Art of the New Kingdom Egypt 2040BCE Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by bramant
updated 1 year ago by bramant
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- Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut

- 1473-1450BCE

- Woman reigning, declared herself pharaoh longest female reign. Married to brother, their son was declared ruler but she made herself ruler instead

- Hypogeum (style of tomb), rock cut stone.

- Visual element: vertical lines point up towards the heavens, horizontal lines symbolizing stability. place for pharaoh to worship while alive, and people to worship pharaoh after their death (they become like gods)

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- Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut

- 1479-1458BCE

- Gypsum

- more masculine presenting, kneeling to the gods

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- Seated statue of Hatshepsut

- 1479-1458BCE

- limestone

- Njeims headdress for pharaohs only.

- Hatshepsut was not buried in tomb bc of potential raiders, she was mummified

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- Façade of the Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt

- 1290-1224BCE

- limestone

- Ramses was Egypt's last warrior pharaoh. Four large statues to heroize them. Sculptures inside too

- Aerial view of the temple of Amen-Re, began power in 15th century BCE. Large sizes for devotion and as a power move/fuck you

- Amen Ra is the sun god

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- Ben ben

- pyramid shape on top of an obelisk, symbol of sun rays

- four symbols of Egypt: Njeims headdress, water, ceremonial beard, ben ben, lotus and papyrus (for upper and lower egypt)



- Hypostyle Hall

- 1290-1224 BCE

- Temple of Amen Re, big room held up by columns

- Aerial plain, there is a central axis, bilaterally symmetrical

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- Clerestory windows

- center elevated in a large hypostyle hall

- light creates spirituality/enlightenment, and also drama


Name differences between ancient and new kingdom Egypt and their art

- New Kingdom columns are more advanced and intricate, old are more plain. Both have lotus and papyrus

- Old kingdom has more unrealistic proportions, very rigid.

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- Funerary banquet from the tomb of Nebamun

- 1400-1350BCE

- twisted view. seated=power, lower status=more naturalistic, central woman=rebirth, fertility, regeneration

- One day a year, a banquet is held to honour the dead

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- Nebarmun hunting fowl

- 1400-1350BCE

- fresco secco (paint and plaster mix)

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- Akhenaton

- 1353-1335BCE

- sandstone

- holding crook and flail, arm broken off. Otan around head to show halo, depiction of life

- no animal form, just human and the disk of light, no longer idealized, proportions are more accurate

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- Thutmose, Nefertiti

- 1353-1335BCE

- painted limestone, 1'8" high. unfinished, naturalistic, lotus flower

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- Akhenaton and Nefertiti, 3 daughters from Amarna. Ankh symbol of everlasting life

- 1353-1335BCE

- affection being shown to children was new in art

- limestone, relief sculpture 1'1/4"