Prehistory and Ancient History Photos Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by courtneyharvey4
updated 1 year ago by courtneyharvey4
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Image 1

Scene with a group of rhinoceroses

- Provenance: Chauvet cave, Vallon-Pont-d’Arc (France)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: Palaeolithic, Aurignacian period, 33,000 BCE

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Image 2

Hand’s red-painted negative

  • - Provenance: Chauvet cave, Vallon-Pont-d’Arc (France)
  • - Place of conservation: In situ
  • - Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Aurignacian period, 34,000 BCE

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Image 3

Secondary burial with the top of the cranium used as a container for further human remains

- Provenance: Brillenhöhle, Blaubeuren (Germany)

- Place of conservation: Prehistoric Museum of Blaubeuren
- Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Magdalenian period, 12,500 BCE

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Image 4

Cave painting of a bird-headed man, bison, and rhinoceros

- Provenance: Lascaux cave, Dordogne (France)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Magdalenian period,15,000-13,000 BCE

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Image 5

Mammoth tusk figurine of a human with a lion’s head

- Provenance: Hohlenstein-Stadel, Ulm (Germany)
- Place of conservation: Ulm Museum
- Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Aurignacian period, 38,000-33,000 BCE

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Image 6

Female figurine (?) carved from a red tunic pebble with at least three intentional grooves

- Provenance: Berekhat Ram, Golan Heights (Israel)

- Place of conservation: The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

- Chronology: Lower Palaeolithic, 230,000 BCE (Homo Erectus)

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Image 7

The “Venus” of Laussel

- Provenance: Laussel, Marquay (France)
- Place of Conservation: Museum of Aquitania, Bordeaux
- Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Gravettian period, 23,000 BCE

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Image 8

Vulture bone flute

- Provenance: Geißenklösterle cave, Blaubeuren (Germany)

- Place of conservation: Prehistoric Museum of Blaubeuren

- Chronology: Upper Palaeolithic, Aurignacian period, 41,000-40,000 BCE

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Image 9

Painting with a deer-hunting scene

- Provenance: Valltorta, Tírig, Valencia (Spain)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: Mesolithic, 8,000-6,000 BCE

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Image 10

Skull of a 35/40-year-old man struck by one arrowhead in the chest and another in the face

- Provenance: Porsmose (Denmark)
- Place of conservation: National Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen)
- Chronology: Neolithic, 2,600 BCE

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Image 11

The world’s oldest known sanctuary

- Provenance: Göbleki Tepe, Şanlıurfa (Turkey)
- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: Pre-Pottery Neolithic A, 9,500-9,000 BCE

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Image 12

Seated female clay figurine between feline-headed arm-rests

- Provenance: Çatalhöyük, Konya (Turkey)
- Place of conservation: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Ankara)
- Chronology: Neolithic, 6,000 BCE

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Image 13

Mask made with a deer skull with carved eyeholes

- Provenance: Star Carr, Scarborough (UK)
- Place of conservation: Scarborough Museum

- Chronology: Mesolithic, 9,000 BCE

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Image 14

Limestone mask decorated with paint

- Provenance: Nahal Hemar cave, Judean Desert (Israel)

- Place of conservation: Israel Museum (Jerusalem)
- Chronology: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, 7,000 BCE

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Image 21

cylinder seal showing a “priest-king” participating in a liturgical ceremony

- Provenance: unknown (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Louvre (Paris)

- Chronology: Bronze Age, 3,200 BCE

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Image 22

Syrian marble double “eye idol”

- Provenance: Tell Brak (Syria)
- Place of conservation: Private Collection

- Chronology: 3,500-3,300 BCE

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Image 23

Gerza schist palette depicting the goddess Hathor in the form of a cow

- Provenance: Tomb 59, Gerza (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Egyptian Museum (Cairo)

- Chronology: Bronze Age, Naqada II period, 3,650-3,300 BCE

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Image 24

Ithifallic colossus of Min

- Provenance: Coptos (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Ashmolean Museum (Oxford)

`- Chronology: Bronze Age, 3,300 BCE


Image 25

Narmer palette

- Provenance: Nekhen/Hierakonpolis (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Egyptian Museum (Cairo)

