What are the ways to get C(Carbon) from
Either in a:
- Hetetroph: get it in an organic way by eating other organisms for their Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids
- Autotroph: get CO2 Out of the Air, or in a way where they don't relly of other organisms
How much of the atmosphere is Nitrogen
What are the ways to get Nitrogen
- Heterotroph: some bacteria and algae can Fix Nitrogen from NO3, NO2 or NH3
- Get it from DNA, RNA and ATP
Why does N need to be converted to NH3
So it can be combined with carbon to make amink acids
Whats the importancy of O2 for microorganisms
- Its a component of lipids, Carbohydrates, nucleic acids and protein
- Its a component of organic salts , Sulfate(SO4), phosphate(PO4) , nitrates(NO3)
- Essential for Metabolic and enzymatic and structural functions of a cell
Whats the importancy of H2
- Component in organic and inorganic compounds like water, salts and gases
- Used and produced by microbes
- Maintains pH
- Used to form hydrogen bonds between molecules
- Its a free energy in oxidation reduction reaction of respiration m
Where can you get phosphorous
From Phosphoric acid H3PO4 found in rocks and oceanic deposits
Whats the importancy of phosphorus
- Components in Nucleic acids
- Servers in energy transfer ATP
Where to find sulfur
In environmental rocks that have sulfate(SO4), Sulfide(S2) and hydrogen sulfade(H2S)
Whats the use of sulfate

- Components of some vitamins and amino acids like cysteine and methionine
- Helps the stability of protein by forming disulfide bonds
Whats the use of potassium K
Protein synthesis ajd membrane functio
Whats the use of Sodium Na
Useful in cell transport
Whats calcium used for
Cell wall and endoscpore stabilising Ca
Whats magnesium used for Mg

- Component of chlorophyll
- Used in membrane and ribosomes stabilising
Whats iron used for Fe
Components of proteins and cell respiration
Define Neutralphiles
Microbes live in neutral pH
Define Obligate acidophiles
Microbes live in extreme acid pH
Define Alkaliphiles
Microbes live in extreme alkaline pH
Define psychrophilic
Microbes live in low temperature
Define Mesophilic
Microbes live normal body temperature 37 which includes most pathogens
Define Thermophilic
Microbes live in high temperature
Define Aerobe
Use oxygen and can detoxify it
Define obligate aerobe
Cannot grow without Oxygen
Define Facultative Anaerobe
Use oxygen but are able to live without it
Define Anaerobe
Don't use Oxygen
Define obligate Anaerobe
Cannot live in oxygen environments because it Can't detoxify it
Define aerotolerant Anaerobes
Microbes that don't use oxygen but can survive in an environment that have oxygen
Define Capnophile
Microbes that grown best in CO2 environments
Define Halophiles
Need high concentration of Salts
Define Osmotolerant
Don't need high salt concentrated environments but can survive in it
Define Osmophiles
Can grow in high sugar concentration environments
Define Barophiles
Can handle extreme atmospheric pressure and will die in normal atmospheric pressure environment
Name examples of passive transport
- Diffusion
- Osmosis
- Facilitated Diffusion
Name examples of active transport
- Active transport
- Group translocation
- Bulk transport