Chapter 26 (Human Immunodeficiency. Virus) Flashcards

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Which of the following is the correct drug class for emtricitabine?

Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)


ML comes to the emergency department with a severe skin rash and epidermal detachment. He is diagnosed with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). He states he was recently started on some HIV medications. Which of the following medications is most likely the cause of his TEN reaction?


All NNRTIs can cause severe, life-threatening skin reactions including SJS/TEN.


History of Present Illness: SM is a 36-year-old male who presents to the HIV clinic for a routine appointment. He is doing well and has no major complaints at this time. He states that he uses his albuterol inhaler 4 days per week (about 6 puffs on each of those days) and has been trying over-the-counter medications to manage occasional heartburn.

Allergies: sulfa (hives)

Medications: Truvada 1 tablet PO dailyTivicay 50 mg PO dailyAlbuterol MDI 1-2 inhalations 3-4 times daily, as neededAfrin 2-3 sprays in each nostril twice daily, as neededSimvastatin 20 mg PO QHS

When treating his heartburn, which OTC medication has the greatest risk for a drug interaction with SM's current medications?



**case above**

Medications: Truvada 1 tablet PO dailyTivicay 50 mg PO dailyAlbuterol MDI 1-2 inhalations 3-4 times daily, as neededAfrin 2-3 sprays in each nostril twice daily, as neededSimvastatin 20 mg PO QHS

Which mechanisms of action are represented by SM's HIV therapy?

INSTI and two NRTI


Which medication has a boxed warning for the risk of serious hypersensitivity reactions?



History of Present Illness: QL is a 25-year-old white female who presents to the family medicine clinic. She complains that she is extremely depressed and is having trouble sleeping. It is impacting her ability to take care of her 3-year-old daughter.


Past Medical History:
HIV (diagnosed 6 months ago), type 2 diabetes, GERD

Complera 1 tablet PO dailyBactrim DS 1 tablet PO three times weeklyGlucophage XR 1,000 mg PO dailyCinnamon 2 capsules PO daily

Which of the following could be contributing to QL's complaint?

A side effect from the rilpivirine component of Complera


**case above**

Which of the following is an appropriate recommendation for the treatment of QL's acid reflux?


QL is taking Complera, which is a combination tablet containing rilpivirine. Rilpivirine requires an acidic gut for absorption and should be avoided with proton pump inhibitors. Carafate and Reglan are not recommended for the treatment of GERD


What is the integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) component of Triumeq?



Which combination of medications is a recommended initial regimen for HIV that can be administered as a single pill?

Dolutegravir + abacavir + lamivudine


Which antiretroviral drug is available as an intravenous formulation that is used to prevent perinatal transmission of HIV?



WF is a 54-year-old male who comes to the clinic due to new-onset muscle pain that has been persistent for the past week.

Past Medical History: hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, HIV, opioid use disorder

Social History: prior IV drug use (heroin), has not used in 2 years

Allergies: NKDA

Amlodipine 10 mg PO daily
Isentress 400 mg PO BID
Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim SS 1 tablet PO daily
Descovy 1 tablet PO daily
Metformin 1,000 mg PO BID
Methadone 20 mg PO daily
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily

Creatinine phosphokinase 784 IU/L

Which medication is most likely responsible for the patient's symptoms and laboratory findings?



A healthcare worker has started post-exposure prophylaxis therapy for a needlestick injury. How long should the treatment be continued?

4 weeks


Which of the following is an appropriate generic substitution for Prezista?



A patient gave the pharmacist a prescription for Isentress. Which of the following should be dispensed?



Which antiretroviral class should be administered separately from antacids?


The absorption of INSTIs is decreased when given with polyvalent cations. INSTIs should be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after cation-containing products, including antacids.


An HIV-positive patient currently taking Complera comes to the pharmacy counter with a box of Prilosec OTC. How should the pharmacist counsel the patient?

Do not take Prilosec OTC with Complera


TK is a 46-year-old male who comes to the HIV clinic for a regularly scheduled follow-up visit on July 9th. Laboratory work was completed prior to the visit. He has no specific complaints and states that he feels well.

