ARTH 1450 Midterm 2 Flashcards

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created 5 months ago by madspoo
im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam. im gonna do so good on this exam
updated 5 months ago by madspoo
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Head of an Akkadian Ruler

Akkadian (2250 BCE), bronze, 30.7 cm, Akkad

do not know where capital of Akkad (maybe Akkad itself?) is

Sargon emperor

ritual mutilation of senses: eyes and ear --> rely on eyes and ears (damage ability of sight and hearing)

done by later people, not Akkadians --> detract rulers power

perfect patterned beard --> masculinity / virility / power

mask like quality

woven hair is marking him as a ruler --> looks like a crown (Princess Leia)

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Sargon of Akkad

Akkadian (2334 - 2284 BCE), diorite, Akkad

cuneiform --> sumerian script (not sumerian langauge)

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Victory Stele of Sargon

Akkadian, diorite, Akkad

helmet and hair = masculinity

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Enheduanna Disk

Akkadian (2350 - 2300 BCE), limestone and calcite, 25 cm, Akkad

wrote first poem

first women (and person WOOOHOOO) to sign their name

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Cylinder Seal

Akkadian (2350 - 2150 BCE), limestone, Akkad

portrait of innana

innana scares akkadians

innana has wings, full weapons on back, horns = power (more horns = more powerful deity)

innana = goddess of love and war --> lion is her sacred animal because they are big and scary but protect their cubs (defensible / fertility)

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Stele of Naram-Sin

Akkadian (2250 BCE), limestone, 200 cm (6'7"), Akkad

hieratic scale --> Narrar-Sin is bigger and higher than everyone else = more important

one set of horns

Elammites steal it to appropriate Naram-Sin's victory for their own --> like a trophy

original location is Sippar but it was found in Susa

Akkad is constantly expanding --> human based cultural destruction

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proof that Naram-Sin Stele was stolen by Elammites

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Nimrud (879 - 706 BCE)

Capital city of Assyirians

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Great Ziggurat



Shalmaneser III

mud brick --> not well preserved

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Assyrian (883 - 859 BCE), Palace of Ashurnasirpal II in Nimrud

apotropaic --> guardians of the throne room (intimidate you and keep bad things away)

one is a bull body, the other is a lion body

3 horns and five legs --> side it looks like walking with you, front it looks like they are standing still

ISIS destroys many artwork int his area

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Relief depicting Ashurbanipal

Assyrian (669 - 631 BCE), Assyria

Ash has a hat on

Ash is hunting lions --> proves he is more powerful than a lion and intimidate enemies

but lions were pre-captured in order to let the king kill them --> king is actually weak

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Ramses II

Dynasty 19 (1292 - 1189 BCE), granodiorite, Karnak Temple in Egypt

feminine --> was it more prominent and not ripped

Ramses will always look truthful and perfect

not intimidating --> face lacks emotion

presence = power --> calm but in control

child on the side (children are bald except for ponytail) --> hieratic scale = Ramses is most important

Ramses has 5 names (more names = more accomplishments) one being Ra ms sw, child of Ra, never lost a battle (lie)

graffiti under statue reads sema-tawy = unification of Egypt

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Ramses II --> more specifically the crown

no physical representation of crown --> know it exists because of statues

likely valuable and stolen

would've been woven out of reeds (basket like)

khepresh = blue crown --> wear when go to war (Ramses wears this constantly)

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Temple of Ramses, beloved of Amun

19th Dynasty (1264 - 1244 BCE), 67 ft tall, Egypt

dedicated to Amum = fertility, Ptah, Re-Horakhty, and Ramses II

all big statues are Ramses

moved Temple piece by piece (lifted and reassembled) --> build a fake mountain for it and tried to maintain as much of the go location as possible

wife on right leg and child in between --> hieratic scale

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Great Hall of the Temple of Ramses II


