2 Main Gait Cycles
- stance
- swing
Stance Phase cycles (60% of the time)
- Loading response (foot flat)
- Mid Stance
- Terminal Stance (heel off)
- Pre-Swing (toe off)
Swing Phases Cycles (40% if the time)
- initial swing (acceleration)
- midswing (toe-off)
- Terminal swing (deacceleration)
Heel strike -> foot flat (ANKLE)
- Neutral @ ankle joint (no PF/DF)
- => 15* plantarflexion @ankle joint
- movement controlled
- Dorsiflexors(antagonist): eccentric contraction
Flat foot -> mid-stance (KNEE)
- Foot flat: 15* flexion
Midstance: 5* flexion
- Net movement: 10* extension
- Mov AGAINST gravity = MOV produced
- Quadriceps(antagonist): concentric contraction
Heel off -> toe off (KNEE)
- flexion
- quadriceps(eccentric): control movement
Heel off -> toe off (HIP)
- flexion
- Hip flexors (concentric): produce movement
Heel off -> toe off (ANKLE)
- flexion
- plantarflexion (concentric): produce movement
Concentric contractions
- Produces movement
- Moving against gravity
Eccentric contractions
- Control movement
- moving towards gravity
Isometric contraction
- stabilizing movement
- 0%: (Right heel contact) // 50%: (left heel contact) // 100%: (right heel contact)
- Length: 144 cm
- Average human walking speed: 1.37 meter/sec
Weird pace (walk->fast walk)
- @4-5mph
More speed during walk means(bruce protocol)?
- less time in stance
- transition into running
Stance and swing phase (limb support)
- double limb support (10%)
- single limb support on RIGHT (40%)
- Double limb support (10%)
- Single limb support on LEFT (40%)
More time on double limb support (slower)?
- helps with balance
- spend more time on swing
Events during stance and swing phases
- Heel contact (0%)
- Foot flat (8%)
- Midstance (30%)
Heel off (40%)
toe-off (60%)
- early swing // mid swing // late swing
- Heel contact (100%)
Periods of stance and Swing
- loading phase
- mid-stance
- terminal stance
- pre-swing
- initial swing
- mid-swing
- terminal swing
Events during stance and swing phases (SPECIFIC)
- Initial contact (0%)
Opposite toe off (10%)
- mid-stance
- Heel raise (30%)
- Opposite initial contact (50%)
toe-off (60%)
- early swing // mid swing // late swing
- Feet adjacent (73%)
- Tibial vertical (87%)
- Next initial contact (100%)
Displacement of COM (vertical)
5cm displacement // HIGH BoB
- Heel raise + midstance// switch to next leg
0cm displacement // LOW BOB
- torque creates unilateral swing self-forward
Displacement of COM(lateral)
- total displacement (L+R)
2cm (each)
- Right leg @30% (1st heel/switch off)
- Left leg @80% (2nd heel/switch off)
Joint kinematics: Sagittal Plane (all) PIC
- Pelvis
- Hip joint
- knee joint
- ankle joint
Joint kinematics: Sagittal Plane (Pelvis) PIC
Posterior tilt (tilt back) = -5*
- heel strike -> heel plant
Anterior tilt (forward) = +*5
- heel plant -> heel raise -> knee bend
Posterior tilt (tilt back) = -5*
- knee bend -> full knee bend -> leg initial swing
Anterior tilt (forward) = +*5
- initial leg swing -> final swing
Joint kinematics: Sagittal Plane (Hip Joint) PIC
Flexion (+30*)
- heel strike down
Extension (-10*)
- heel raise / toe-off
Flexion (+30*)
- heel raise -> terminal swing
Joint kinematics: Sagittal Plane (Knee Joint) PIC
- heel contact/strike
- foot flat // shock absorber
@2* (lowest)
- heel raise (end of stance // pre-swing)
@60* (highest)
- start of swing (ext->flex) // clear legs
@2* lowest
- terminal swing
Joint kinematics: Sagittal Plane (Ankle) PIC
Plantar flexion (-10*)
- toe up // heel strike
Dorsiflexion (10*)
- heel strike -> foot flat (propelling)
Plantarflexion (-20*)
- fast transfer of range // initial heel raise