- Chronology: 3,200-3,000 BCE

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Image 26

Clay tag with proto-cuneiform glyphs

- Provenance: Uruk (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Vorderasiatisches Museum (Berlin)
- Chronology: Bronze Age, Uruk IV period, 3,350-3,200 BCE

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Image 27

Proto-cuneiform Mesopotamian tablet

- Provenance: Uruk (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Los Angeles Country Museum of Art (California)
- Chronology: Bronze Age, Uruk IV, 3,350-3,200 BCE

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Image 28

Cuneiform Mesopotamian tablet

- Provenance: Umma (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Spurlok Museum of World Cultures (Illinois)
- Chronology: Bronze Age, Ur III, 2,000 BCE

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Image 29

Cuneiform Mesopotamian tablet

- Provenance: Uruk (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Spurlok Museum of World Cultures (Illinois)
- Chronology: Neo-Babylonian Period, 606-539 BCE

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Image 30

Bone and ivory tags

- Provenance: Tomb UJ, Abydos (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Cairo?
- Chronology: Bronze Age, Dynasty 0, 3,320-3,150 BCE

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Image 31

Seal impression with the first complete hieroglyphic sentence

- Provenance: Tomb of Seth-Peribsen, Umm el-Qa’ab (Egypt)

- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)
- Chronology: Bronze Age, Dynasty 2, 28th-27th cent. BCE

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Image 32

Fragment of wall decoration with hieroglyphs

- Provenance: Tomb of Seti I, Valley of the Kings (Egypt)

- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)
- Chronology: New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, 1291-1279 BCE

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Image 33

Ipuwer papyrus in hieratic language

- Provenance: unknown
- Place of conservation: Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden)
- Chronology: New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, 1292-1186 BCE

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Image 34

funerary papyrus of Tanuat (P.Rhind II) in demotic language

- Provenance: Abd el-Qurna, Thebes (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Royal Scottish Museum (Edinburgh)
- Chronology: Roman period, 9 BCE

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Image 35

Stele celebrating the victory of Naram-Sin (reigning 2254-2218 BCE) against the Lullubi

- Provenance: Susa (Iran)
- Place of conservation: Louvre (Paris)
- Chronology: Akkadian Empire, ca. 2,230 BCE

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Image 36

The Standard of Ur

- Provenance: Ur (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: Early dynastic period, 2,600 BCE

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Image 37

Tablette with house ground plan

- Provenance: Umma (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Vorderasiatisches Museum (Berlin)
- Chronology: Ur III period, 2,050 BCE

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Image 38

Limestone statue of King Djoser

- Provenance: Saqqara (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: Egyptian Museum (Cairo)

- Chronology: Old Kingdom, 3rd Dynasty, Ur III, 2,667-2,648 BCE

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Image 39

The Pyramid of Djoser or Step Pyramid

- Provenance: Saqqara (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: Old Kingdom, 3rd Dynasty, Ur III, 2,667-2,648 BCE

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Image 40

Code of Hammurabi
- Provenance: Susa (Iran), taken from Babylon as plunder by the Elamite king Shutruk-Nahhunte (12th cent. BCE)
- Place of conservation: Louvre (Paris)

- Chronology: 1,770 BCE

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Image 41

Plimpton 332 tablet: the world’s oldest and most accurate trigonometric table (?)

- Provenance: Larsa (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Columbia University (New York)
- Chronology: 1,822-1,762 BCE

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Image 42

Babylonian clay tablet YBC 7289 with representation of √2

- Provenance: Southern Mesopotamia (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Yale Babylonian Collection

- Chronology: 1,800-1,600 BCE

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Image 43

First known depiction of a map, showing fields belonging to royal estates in Nippur.