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Great Hall and Sanctuary in the Temple of Ramses II


the temple is big when you enter and gets smaller the further you go in

Ramses will always have a big space in between big tow and other toes (cause he's a freak)

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Inner Sanctuary in the Temple of Ramses II

Ramses (the third figure) and other figures

2 days a year, 3 of the figures are lit with natural light (not Ptah) --> Feb 21 (Ramses birthday) and Oct 21 (his coronation)

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Ramses during the battle from Abu Simbel

Battle of Kadesh

Ramses winning --> stabbing position

both ramses and general getting stabbed are both big for respect (no hieratic scale)

stepping on dead enemies

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Battle Scene from the Great Kadesh Reliefs of Ramses II on the walls of the Ramessuem

less noise around Ramses (and Egyptian army) --> more easily identifiable

Hitites full of chaos and messy

need 3 to drive a chariot --> Ramses only needs himself (demonstrates perfectness)

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Depiction of the Battle from Ramasseum

diplomatic piece

Ramses did not actually win the war

diplomatic victory! not a military victory!

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Medinet Habu Relief

Dynasty 20, Egypt

Ramses III

count dead by hands or pp --> hands easily doubles body count

demonstrates brutality

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Lion Gate

Mycenaean (1250 BCE), ashlar masonry, Mycenae

main entrance

cyclopean masonry --> called this because did not believe ancestors had ability to make them so cyclops had

lions --> relieving triangle (receives pressure from lentel)

lions are strong and top of the food chain

missing their heads --> but if they did have a head there would be no mane

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City of Mycenae

walls --> defensible (constantly preparing for attack, aerie is achieved through militaristic needs)

where there is "no wall" there is actually a cliff

made for seige

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Mycenaean, Mycenae

very dark

help with potential siege

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Grave Circle A

16th century BCE, Mycenae

6 shaft graves --> 19 bodies

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Bull's head Rhyton

Mycenaean, gold and silver, Grave IV in Grave Circle A, Mycenae

used for liquid offerings --> poured out of mouth

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Lion's head rhyton

Mycenaean, hammered gold, Grave Circle A, Mycenae

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Mask of Agamemmon

Mycenaean (1550-1500 BCE), gold sheet, Grave V in Grave Circle A

peaceful --> closed eyes / grave smile

repousse for face and beard is chasing

gaslight Keiser Wilhem that he looks like this mask and make him believe he was destined to be a leader / king to get on his good side

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Death Mask

Mycenaean (1650 BCE), gold, Grave Circle A

looks happy to be dead

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Death Mask

Mycenaean, gold, Grave Circle A

most detailed --> has eyelashes and lips

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Treasury of Atreus

Mycenaean (1250 BCE), Mycenae

dromos = road that leads to tomb --> like lion gate

not actually a treasury, a tomb --> tools tomb or beehive tomb in domestic monastery

earth built on top of structure

interior 13.5m high and 14.5m in diamter

corbel vault

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posthumous 19th century CE portrait of Emperor Qin

Qin rules from 259-210 BCE --> believes legalism is law

Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) --> first unified state in China with centralized power and collapsed after his death (dies at 49 due to drinking mercury as medicine

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Burial of Qin

1974, China

looks like a fake mountain

built earth structure

massive labor effort

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Plan of Necropolis

Qin Dynasty, China

have not opened Qin tomb in central burial chamber --> would have to damage tomb otherwise get in, there is lots of mercury ion tomb, our air could damage it

necro = dead, polis = city

also tombs for attendant workers, animals, etc --> workers with Qin forever

as soon as state unified, this was built

walls were defensible

whole structure is apotropaic

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War Chariot

Qin Dynasty (210 BCE), bronze, Mausoleum of Emperor Qin, China

similar to Buddha's riderless horse

mostly reconstructed --> brown spots are original

as close to burial chamber as possible --> easy access to after life

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Terracotta Soldiers

Qin Dynasty, baked clay, China

in sita --> still where they were placed

plumbers likely builders of these soldiers

everything mold made, wait to mold becomes leather hard to add details, put pieces together, bake, then glaze and color

soldiers were polychrome --> paint fell off within seconds it touched our air

all soldiers individualized --> modular production (many different parts to mix and match --> maximizes variety)

not all life size, generally close to life size

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Terracotta soldier army pits

