Art of Mesopotamia (Ancient Near East) 3500-559 BCE Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by bramant
updated 1 year ago by bramant
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- Cuneiform

- wet clay and carvings, read down and right to left

- mainly used for lists and inventory, but also first poetry

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- White temple and ziggurat (platform)

- 3300-3000BCE

- Mud brick medium

- Cities built around dieties

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- Female Head (Inanna)

- 3300-3000BCE

- Marble, wig of gold

- Different offerings (votives=gifts) to her, goddess of love and war.

- Stolen in 2003

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- Presentations to Inana (Worka Vase)

- 3300-3000BCE

- Alabaster

- Top is the most important people to the least important, now have a groundline. Vase depicting a festival

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- Statuettes from the Square Temple at Eshnunna

- 2900-2600BCE

-Gypsum, shell, and black limestone. 12-30"

- Praying figures, large eyes to show awakeness and moment of prayer

- focus on religion, commissioned to stay at the temple to pray 24/7

- texture of hair and beard is unique to the Mesopotamian era

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- Standard of Ur, Peace Side

- 2600-2400 BCE

- wood, lapis lazuli, shell, and red limestone

- Found in a grave, has a peace side and a war side

- Registers (narrative), king showing mercy on war side, prisoners of war (naked to humiliate), and warriors on chariots on bottom register

- top bar of peace side is king and nobles (luxury to sit), the farmers, then slaves

- shows how society works in Meso bc king shows mercy is you ask

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- Banquet Scene, cylinder seal


- Lapis lazuli

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- Head of Akkadian Ruler

- 2300-2200BCE

- Copper, would have had gems as eyes, possible vandalism

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- Victory stele of Nuram-Sin

- 2254-2218BCE

- Pink sandstone

- 6'7" high

- First sculpture to celebrate victory of other people, hierarchy of scale with sin being the largest figure

- Cuneiform



- Nanna Ziggurat

- 2100-2050BCE

- Mudbrick Ur Ziggurat

- Reconstructed, platform for temple to sit on. People worshipped at the bottom, high priests and royalty could go in

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- Stele of Hammurabi

- 1792-1750BCE

- Basalt

- Cuneiform, Babylonian King and his relationship with the sun god

- legal text

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- Lamassu

- 721-706BCE

- Gypsum, 13'10" tall

- Body of bull (strength, power), eagle wings (quick movement, freedom), gead of man (knowledge)

- Like saying that you should be afraid of the king's might and wealth in the city

- direct to Mesopotamia bc of rhythmic, intricate details

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- Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

- 645-640 BCE

- Gypsum

- First time people were shown hunting for sport rather than food/life

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- Ishtar Gate

- 575 BCE

- Glazed bricks (gold and blue), 40'

- lion is Ishtar, bull is Adad, murbak and nabu is dragon. dragon is a composite creature so protective and fearsome.

- crenulations on top, used to shoot and hide

- Babylonian depictions of dragons and bulls and lions

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- Persepolis

- 518-460BCE

- Influence from Greeks, true profile

- important source of knowledge, figures are more rounded than naturalistic, lots of statesmen depictions and carrying gifts (sign of power and respect for the king)