- Act as a conductor of air
- Humidify & warm or cool the inspired air
- prevent foreign materials from entering the tracheobronchial tree
- serve as an important area involved in speech & smell
Anatomy of the airway
Nose, oral cavity, pharynx & larynx
Anatomy of the lungs
Hemoglobin O2 & CO2 binding
Lung compliance and Resistance and Elastance
- How the body responds to increased/ decreased compliance and resistance
Ventilation-Perfusion relationships and Deadspace
- Causes of increased ventilation-perfusion ratio
Deadspace(is perfusion with little to no ventilation)
Increased V/Q (PAO2 rises & PACO2 falls)
- Increase in ventilation
- Decrease in perfusion 1. PACO2-decrease because its washed out alveoli faster than its replaced [increased RR] 2. PAO2- increased because it doesn't diffuse into blood as fast as it enters the alveoli & because the PACO2 is decrease) seen in upper segment of upright lung
Ventilation-Perfusion relationships and Deadspace
- Causes of decreased ventilation-perfusion ratio
Decreased V/Q (PAO2 falls & PACO2 rises)
- Decrease in ventilatio
- Increase in perfusion (1. PAO2 falls because O2 is removed faster than it's replenished by ventilation 2. PACO2 rises because CO2 is removed out of blood faster than it it washed out of alveoli. seen in upper segment of upright lung
Oxygen dissociation curve
- What causes right shift
Right Shift (decreased affinity)
- Decrease in pH
- Increase in PaCO2
- Increase in temp
- Increase in 2,3 DPG
(2,3 DPG=diphoshoglyceric acid; end product of glucose metabolism; can bind Hb causing structure to change & decreasing affinity)
Oxygen dissociation curve
- What causes left shift
Left Shift (increased affinity)
- Increase in pH
- Decrease in PaCO2
- Decrease in temp
- Decrease in 2,3 DPG
- Hb Fetal
- COHb
Alveolar gas equation
PA0 2=[PB - PH2O] Fio2 - PaCO2 (1.25)
PA0 2=[760 - 47] Fio2 - PaCO2 (1.25)
PA0 2=[PB - PH2O] Fio2 - PaCO2 (1.25)
ABG Interpretation
pH 7.35-7.45 BE +2
PaCO2 35-45
PaO2 85-100
HCO- 3 22-26
7.30/65/80/24/5 =uncompensated respiratory acidosis w/normal O2
7.50/38/60/34/3=uncompensated metabolic alkalosis w/mild hypoxemia
7.35/49/78/29/0= fully compensated respiratory acidosis w/mild hypoxemia
7.18/34/79/5/-10=partially compensated metabolic acidosis w/mild hypoxemia
Hemodynamic normals values
Central Venous Pressure
0-8 mm Hg
Hemodynamic normals values
Mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure
9-18 mm Hg
Hemodynamic normals values
Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
Pulmonary Artery Wedge
Pulmonary Artery Occlusion
4-12 mm Hg
Hemodynamic normals values
Cardiac Index
2.5-4.2 L/min/m2
Hemodynamic normals values
Cardiac Output
4-8 L/min
Hemodynamic normals values
Systemic Vascular Resistance
800-1500 dynes * sec * cm-5
Hemodynamic normals values
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
20-120 dynes * sec * cm-5
Hemodynamic normals values
Right Atrial Pressure
0-8 mm Hg
Hemodynamic normals values
Stroke Volume
60-130 mL
Hemodynamic normals values
Stroke Volume Index
30-60 mL/beat/m2
Hemodynamic normals values
Right Ventricular Stroke Work Index
7-12 g m/m2
Hemodynamic normals values
Left Ventricular Stroke Work Index
40-60 g m/m2
Hyperbaric oxygenation indications
HBO indications
- Gas embolism
- Burn patients
- Carbon monoxide patients
- Necrotizing infections such as gangrene
Effects of high altitudes on cardiopulmonary system
Barometric pressure & PO2 in the atmosphere decrease with altitude
body does several things to compensate (term is called- acclimatization)
- Increase in alveolar ventilation V.A (PAO2 decreases to 60mmHG)
- Polycythemia (increase in RBC low O2 over time)
- Acid Base status (PACO2 decreases because of increased ventilation causing respiratory alkalosis)
- Oxygen diffusion capacity (only with ppl who live in high altitude areas[mountains])
- PA-a difference [alveolar minus arterial] (oxygen diffusion is limited at high altitudes resulting in an increased PA-a difference)
- V/Q relationships (ratio improves because of increased pulmonary arterial BP)
- Cardiac output (with decreased oxygen in the environment it causes increased cardiac output)
- Pulmonary vascular system (decreased oxygen causes pulmonary vasoconstriction which leads to pulmonary hypertension)
Effects of high pressure on cardiopulmonary system
- Diving (for every 33ft below surface pressure increases by 1 ATM)
- Breath hold diving (a delicate balance between oxygen and CO2 levels exist)
- Hyperbaric medicine (patients are placed in hyperbaric chamber & O2 is administered while ambient pressure is increased) this increases tissue oxygenation