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Terracotta Army Pit 1

Qin Dynasty, baked clay, China

6,000 soldiers in military position with real weapons --> way to maintain order

outside in defensible edge

front is unarmored --> sacrifice / martyr

horseman always wins

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Qin Dynasty (5th - 3rd century BCE), China

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Terracotta Army Pit 2

Qin Dynasty, baked clay, China

1300 figures

specialized forces --> archers, chariots, cavalries

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Terracotta Army Pit 3

Qin Dynasty, baked clay, China

68 soldiers

seems to be talking to each other / waiting to greet their commander

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Terracotta "strongman"

Qin Dynasty, baked clay, China

likely an acrobat?

4th pit of Terracotta Army is entertainment / stuff for soldiers to do in their downtime

keep army happy --> keep following leader


describe the history of Greco-Persian war

classical period (480 - 300 BCE) right after archaic --> Greco-Persian war started this transition since Persians burned down Athens

many lived in Ionia --> Athens and Sparta support Ionia, but Persians get angry and invade

in 490 unified Greeks meet Persians in marathon city (Greek city and marathon city are 26.2 miles apart)

Greeks beat Persia --> Greece not unified, but unify to fight (similar to Trojan war)

only about 300 go and all die because Athenians do not fight during Olympics

Persians are in Athens from 480 - 479 BCE --> clear burn layer that shows when Persians were invading

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Classical Period, Athens Greece

burn layer

excavated in 1866

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Old Temple of Athena

Classical (480 BCE), Athens Greece


destroyed by army of Xerxes I

not rebuilt because its like a graveyard of people that died

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Plan of Acropolis

Classical (4th century), Athens Greece

parthenon --> dedicated to Athen Parthenon (Athena the virgin)

Athen pops out of Zeus' head in full armor

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Plan of Parthenon

Classical, Athens Greece

1) Pronaos --> front porch

2) noas --> main room

3) chryselephantine Athena Parthenon --> cult statute room

4) treasury --> all wealth of Athens

5) adyton --> back porch

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Classical (447-431 BCE), marble (local Greek stone), Athens Greece

Artists = Iktinos and Kallikrates

dedicated to Athena the virgin

built four decades after destruction

straight lines do not look straight to naked eye because our eyes are curved --> columns have entasis (bottom is subtly bigger than the top of column in order to look straight --> without this the parenthenon would look like it is caving in on itself)

obstacle refinement

would've been painted

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What kind of style is this? what are the functions of these structures?

Octastyle --> 8 pillars in front

style = column

stylobate = base

doric columns = column

entablature = mental that connects posts of column

triglyphs and metopes = decorative

pediment = ?

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Roman Copy of Phidias

Classical, chryselephantine (ivory and gold), 11m, Athens Greece

literary inscription of Pausanias

Athena Parthenos

Erichthonius = early king of Athens

contrapposto = right leg hold most of weight (bent) --> more natural than archaic stance (one foot in front of the other) and is NOT SEEN BEFORE 480 BCE

contrapposto = classical, archaic stance = one foot in front of other

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Reproduction of Athena Parthenos

Nashville Tennessee

just gold

40 feet tall = intimidation

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Ivory Head of Apollo


possibly carved by Phidias

no emotion --> want to absolute control of emotions (no archaic smile!)