- Provenance: Nippur (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: New York Public Library

- Chronology: 1,500 BCE

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Image 44

Calendar with Nile floods and sacrifice requirements

- Provenance: Temple of Horus and Sobek, Kom Ombo (Egypt)

- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 170 BCE

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Image 45

Clay tablet with labyrinth

- Provenance: Babylon (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 2,000-1,700 BCE

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Image 46

Papyrus depicting a lion playing the board game of senet against a gazelle

- Provenance: Deir el-Medina (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: 1,250-1,150 BCE

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Image 47

Royal Game of Ur or Game of Twenty Squares

- Provenance: Ur (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: 2,600-2,400 BCE

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Image 48

Brick relief representing the snake- dragon Mušḫuššu

- Provenance: Ishtar Gate, Babylon (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: Pergamon Museum (Berlin)

- Chronology: Neo-Babylonian, 604-562 BCE

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Image 49

Wall panel relief representing a possibly parkland in Nineveh with irrigation canals, aqueduct, path with altar, and a pavilion

- Provenance: North Palace, Nineveh (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: Neo-Assyrian, 645-635 BCE

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Image 50

Relief representing Darius I’s elite warriors (the “Immortals”)

- Provenance: Susa (Iran)
- Place of conservation: Pergamon Museum (Berlin)

- Chronology: 500 BCE

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Image 51

Relief representing Sennacherib attacking a walled city (probably Jerusalem)

- Provenance: Nineveh (Iraq)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: 704-681 BCE

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Image 52

Relief representing timber being unloaded from Phoenician ships

- Provenance: Palace of Sargon II, Khorsabad (Iraq)

- Place of conservation: Louvre (Paris)
- Chronology: 8th cent. BCE

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Image 53

Marble seated harp player

- Provenance: Cyclades (Greece)
- Place of conservation: The Metropolitan Museum (New York)
- Chronology: Late Early Cycladic I - Early Cycladic II, 2,800-2,700 BCE

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Image 54

Painted faience plaques

- Provenance: Knossos (Crete)
- Place of conservation: Heraklion Archaeological Museum
- Chronology: 1,700-1,600 BCE

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Image 55

The Master Impression representing Poseidon (?) on a temple dominating the sea

- Provenance: Chania (Crete)
- Place of conservation: The Chania Archaeological Museum
- Chronology: 1,450-1,400 BCE

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Image 56

The Snake Goddess

- Provenance: Knossos (Crete)
- Place of conservation: Heraklion Archaeological Museum
- Chronology: 1,600 BCE

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Image 57

The harvester vase

- Provenance: Hagia Triada (Crete)
- Place of conservation: Heraklion Archaeological Museum
- Chronology: 1,550-1,500 BCE

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Image 58

The Hagia Triada sarcophagus

- Provenance: Hagia Triada (Crete)
- Place of conservation: Heraklion Archaeological Museum
- Chronology: 1,370-1,320 BCE

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Image 59

The so-called “Mask of Agamemnon”

- Provenance: Grave Circle A, Mycenae (Greece)

- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 1,550-1,500 BCE

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Image 60

The “Pylos Combat Agate”

- Provenance: “Tomb of the Griffin Warrior”, Pylos (Greece)

- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 1,450 BCE

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Image 61

Mycenaean dagger

- Provenance: Grave Circle A, Mycenae (Greece)

- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 1,600 BCE

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Image 62

Boar’s tusk helmet

- Provenance: Mycenae (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 14th cent. BCE

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Image 63

The “Warrior Vase”

- Provenance: Mycenae (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 13th cent. BCE

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Image 64

Painted plaster head (sphinx?)

- Provenance: Mycenae (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 13th cent. BCE

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Image 65

Linear B tablet

- Provenance: Knossos (Crete)
- Place of conservation: Archaeological Museum of Iraklion
- Chronology: 1,450 BCE

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Image 66

Proto-geometric skyphos

- Provenance: Kerameikos, Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Kerameikos Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: end of 11th - 10th cent. BCE

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Image 67

Attic amphora

- Provenance: Kerameikos, Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: late Geometric IA, 760-750 BCE

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Image 68

Terracotta centaur

- Provenance: Lefkandi (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Archaeological Museum of Eretria
- Chronology: end of the 10th cent. BCE

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Image 69

Mantiklos Apollo

- Provenance: Thebes (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: late Geometric, 700-675 BCE

