5.2 Flashcards

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List some risk factors for divorce.

45% of US marriages end in divorce
 Risk factors:
 Infidelity
 Money
 Substance use
 Poor problem-solving
 Low education
 Low SES

so for how education we may not think there is any option for us in terms of cerrear or diffrent life stayle, maybe kind of content maybe kind of conten to stay in the marrage that we are in, we dont see another option, or what was expected of us.with low economic states, SCS- you may not have the option to get a devorce because financhilly it does not make any sens.for example a step mom before she married my dad for a long time her and her kkids lived with her ex-husbent, so even though they were seprated they could not get a devorce , because they could not eforded, they are could not move out of there duplex home, they were not in that romatic partnersship they were in that romate type of thing . so they could not do anything ealse because they could not effore to. so you have to think, what is difecult about the devorce, cort feas , layers , and costety, layers are not cheep.


What happens to social networks and social contact as individuals age?

Social networks get smaller and social
contact decreases in late adulthood

later in that audithood that socioemotional development compomote social networks gets smaller, social contact decreases in late aduilthood. so this is erecson stag of interety vs despare . so how do you becan to think about all the events in your life . do you feel good about how you live when you are facing death , when it comes up and if not, how do you feel about what you could have done, is there alot of regrate there. for eracsions middle aduithood is gentery vs stagnation, so it relate to work proformace, family life, are you secsseding or are you kind of living snacnit or steco


Disengagement Theory

 Older adults withdraw from
 Society withdraws
responsibilities (vocational,
social, and familial) from the
older adult
 Criticism
 Result viewed as beneficial
 Little support for this


Activity Theory

 Social barriers/events lead to
less social interaction
 Employment
 Widowhood
 Same desire to interact
 Just need to provide
opportunities to participate
 Criticism
 Merely providing interaction
opportunities is not sufficient
for satisfaction
 Quality of relationships is key!

 Interests
 Roles
 Skills


Continuity Theory

 Not about maintaining the
exact same social activity
level, but the same self
 Effort to maintain
consistency between past
and anticipated future
 Personality
 Interests
 Roles
 Skills


Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

 Social networks more
selective with age
 Deepening of close


Define brain death versus persistent vegetative state

Definitions differ across history and cultures
 Brain death vs. loss of heartbeat
 Brain death is the standard in most industrialized
 Persistent vegetative state
 No cortical activity, but brainstem activity


What defines death in most industrialized nations

brain death is accepted as the definition of death. But for incurable patients who remain in a persistent vegetative state, the brain death standard does not solve the problem of when to halt treatment

Brain death is the standard in most industrialized


What are the three stages in the process of moving from life to death

Agonal phase
 Begins after decrease of oxygen saturation below 80% or
systolic blood pressure below 80 mm Hg.

Clinical death & Biological Death
 Clinical Death: When the heart stops pumping blood
 Biological Death: cellular damage from lack of oxygen,

 Mortality
 the state or condition of being subject to illness, decline,
and death OR the death rate in a population.


How can death with dignity be promoted?

Ways to promote death with dignity
 Provide those dying with humane and
compassionate care
 Candor about death’s certainty
 Help people learn about treatment options and
have personal control


Ways to promote death with dignity
 Provide those dying with humane and
compassionate care
 Candor about death’s certainty
 Help people learn about treatment options and
have personal control

 Kübler-Ross Stages of dying
 Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
 But not a fixed sequence that applies to all


Palliative services.
Paid by insurances, self, any stage of disease, same time as curative sreatemtn, typically happens in hospital.
In common
Comfort care, reduce stress, offer complex symptom relief related to serious illnesis, physical and psychosical relief
Hospice services
Paid by medicare Medicaid, insurance, prognosis 6 months of less, excluds curative treatment, wherever patent calls home



Do these stages occur in a fixed order? Do they occur for all people

But not a fixed sequence that applies to all


Define appropriate death.

Appropriate death – “the death a person would choose
if given the opportunity”


What factors influence the likelihood of appropriate death

The concept draws attention to the differing needs
and values of individuals in the terminal phase of
life and challenges the assumption that a good death
has the same meaning for all people.
 Influenced by:
 Nature of the disease
 Personality and coping style
 Family member behavior
 Health professional behavior
 Spirituality, religion, & culture


Define & differentiate grief, bereavement, and mourning

 Experience of losing a
loved one by death
 Grief
 Intense physical and
psychological distress
 Mourning
 Culturally specified
expression of the
bereaved’s thoughts
and feelings

 Culturally specified expression of the bereaved’s
thoughts and feelings


Component of the grief process

Description (including Task(s) that occur through this phase)

Grief as a series of tasks
 Avoidance
 Emotional anesthesia that helps the individual
accept the reality of the loss (Task 1)

 Intense and painful grief that helps the mourner
work through the pain of the loss (Task 2) and adjust
to a world without the loved one (Task 3)

 Restorative activities like overcoming loneliness and
reorganizing daily life
 As grief subsides, berearved makes progress on
developing an inner bond with the deceased and
moving on with life (Task 4)



The stages of change model does not assume individuals will pass through all stages in a linear sequence

It is important to note that the stages of change are not linear. You may find yourself moving in and out and between stages at different times. Any movement, however, is a sign of progress and often leaves you better prepared to take on the challenge of change.


Define the dual-process model of coping with loss. (hint: include both loss-oriented and restoration-oriented activities

Dual-process model of coping with loss
 More successful outcomes are associated with
alternating between dealing with emotional
consequences and attending to restorative life