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West Pediment of Parthenon

Classical (447-431 BCE), marble (local Greek stone), Athens Greece

all figures on pediment are same scale --> not are shrunk or made bigger to fit inside the pediment

west pediment is poorly reserved

shows contest between Athena and Poseidon --> Athen offers Olive Garden and Poseidon offers salt water

Athen wins (Athens)

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East Pediment of Parthenon

Classical (447-431 BCE), marble (local Greek stone), Athens Greece

shows birth of Athena --> rising sun on one side, moon setting on other

no nude women until 320 BCE

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what is this type of architecture called?

wet drappery --> conceals everything but is also very revealing

backs are carved and not left blank --> shows respect to gods but also strive for optical perfection

this is a temple for Athena, it needs to be perfect, although humans can't fly up to see the backs of the statues, Athena could

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Metope on Parthenon

west = amazon ally --> woman warrior

south = Lapiths and centaur

east = gigantomachy

north = trojan war

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Metope of Lapith and Centaur

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Frieze of Parthenon

everyone participate in ritual of procession

pan-artheraic parade

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Trioglyph of parthenon

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briefly explain the history of Teotihuacan

200 BCE

massively burned in 650 CE

when the Aztecs arrive in 1325 it is abandoned

no writing system in Teotihuacan so all the names are Aztec influenced

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Teotihuacan city

teatl = Nahuatl (Aztec language) signifying defied entitiy

divided into ethnic neighborhoods

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"Avenue (or Way) of the Dead"

Teotihuacan, Mexico

4 miles that that leads to the Temple of the Moon

niches in the wall for mummies to lay standing up

3 types of people that live there --> super-elites, elites, and everyone else

richer people lived closer to way of the dead

650 houses burned down in this area --> none were poor (poor class burned down the houses)

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Temple of the Moon

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Performance / ritual area --> stage and smaller pyramids (very big on being seen and public spectacle)

pyramid mimics the earth --> geomancy = built environment aligns with natural world

solar alignments (makes good astronomical observations --> like Stonehenge) --> high up and raised and when standing on platform there is no obstruction of view

7 construction phases --> all built around old temple (build outwards and in between each phase is buttressing stone and rubble

past phases are preserved

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Teotihuacan, Mexico

diagnostic indicator of Teotihuaconic presence

see influence of architectural style

discreet terraces --> each platform of pyramid

talud = slope --> less exaggerated on inside

tablero = table / flat surface

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Tetitla Great Goddess

Teotihuacan (500 CE), Mexico

interested in nature, not naturalism

looks like a human dressed up as goddess --> real human face

polychromatic color palette --> green / blue / red = fertility

on talud

ear spools, green / blue bird headers, water issuing from hands, and fangs

hybridized goddess

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Tepantitla Great Goddess

Teotihuacan, Mexico

sitting in fertility cave / tree growing out = fertility goddess

shows actual deity

great spider goddess --> creation and destruction (gods sacrifice themselves in order to create

ear spools, green / blue bird headers, water issuing from hands, and fangs

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Great Goddess Sculpture


very simple

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Teotihuacan, Mexico

bug eyes and barbs like catfish

mini version of himself in his hadns

on tablero

in realm of tlaloc --> dancing and singing = swirls out of mouth

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Colossal Statue of Constantine the Great

325 CE, marble, Rome

first emperor to be christian --> had to be hidden, not allowed to be Christian before him

big eyes --> look heavenward like Alexander (also a dedication to heaven)

braided hair crown --> bowl cut

beardless and cleft chin

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Basilica of Santa Sabina (outside)

5th century (432 CE), Rome

plain boring and weathers

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Basilica of Santa Sabina (inside)

5th century (432 CE), Rome

apse, side aisle and nave --> no transept!

plain / empty

original 5th century wooden ceiling

spolia = wholesale reusing an object (parts of Roman buildings --> columns)

clerestory windows = let large amounts of lights in --> feels like heaven

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Santa Sabina Doors

5th century (430-432 CE), cypress, Rome

show stories form old and new testament

bottom of doors (7 panels) are weathered from touch

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Elijah ascends bodily into heaven

like Mary and Jesus

Sanat Sabina doors

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earliest depiction of crucifixion

Santa Sabina doors

Jesus always beardless and a good shepherd in Dura Europa

scary / hieratic scale

bearded and long hair

brick wall behind him --> carpentry? show it was in Rome?

