Exam review Flashcards

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created 10 months ago by molly2490
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reproduction, biology
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Identify the functions of the following hormones on the male reproductive system: GnRH, FHS, LH, testosterone

  • GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone):
    • Function: Signals the release of other hormones, FSH and LH, which control sperm production and testosterone.
  • FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone):
    • Function: Helps in sperm production by stimulating cells in the testes.
  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone):
    • Function: Triggers the production of testosterone in the testes.
  • Testosterone:
    • Function: The main male hormone, responsible for masculine traits and reproductive functions like sperm production.


If an athlete decides to take injections of testosterone in order to improve athletic performance, what effects can this have on the pituitary and hypothalamus?

Negative Feedback: Injected testosterone signals the body to produce less of its own testosterone, reducing LH from the pituitary


Identify the functions of the following hormones on the female reproductive system: GnRH, FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone, Prolactin, HCG, Relaxin, Oxytocin

<ul> <li>GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone): <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Tells the body when to release hormones that control the menstrual cycle and ovulation.</li> </ul></li> <li>FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone): <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Helps eggs in the ovaries to mature and triggers the release of estrogen.</li> </ul></li> <li>LH (Luteinizing Hormone): <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Triggers ovulation and helps in the production of progesterone.</li> </ul></li> <li>Estrogen: <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Develops female sexual characteristics, regulates the menstrual cycle, and prepares the uterus for pregnancy.</li> </ul></li> <li>Progesterone: <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Helps maintain pregnancy and prepares the body for childbirth.</li> </ul></li> <li>Prolactin: <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Stimulates milk production in breastfeeding mothers.</li> </ul></li> <li>HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Signals the body that it's pregnant and supports early pregnancy.</li> </ul></li> <li>Relaxin: <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Helps relax muscles and ligaments during pregnancy and childbirth.</li> </ul></li> <li>Oxytocin: <ul> <li><strong>Function</strong>: Stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and promotes bonding between mother and baby.</li> </ul></li> </ul> <br>


Describe the relationship between the level of estrogen and the lining of the uterus

Estrogen makes the lining of the uterus thick. When estrogen levels rise, the lining grows. If there's no pregnancy, estrogen levels drop, causing the lining to shed during menstruation.


Explain how the body prevents a miscarriage from happening

The body prevents miscarriage by keeping hormone levels stable, supporting a healthy environment in the uterus, ensuring the embryo has the right genetics, and keeping the cervix closed and strong


Describe one positive feedback mechanism and one negative feedback mechanism in either male or female reproductive system

female; Positive feedback: During childbirth, oxytocin makes contractions stronger, which leads to more oxytocin release until the baby is born.

Negative feedback: In the menstrual cycle, rising estrogen and progesterone levels suppress the release of hormones that stimulate further follicle development and ovulation, helping maintain hormonal balance.


Positive feedback: During ejaculation, the release of semen triggers pleasure signals in the brain, which then release more feel-good hormones, making the experience even more enjoyable.

Negative feedback: Testosterone levels are regulated by a process where high levels signal the brain to stop making hormones that produce testosterone, and low levels signal the brain to start making them again, ensuring testosterone levels stay balanced.