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Image 70

Bronze statuette of a horse

- Provenance: Olympia (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Altes Museum (Berlin)

- Chronology: Late Geometric, 730 BCE

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Image 71

Votive clay model of the Heraion

- Provenance: Argos (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 725-700 BCE

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Image 72

Silver Stater with a turtle

- Provenance: Aegina (Greece)

- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 6th century BCE

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Image 73

The Chigi vase

- Provenance: Veio (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia (Rome)
- Chronology: 650-640 BCE

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Image 74

helmet of Miltiades, the Athenian general of the Battle of Marathon

- Provenance: Olympia (Greece)

- Place of Conservation: Archaeological Museum of Olympia

- Chronology: 490 BCE

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Image 75

Pediment of the temple of Artemis in Corfu with Gorgon and panthers

- Provenance: Corfu (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Corfu Archaeological Museum

- Chronology: 580 BCE

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Image 76

The Peplos Kore

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Acropolis Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: 530 BCE

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Image 77

The Kroisos Kouros

- Provenance: Anavyssos (Greece)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Athens)
- Chronology: 540-515 BCE

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Image 78


- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Acropolis Museum of Athens

- Chronology: 560 BCE

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Image 79

Corinthian olpe by the Vatican Painter 73

- Provenance: Corinth (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Gregorian Etruscan Museum (Rome)
- Chronology: 630-615 BCE

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Image 80

Stele with Democracy crowning Demos

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Agora Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: 337 BCE

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Image 81

Bust of Pericles (ca. 495-429 BCE)

- Provenance: Tivoli (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museo Pio Clementino (Rome)

- Chronology: 2nd cent. CE Roman copy after a Greek original from 430 BCE

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Image 82

Marble head of Socrates (469-399 BCE)

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Palazzo Massimo alle Terme (Rome)
- Chronology: 1st cent. CE (Roman copy)

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Image 83

The kleroterion

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Agora Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: 3rd cent. BCE

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Image 84

Bronze ballots

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Agora Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: 4th cent. BCE

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Image 85

Fragmentary waterclock measuring the time allotted to the speakers

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Agora Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: late 5th cent. BCE

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Image 86

Ostrakon with the name of Perikles

- Provenance: Athens (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Agora Museum (Athens)

- Chronology: mid-5th cent. BCE

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Image 87

Bust of Aristophanes (ca. 450-385 BCE)

- Provenance: Tivoli (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Uffizi Gallery (Florence)
- Chronology: 2nd cent. CE Roman copy of a Greek original

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Image 88

Temple of Concordia

- Provenance: Agrigento (Italy)

- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 440-430 BCE

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Image 89

Marble statue of ephebe

- Provenance: Agrigento (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museo Archeologico di Agrigento
- Chronology: 480 BCE

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Image 90

Temple of Hera

- Provenance: Paestum (Italy)

- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 460-450 BCE

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Image 91

Frescoes from the tomb of the Diver

- Provenance: Paestum (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Archaeological Museum of Paestum
- Chronology: 480-470 BCE

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Image 92

Fresco from the Tomb of the Black Rider

- Provenance: Paestum (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Archaeological Museum of Paestum
- Chronology: 340 BCE

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Image 93

Ivory bust of Philip II of Macedonia

- Provenance: Vergina (Greece)
- Place of conservation: Vergina Museum

- Chronology: ca. 335 BCE

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Image 94

Facade and fresco from Tomb II (of Philip II?)

- Provenance: Vergina (Greece)

- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 335-315 BCE

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Image 95

Bust of Alexander the Great

- Provenance: Alexandria (Egypt)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: 2nd-1st cent. BCE


Image 96

The Battle of Issus (333 BCE) between Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia

- Provenance: House of the Faun, Pompeii (Italy)

- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Naples)
- Chronology: late 2nd cent. BCE

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Image 97

Tetradrachm with head of horned horse (Bucephalus?)