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Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (outside)

5th century (432-440 CE), Rome

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Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (inside)

5th century (432-440 CE), Rome

apse = extravagant --> triumphal arc mosaic

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Triumpha Arch Mosaics

5th century (432-440 CE), Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

similar to Arch of Titus in Rome that shows victory over Jesus

Arch shows spiritual victory, not earthly viceroy --> victory of Christ over death

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Annunciation on Triumphal Arch Mosaic

5th century (432-440 CE), tesserae, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

upper left of arch

tesserae = individual squares in mosaic

dove = holy spirit

Mary dressed as Byzantine empress

angels wearing togas --> upper-class roman wear togas

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4 Evangelists on Triumphal Arch Mosaic

5th century (432-440 CE), tesserae, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

in order form left to right: Luke, Matthew, Mark, John

Peter on left --> goes west to spread Christianity (white hair)

Paul on right --> goes east to spread Christianity (bald and behaeaded)

Mary - chair, Jesus = cross

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Epiphany on Triumphal Arch Mosaic

5th century (432-440 CE), tesserae, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

Magi dressed like clowns --> eastern clothes

Mary is both in yellow and blue (regular person on Eartha nd empress in heaven)

embalming spices --> Jesus is gin to die

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Church of San Vitale (outside)

548 CE, Ravenna Italy

centrally planned --> similar to grave of holy figures (circular buildings mark graves)

apse in the front

narthex = entrance hall

ambulatory = able to walk around --> in a circle

not decorated outside

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Church of San Vitale (inside)

548 CE, marble, Ravenna Italy

very decorated

butterfly looking thing is able resentment

6th century alabaster windows --> gold and glowing on the inside

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Apse Mosaic

548 CE, Church of Santa Sabina in Ravenna Italy

Jesus with cruciform halo --> sitting on earth to show he knows everything about it

angels dressed in togas to represent language of Rome --> Jesus purple toga

far right = local bishop --> donated land for local church

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Justinian Apse Mosaic

548 CE, north wall of Church of Santa Sabine in Ravenna Italy

Justinian in center with halo --> red shows to symbolize authority

on his right is clergy --> cross, book, incense

on his left is military --> shows he is supported by church and state

participating in the euchatist

need = bishop who was in Ravenna when it was built

shield has Cairo (p with x)

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Theodora Apse Mosaic

548 CE, south wall of Church of Santa Sabine in Ravenna Italy

only Theodora painting we have

supposed by ladies in witing

fountain = baptismal font

holding chalice --> participating in the eucharist

Theodora grows up poor and on a bear farm?

hem of dress = magi

looks like Mary dressed as a byzantine empress

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Justinian moves Roman capital to Constantinople

Justinian always here, never in Ravenna

Hagia Sophia is burned down --> Justinian rebuilds it in spite of civilians

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Church of Hagia Sophia (outside)

(532-537 CE), istanbul Turkey

basilica style church

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Church of Hagia Sophia (inside)

(532-537 CE), istanbul Turkey

3rd story windows --> light = presence of God

massive (186 ft high)

gold = think you are in realm of heaven

roman arch is strongest form in architecture --> build pillars curving up equally on both sides and then connect them

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left = squint --> square base the dome sits on

right = pendentive --> downward sloping to send the force down

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dome of Hagia Sophia Chruch

dome collapsed in 538 that was built by Isidore and rebuilt in 562

dome angle is moved upward and ribs added to help transfer to squelch and force pressure down --> holes in the dome make the dome weaker

changed to a mask --> covered preexsiiitng mosaics like Mary and Jesus in the apse (only faces are covered, i.e. wings from seraphim's are kept)