APES Unit 5 test Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by mbsoftball
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Which of the following statements best identifies the author's perspective in terms of utilizing science technology for future agricultural advice?

The only way to meet the global demand for more food is to fully utilize new science technologies to advance agriculture

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Based on the data in the graph, which of the following proposed solutions would have the greatest effect on reducing global water withdrawals?

Government grants to assist farmers with the up- front installation costs of drip irrigation systems

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Glyphosates are herbicides that are often applied to genetically modified (GM) crops to kill weeds without harming the crop itself

Which of the following statements identifies a concern associated with the increased proportion of GM crop being grown?

Use of GM seeds can lead to loss of genetic diversity in crops

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Based on the data in the graph, which location showed an annual average grain yield in 1991- 1993 that was approximately 2.3 times the yield in 1961- 1963?


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Which of the following statements is consistent with the graphs above?

People in North America consume more meat per capita than people in other regions of the world do

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The graph shows the worldwide catch of orange roughly, a type of wild caught fish, in tons, from 1977 to 2011

Based on the data in the graph, which of the following fishing practice solutions would best promote the sustainability of the orange roughy population?

Establishment of quotas on the number of orange roughy caught


Farmers need to make many decision about how they grow their crops. One of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure

An advantage of using synthetic fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer is that

synthetic fertilizer remains in the soil longer than organic fertilizer does, reducing the volume needed and, therefore, the cost to farmers


When a rainforest is slashed and burned, the local concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases. This is primarily due to

oxidation of carbon compounds


Which of the following is the most likely result from clearing manure, forested land and converting it into agricultural land that would be used for cattle grazing?

There will be a reduction in the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide


Which of the following statements about genetic diversity is true?

Genetic resistance to pests and diseases can be increased by crossing a crop plant with ancestral varieties


Which of the following methods of agricultural irrigation results in the loss of the least amount of water by evaporation?

Drip irrigation


Which of the following techniques is a realistic solution for farmers to decrease the amount of fertilizer and sediment runoff into aquatic ecosystems?

Practicing crop rotation


This type of irrigation, often used in orchards growing tree crops, distributes water to plants through small parallel channels between crop rows but often leads to increased so erosion in the field

Furrow irrigation


Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of using genetically engineered crops over crops that are not genetically modified?

Genetically engineered plants can decrease the genetic diversity of the crop


Farmers use various methods of irrigation on crops. Which of the following statements correctly pairs an irrigation method with and advantage or disadvantage?

Flood irrigation is often used in agricultural fields, however, it increases surface erosion and salinization of the soil.


Which of the following irrigation methods is most likely to result in salinization of the soil, especially if the agricultural fields are located in a warm climate with consistent sunlight?

Furrow irrigation


Which of the following is the most likely unintended consequence of using pesticides in agriculture?

The continual use of pesticides can cause organisms to build a resistance through genetic mutation that then requires more or stronger pesticides.


Which of the following is most likely to increase both the nutrient levels and the bacterial content of lake water?

Runoff from a nearby hog farm


Switching from customary large scale agricultural practices to which of the following is most likely to reduce the exposure of farmworkers and nearby residents to toxic chemicals?

Integrated pest management


IPM uses a variety of techniques to reduce pest populations while reducing the economic damage caused by pests.

Which of the following techniques is a mechanical IPM method for reducing pests?

The use of screens or traps to prevent pests from entering the crop area


An IPM approach to pest control emphasizes which of the following?

Reduction of crop damage to an economically tolerable level


Which of the following is likely to minimize soil erosion?

No till agriculture


Which of the following practices is consistent with the production of organic crops according to the United States Department of Agriculture?

Using chemicals known as pheromones to disrupt insect mating cycles


Overgrazing of grasslands can lead to reduced range quality. Two of the major effects of overgrazing are

Erosion and desertification


Which of the following best describes why aquaculture has grown considerably in several parts of the world?

Aquaculture fisheries provide a larger and more consistent quantity of fish year round than do wild fisheries


Which of the following is the best example of an economic approach to reduce overfishing for a fish species with a declining population?

The federal government sets a catch limit (per person per boat) for the species and imposes a tax on any extra fish that are caught


The farming of fish such as salmon at aquaculture facilities poses a threat to marine ecosystems because

the farmed fish can escape and outcompete wild fish for food and territory


Salmon farming threatens the health of wild salmon stocks primarily because

farmed salmon can spread parasites and disease to wild salmon


Which of the following represents a correct pairing of an agricultural practice with its environmental consequence?

Paddy rice cultivation and methane emissions


At the current rate of growth, Earth's human population will double in about 50 years. Which of the following is the LEAST viable strategy for ensuring adequate nutrition for a population of this size?

Doubling the area of arable land on a global basis