muscles of the lower leg Flashcards

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created 6 months ago by brookewil
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tibialis anterior

O: Lateral condyle of tibia, upper ½ of lateral surface of tibia, interosseous membrane

I: medial and plantar surface of middle cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal

A: dorsiflexion, inversion (supination) of the foot

N: deep peroneal

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Extensor hallicus longus

O: middle half of anterior fibula, interosseous membrane

I: base of distal phalanx of great toe

A: extends & hyperextends great toe, dorsiflexion & inverts foot

N: deep peroneal

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Extensor digitorum longus

O: upper 2/3 of anterior fibula, interosseous membrane, lateral condyle of fibula

I: dorsal surface of lateral 4 toes, base of middle and distal phalanges

A: extends toe, dorsiflexion and eversion of foot

N: deep peroneal

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peroneus (fibularis) tertius

O: lower 2/3 of the fibula; interosseous membrane

I: dorsal surface of the base of 5th metatarsal

A: dorsiflexion and eversion of foot

N: deep peroneal

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O: lateral head: lateral condyle and posterior surface of femur

medial head: popliteal surface of femur above medial condyle

I: posterior surface of calcaneus through achillies tendon

A: plantarflexion of foot, flexes leg at knee

N: tibial nerve

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O: Posterior surface of the tibia, upper 1/3 of
posterior surface of the fibula, fibrous
arch between tibia & fibula

I: posterior surface of calcaneus via the achillies tendon

A: plantarflexion of the foot

N: tibial nerve

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O: lateral supracondylar ridge of femur, oblique popliteal ligament

I: posterior surface of calcaneus

A: plantarflexion of foot, flexes leg at knee

N: tibial nerve

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O: lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the femur

I: upper part of the posterior surface of the tibia

A: medial rotation of the leg, flexion of the leg

N: tibial nerve

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flexor hallucis longus

O: Lower 2/3 of posterior surface of the shaft of
the fibula, posterior intermuscular septum,
interosseous membrane

I: base of distal phalanx of the great toe

A: flexion of great toe (distal phalanx), assist PF and inversion of the foot

N: tibial nerve

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flexor digitorum longus

O: medial part of posterior surface of the tibia

I: base of 2-5 distal phalanges

A: flexion of 2-5 distal phalanges, assist PF and inversion of foot

N: tibial nerve

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tibialis posterior

O: lateral part of the posterior surface of the tibia, proximal 1/2 of the posterior surface of the fibula

I: navicular tuberosity, cuboid, cuneiforms, 2-4 metatarsals, sustentaculum tali

A: flexion of 2-5 distal phalanges, assist PF and inversion of the foot

N: tibial nerve

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peroneus (fibularis) longus

O: upper 2/3 of the lateral surface of the fibula

I: lateral surface of medial cuneiform, base of 1st metatarsal

A: plantarflexion & eversion of foot

N: superficial peroneal nerve

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peroneus (fibularis) brevis

O: lower 2/3 surface of the fibula

I: lateral side of the base of 5th metatarsal

A: plantarflexion & eversion of foot

I: superficial peroneal nerve