- Provenance: Pergamon (Turkey)
- Place of conservation: Unknown
- Chronology: reign of Seleucos I Nikator, 312-281 BCE

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Image 98

Bronze sculpture of Alexander the Great on horseback

- Provenance: Herculaneum (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Naples)
- Chronology: 1st cent. BCE

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Image 99

Double decadrachm with Agathocles wearing Alexander’s elephant scalp headdress

- Provenance: Syracuse (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Unknown

- Chronology: 310-304 BCE

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Image 108

The Pyrgi tablets

- Provenance: Pyrgi (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Etruscan Museum (Rome)
- Chronology: 500 BCE

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Image 109

Statue of a centaur in tufa stone

- Provenance: Vulci (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Etruscan Museum (Rome)
- Chronology: 590-580 BCE

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Image 110

Bronze statie of a Chimaera

- Provenance: Arezzo (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Archaeological Museum (Florence)
- Chronology: 380-360 BCE

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Image 111

“Mars of Todi”

- Provenance: Todi (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museo Etrusco Gregoriano (Rome)
- Chronology: late 5th - early 4th cent. BCE

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Image 112

Statuette of a woman

- Provenance: Nemi (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Louvre (Paris)

- Chronology: 350 BCE

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Image 113

Liver of Piacenza

- Provenance: Decima di Gossolengo, Piacenza (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Municipal Museum of Piacenza

- Chronology: late 2nd cent. BCE

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Image 114

Winged-horses of Tarquinia

- Provenance: Tarquinia (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Tarquinia National Museum

- Chronology: mid-4th cent. BCE

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Image 115

The “Lady of Elche”

- Provenance: Alcudia de Elche (Spain)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Madrid)
- Chronology: 4th cent. BCE

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Image 116

Bronze statuette representing a Phoenician divinity with golden face

- Provenance: Cadiz (Spain)
- Place of conservation: Nacional Archaeological Museum (Madrid)
- Chronology: 9th-7th cent. BCE (?)

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Image 117

The (Tartessian?) sanctuary of Turuñuelo de Guareña

- Provenance: Turuñuelo de Guareña, Badajoz (Spain)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: 6th-5th cent. BCE

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Image 118

Fragment of cycladic marble statue

- Provenance: Turuñuelo de Guareña, Badajoz (Spain)

- Place of conservation: unknown
- Chronology: 6th-5th cent. BCE

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Image 119

Denarius with Venus and Aeneas carrying Anchises and Palladium

- Provenance: North Africa
- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 47-46 BCE

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Image 120

Terracotta representing Aeneas escaping from Troy with his father Anchises and his son Aeneas

- Provenance: Pompeii (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Naples)
- Chronology: 1st cent. CE

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Image 121

Marble relief with Aeneas landing in Latium with Ascanius and meeting a sow identifying the place where to found Lavinium

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)

- Chronology: 140-150 CE

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Image 122

The “Capitoline Wolf”

- Provenance: unknown
- Place of conservation: Palazzo dei Conservatori (Rome)
- Chronology: 5th cent. BCE or 11th-12th cent CE (and late 15th cent.)?

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Image 123

Consular and triumphal Fasti

- Provenance: Forum Romanum, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Capitoline Museums (Rome)

- Chronology: 27 BCE - 14 CE

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Image 124

Fasti and Calendar

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian (Rome)

- Chronology: 3rd cent. CE

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Image 125

Rustic calendar

- Provenance: Campus Marzius, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museum of Roman Civilization in Rome
- Chronology: 2nd cent. CE

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Image 126

Calendar with removable pins

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 3rd-4th cent. CE

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Image 127

The “Lapis Niger”

- Provenance: Forum Romanum, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Roman Museum - Terme di Diocleziano (Rome)

- Chronology: 570-550 BCE

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Image 128

The “Lex Spoletina”

- Provenance: Spoleto (Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Spoleto)
- Chronology: ca. 241 BCE

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Image 129

“Capitoline Brutus” (portrait of Lucius Iunius Brutus?)

