Foot = pliable + rigid
- P: shock and conform to the pattern of the ground
- R: And to provide a rigid lever to transfer propulsive forces for movement
Osteology: basic terms
Osteology: fibula
Osteology: distal tibia
Osteology: talus
Osteology: talus (lateral side+eagle view)
Osteology: calcaneus
Osteology: navicular
Osteology: cuneiforms
Osteology: cuboid
Osteology: metatarsals
“ray” = one metatarsal and its associated set of phalanges
Osteology: phalanges
Arthrology: terminology first
Arthrology: proximal tibiofibular
Arthrology: distal tibiofibular
Arthrology: talocrural joint, articular structure
Arthrology: talocrural joint, ligaments
Movement of stretch and elongate major ligaments
- deltoid ligaments
- tibiotalar
- tibionvicular
- tibiocalcaneal
- calcaneaofibular ligament
- posterior talofibular ligament
Osteokinematics: talocrural
- AB/ADduction (vertical axis)
- Dorsiflexion/Plantar flexion (Med.Lateral axis)
- EV/INversion (Ant.Posterior axis)
- Dorsiflexion/Plantar flexion (Med.Lateral axis)
Arthrokinematics: talocrural joint
Arthrokinematics: talocrural joint
The. Subtalar. Joint
Subtalar articular structure & ligaments
- calcaneofibular
- tibiocalcaneal fibers of deltoid ligament
- interosseous (talocaneal) cervical
Subtalar kinematics
Transverse tarsal joint (midtarsal)
Midtarsal: talonavicular joint
Midtarsal: calcaneocuboid
Midtarsal kinematics
- pronation
- supnation
Midtarsal kinematics (transverse tarsal joint longitudinal axis)
Midtarsal kinematics (transverse tarsal joint oblique axis)
Midtarsal arthrokinematics
- Consider it in the unloaded state
The navicular spins on the talus
- Supination: inverts the lateral column “under” the medial
- Pronation: everts the medial column “under” the lateral
Medial longitudinal arch
Medial longitudinal arch: passive restraints
Combined actions of subtalar & midtarsal joints
COMBO MNT // STJ- closed kinematic chain motions // INTERNAL ROTATION
- RearFT + MidFT (supination) + rearFT (pronation)
- lower arch = rearfoot eversion
COMBO MNT // STJ- closed kinematic chain motions // rearfoot supination + inversion // EXTERNAL ROTATION
supination: lock in place
- behave separately (force vs. rearfoot)
- more ridged
ForeFT + MidFT (pronation) + RearFT (supination) =
- raise arch = rearfoot inversion
closed chain
- weight bearing on foot
Distal intertarsal joints (x3)
- Cuneonavicular joint
- Cuboidnavicular joint
- Intercuneiform & cuneocuboid
Distal intertarsal joints: Cuneonavicular joint
Main job is to transfer pronation & supination
distally toward the
Distal intertarsal joints: Cuboidnavicular joint
nothing significant
Distal intertarsal joints: Intercuneiform & cuneocuboid
Form the transverse arch of the foot
- provides transverse stability to the midfoot
Tarsometatarsal joints
- plantar flexion // eversion
- dorsiflexion // inversion
Phalanges + tarsi
Intermetatarsal joints
- Not a real joint
- Held together loosely with muscles, ligaments allows flexibility
Metatarsophalangeal joints
Action of the forefoot; the Windlass mechanism
- foot rolls backwards
turn on calf (extrinsic muscle) = raise arch (intrinsic
- bridge mvt with bungee cord
Dorsiflexion inversion muscles
- extensor hallucis longus
- tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexion eversion muscles
- extensor digitorum longus
- fibularis tertius
plantar flexion inversion muscles
- tibialis posterior
- flexor digitorum longus
- flexor hallucis longus
- achilles tendon
plantar flexion eversion muscles
- fibularis brevis
- fibularis longus
Muscle action
foot mvt along the lateral axis (lateral +
- talocrural joint axis(lateral) + subtalar joint (vertical)
- Dorsiflexion inversion // Dorsiflexion eversion
- plantar flexion inversion // plantar flexion eversion
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, anterior compartment
- eversion, inversion, plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of the foot
- extensor hallucis longus muscle
- tibialis anterior,
- extensor digitorum longus
- fibularis tertius muscles.
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, lateral compartment
- fibularis longus
- fibularis brevis
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, posterior compartment (x6)
- superficial (x3)
- deep (x3)
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, posterior compartment // SUPERFICIAL
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Plantaris
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, posterior compartment // DEEP
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
Muscle function: extrinsic muscles, posterior compartment (GRAPH + LIG)
Isometric torque (HIGH to LOW)
- plantar flexion
- dorsiflexion
- inversion
- eversion
Muscular Function: Intrinsic Muscles
- maintain the medial longitudinal arch
- aid in force distribution
- postural control during gait
what is roll slide on tibial on talor
concave on convex (SAME)
what does the "mortise + tendon" joint consist of?
- fibula
- tibia
- talus
what does the shape of the talus mean for ankle stability?
- wedge shape = UP compressive force + UP stability of TC joint in DF
3 parts of the foot?
- front foot
- mid-foot
- rear foot