Dorsiflexion (1*)
- initial knee bend + pre-swing
Plantar Flexion (-1*)
- leg clears and terminates swing
Kinetic + potential energy
- Inverse relationship
Potential Energy (HIGH)
- B4 footplant -> B4 heel raise+knee bend -> heel strike
Kinetic Energy (HIGH)
- Foot complete plant -> midswing
Kinetic Kinematics (x2)
- Pelvic + hip
- Subtalar joint
Kinetic Kinematics: Pelvic+Hip
- -1.5 // Left side lower (heel contact = drop)
- zero cm ( midstance, pitch up pelvis)
- 1.5 // Left side higher (heel raise // pelvis raise)
- LOW Adduction: foot plant (cowboy mini lunge out => absorb weight)
- HIGH Abduction: pre-swing (raise heel)
Kinetic Kinematics: Subtalar Joint
- Inversion (high)
- land in lock
- Eversion (low)
- unlock // pronation // shock absorption // transfer force
- Inversion (HIGH)
- lock // producing force
- rigid level for plantar flexion
Joint Kinematics: Horizontal plane // COWBOY BELT BUCKLE
Stance Phase (internal rot peak @foot flat)(external rot low
- Pelvis (highest)
- Femur (dip @initial heel raise)
- Tibia (dip @initial heel raise)
Swing Phase (ext. rot low @pre-swing)(internal rot high
@terminate swing)
- Pelvis (highest)
- Femur (dip @initial heel raise)
- Tibia (dip @initial heel raise)
Hip kinematics (horizontal plane)
- LOW internal rot: heel strike
- HIGH IR: inital knee bend (after foot plant)
LOW ER: midswing -> terminal swing
- shift weight to opposing foot you're going
Lower extremity kinematics (horizontal plane): graph pic
Energy expenditure graph
- NEED HIGH ENERGY = to go slow
- NEED LOW ENERGY = to go fast
Energy expenditure rank
- post cerebral accident (mod-severe residual deficits)
unilateral transfemoral amputation (w/
- unilateral transtibial amputation (w/ prosthesis)
- immobilization 1 knee @45*
Immobilization of 1 hip
- immobilization of 1 knee @full extension
- Immobilization of 1 ankle
5 energy saving strategies
horizontal plane pelvic rotation
- LOW down displacement of COM
sagittal plane ankle rotation
- LOW down displacement of COM
frontal plane pelvic rotation
- LOW UP displacement of COM
frontal plane hip rotation
- LOW s2s of COM
Muscle Activity (Hip/Butt/Thigh)
- errector spinae // rector abdomins // gluteus maximus // iliopsoas // satorius // gluteus medius // gluteus minimus // tensor fascia lata // adductor magnus // adductor longus
ON activation in the beginning
- shock absorbtion
- preparing to swing leg forward
ON at terminal swing
- need high trunk control / not fall foward
Muscle activity (Thigh/Calf/Foot)
Muscle activity: erector spinae
- hip extension: keeps from falling from flexion
ON = heel contact + swing / heel raise
- quad turns on // from extensor + flung forward // create flexion torque = need to counteract
- when trunk control is highest
- OFF = midstance
Muscle activity: rectus abdominus
- flexor
- gravity pulling down but not want flexor
- ON= kee pelvis stable during swing
Muscle activity: gluteus medius
- hip extensor
- need to create hip extension (4 shock absorption)
Muscle activity: tensor fascia
- 30% single-leg stance
- abduction (IT band)(PREVENT TIP OVER)
Muscle activity: Why is soleus and gastric most active at middle phase?
- at midstance -> heel off: needs to turn on calves to propel leg foward
at midstance of gait what does hip abduction doing?
- allowing the swing leg to advance toward the next step
- generating moments of force to control frontal plane movement.
Muscle activity of midstance to heel off
- tibial progression stops // calf turns on + holds tibia stable
heel off
- gastrocnemius slows tibia down (tibia thrown forward)