- Provenance: Italy
- Place of conservation: Capitoline Museums (Rome)

- Chronology: early 3rd cent. BCE

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Image 130

Ruins of the Capitolium of Rome

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 509 BCE

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Image 131

The Capitoline triad

- Provenance: Guidonia (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Civic Archaeological Museum (Guidonia)
- Chronology: 160-180 CE BCE


Image 132

The castrum of Vindolanda

- Provenance: Bardon Mill (UK)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: 85 CE

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Image 133

Silver denarius with the Italic bull trampling on the Roman She-wolf

- Provenance: Corfinium? (Italy)

- Place of conservation: unknown

- Chronology: 90-88 BCE

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Image 134

The “Cittareale stone”

- Provenance: Cittareale (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museum of Cittareale (Rieti)

- Chronology: 90-88 BCE

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Image 135

The Capitolium of Pompeii

- Provenance: Pompeii (Italy)

- Place of conservation: In situ

- Chronology: 200-175 BCE

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Image 136

The altar of Claudia Syntyche

- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Central Montemartini (Rome)

- Chronology: 1st cent. CE

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Image 137

The sanctuary of Pietrabbondante

- Provenance: Pietrabbondante (Italy)
- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: end of the 2nd cent. BCE


Image 138

The sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia

- Provenance: Palestrina (Italy)
- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: end of the 2nd cent. BCE

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Image 139

The Roman sanctuary of Munigua

- Provenance: Munigua, Seville (Spain)

- Place of conservation: In situ
- Chronology: end of the 1st cent. CE

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Image 140

Bust of Lucius Cornelius Sulla (?)
- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Glyptothek of Munich
- Chronology: Augustan epoch

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Image 141

Denarius with Hercules and a globe surrounded by four wreaths, one flanked by aplustre and grain ear
- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: unknown
- Chronology: 56 BCE

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Image 142

Bust of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen)
- Chronology: 30-50 CE

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Image 143

Silver denarius advertising Brutus in conjunction with symbols justifying Caesar’s assassination
- Provenance: Northern Greece
- Place of conservation: unknown
- Chronology: 44 BCE

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Image 144

Marble portrait of Caius Julius Caesar (the “Chiaramonti Caesar”)
- Provenance: unknown
- Place of conservation: Vatican Museums (Rome)
- Chronology: 30-20 BCE

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Image 145

Silver denarius with Mark Antony and Caesar
- Provenance: Cisalpine Gaul
- Place of conservation: unknown
- Chronology: 43 BCE

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Image 146

Portrait of Marcus Antonius (?)
- Provenance: Forum Romanum, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Centrale Montemartini (Rome)
- Chronology: ca. 35 BCE

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Image 147

Silver denarius with Octavian’s head and crocodile
- Provenance: unknown
- Place of conservation: unknown
- Chronology: 28 BCE

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Image 148

Augustus of Prima Porta
- Provenance: Prima Porta, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Vatican Museums (Rome)
- Chronology: ca. 20 CE

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Image 149

Ara Pacis Augustae
- Provenance: Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Museum of the Ara Pacis (Rome, Italy)
- Chronology: 9 BCE

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Image 150

Maison Carrée
- Provenance: Nîmes (France)
- Place of conservation: in situ
- Chronology: 1st century CE

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Image 151

Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
- Provenance: Via Labicana, Rome (Italy)
- Place of conservation: Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, National Museum of Rome (Rome, Italy).
- Chronology: ca. 20 CE

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Image 152

Meroë Head
- Provenance: Meroë (Shendi, Sudan)
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)
- Chronology: 27-25 BCE

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Image 153

Blacas Cameo
- Provenance: Unknown
- Place of conservation: British Museum (London)
- Chronology: 14-20 CE

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Image 154

Gemma Augustea
- Provenance: Unknown
- Place of conservation: Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna, Austria)
- Chronology: 9-12 CE

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Image 155

Marble statue of Livia Drusilla (wife of Augustus)
- Provenance: Paestum (Salerno, Italy)
- Place of conservation: National Archaeological Museum (Madrid, Spain)
- Chronology: early 1st century CE

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Image 156

Res Gestae Divi Augusti on the temple of Augustus and Rome at Ankara (Monumentum Ancyrarum). Fragment.
- Provenance: Ankara (Turkey)
- Place of conservation: in situ
- Chronology: ca. 14 CE