Past Medical History: HIV (diagnosed 8 years ago), hypertension, prediabetes, dyslipidemia

Allergies: NKDA

5/8: Dovato 1 tablet daily (3 refills)

Which of the following drug classes are represented by the antiretroviral medication prescribed on May 8th? (Select ALL that apply)



LA is a 31-year-old female who started antiretroviral therapy 2 months ago when she was found to be HIV-positive (viral HIV RNA load = 140,000 copies/mL, CD4+ count = 47 cells/mm3). She now presents with signs and symptoms of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). What is an appropriate course of action?
Continue her current antiretroviral therapy

Continue her current antiretroviral therapy


Which combination antiretroviral drug contains tenofovir alafenamide?



OP has HIV and has been stable on S tribild for 16 months. Stribild contains a pharmacokinetic booster to increase the levels of which component?



KD is a 35-year-old female with no known past medical history. She is married to an HIV-positive man. She has received a prescription for pre-exposure prophylaxis. Which labs must be performed before beginning therapy? (Select ALL that apply.)

HIV test

Hepatitis B test


Referring to the figure, which choice best represents the site where lamivudine exerts its mechanism of action?


Choice C


A pharmacist receives a prescription for emtricitabine + tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. What drug can be dispensed to provide this combination in a single tablet?



HM is a 35-year-old pregnant female with newly diagnosed HIV. She is being started on a regimen that contains lamivudine + abacavir. What drug can be dispensed to provide this combination in a single tablet?



Stribild is contraindicated in which of the following conditions?

CrCl < 50 mL/min.


MK is a 31-year-old male who presents to the HIV clinic today for a routine appointment. He is doing well and has no complaints at this time.

Allergies: NKDA

Past Medical History: HIV x 9 years (no history of opportunistic infections), hypothyroidism

Social History: Smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day (trying to quit)

Medications: Stribild 1 tablet daily, levothyroxine 150 mcg daily, nicotine patch 21 mg/day

Which medications are contained in MK's antiretroviral regimen? (Select ALL that apply.)

Emtricitabine, elvitegravir, cobicistat, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate


Which of the following is a risk associated with didanosine?



A 32-year-old female is picking up a new prescription for Truvada for HIV preexposure prophylaxis. During counseling, she asks the pharmacist how HIV is most likely to be transmitted. Which of the following exposures are high risk for transmission of the virus? (Select ALL that apply)

Condomless sexual contact involving the exchange of semenInjecting drugs with a needle used by someone else


Referring to the figure, which choice best represents the site where Tivicay exerts its mechanism of action?

Choice D


Which of the following is considered a first-line treatment regimen for a patient with newly diagnosed HIV?



Atripla contains the following medications:

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, efavirenz


A 28-year-old male was informed that a new partner tested positive for HIV. He last had sexual contact with the partner 1 month ago. What is the earliest point that the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test can be performed to reliably identify that this patient is not infected with HIV?

In 2 months


PS is a 65-year-old male who has been HIV positive for 20 years. He reports that for the past six months he has not had an appetite and has lost significant muscle mass. Which of the following drugs could be recommended to address PS's concerns? (Select ALL that apply.)

Megace ES




JR is a 45-year-old male who was recently diagnosed with HIV. He brings his current medication list to the clinic during a routine check-up.
Medications:Prezista 800 mg PO dailyRitonavir 100 mg PO dailyTruvada 1 tablet PO dailyLovaza 2 g PO BIDHCTZ 25 mg PO dailySimvastatin 40 mg PO daily

The pharmacist should contact the medical provider about which of the following interaction/s? (Select ALL that apply.)

Simvastatin and ritonavir

Prezista and simvastatin


Which of the following HIV medications should be taken with food? (Select ALL that apply.)

Rilpivirine, complera, genvoya


A phlebotomist had an accidental needlestick injury while drawing a blood sample from an HIV-positive patient. Which drug combination is the preferred regimen for post-exposure prophylaxis?

Raltegravir + tenoforvir disproxil fumarate + emtricitabine


KD is a 35-year-old female who is HIV-negative and is married to an HIV-positive man. She is interested in treatment to decrease her chances of contracting HIV. Which of the following would be an appropriate recommendation?

Emtricitabine + tenofovir disoproxil fumarate


Which of the following is a warning for all drugs classified as Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)?

Lactic acidosis


Cobicistat is used in some antiretroviral treatment regimens as a/an

CYP450 3A4 inhibitor


While drawing blood for routine laboratory tests, a phlebotomist accidentally sticks herself with a needle that she has withdrawn from the arm of an HIV-positive patient. What is the appropriate treatment for the phlebotomist?

A 4-week course of Truvada and Isentress