med 130 chapter 21 Flashcards

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when performing a safety check, remember to make a daily visual check of electrical devices, furniture, ________, & lighting before patients arrive



The reception room requires a safety check every morning to ensure that it presents no hazards for patients & visitors, which of the following should be performed when evaluating the reception area?

clean any toys


at the end of the day you will be responsible for closing the office. for offices using EHR, what should you do with your computer or tablet?

log off but keep power on so that the IT department may push through patches of updates


for offices using EHR software dictated notes, hospital discharge reports & consults should be

scanned in the patients electronic chart


which rule generally covered entities to take reasonable steps to limit the use or disclosure of & request for, protected health info (PHI) to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose?

HIPPA "minimum necessary privacy rule"


There are many advantages to using computers in the medical office. The computer can facilitate claims processing: the necessary info is entered into the practice management application of the EHR & sent directly to

insurance companies & insurance clearing houses


what type of software allows a medical office to schedule appointments, record patient demographics & insurance info, verify eligibility, scrub outgoing claims prior to submission, process claims, check claim status, monitor contracts for underpayment & generate financial reports

practice management


what type of software captures all patient health information harvested from one or more encounters in any health care delivery system & refers to the interoperability of electronic medical records or the ability to share medical records with other health care facilities

electronic health record


Which of the following consist of the computer workstation & tablets, printers, PDAS, smartphones, scanners, & modems



using proper ergonomics in the work environment promotes wellness & minimizes

musculoskeletal disorders


which of the following are used by hospitals, providers offices, & clinics to send & receive information over telephone lines

facsimile machines


which of the following would you use to back up data to ensure integrity from loss, disaster, human error, hard-drive error, virus, or equipment damage

Tapes, CDS, & off-site (cloud-based) applications


daily maintenance of office equipment includes cleaning various parts ( with appropriate materials) checking & resetting consumables, replacing parts &



which of the following tasks would you perform when closing the office at the end of the workday?

clean & restock each examination room


which of the following is a safety technique used to prevent accidents & maintain a safe work environment

installing a locking system on the door between the waiting room/ reception area & the examination room/ office area


why is it important to inventory supplies in the medial office

to maintain a treshold level


which of the following is a feature of practice management software

scheduling appointments


what is the function of encoder software

improve accuracy of CPT, ICD-10 & HCPCS codes


why is it important to back up data

to ensure data integrity from loss, disaster, human error, hard-drive error virus or equipment damage


downtime can be best described as which of the following

times when the computer systems are not operating


office equipment that makes it possible to send & receive letters, medical reports, laboratory reports & insurance claims is called a

facsimile machine


which of the following statements describes proper ergonomics

feet are flat on the floor or supported by a footrest


which of the following has the U.S department of Justice, civil rights division-national task force on violence against health care providers recommended for medical facilities

install dead bolt locks on office doors leading to hallways & other public areas


when considering a rooms appearance, what is regularly used to provide an inviting environment

relaxing background music and large plants


if you are the first staff member to arrive at work, it will be necessary to enter the security code to the system before opening the door or enter the code on an internal keypad before the entrance delay period expires. however, you should do which of the following

be aware if there is anyone around you as you key in the code


if children's toys or books are provided, they require constant monitoring. which of the following statements is accurate

all toys should be washable & of safe design & material with no sharp edges


which function is performed when preparing the front desk at the beginning of the day

turn on computers, scanners, printers & other electronic equipment


children, and some adults, have a natural curiosity about things in the examination room, cabinets, or on counters. which of the following steps should be taken to ensure safety

lock prescription pads in a secure area


which of the following would be considered a way to protect patient privacy

use a privacy screen over the computer monitor


which of the following is a step in closing the office

lock all doors & windows


in general, the term EMR ( electronic medical records) refers to

clinical functions


which type of software allows a medical office to schedule appointments, record patient demographics & insurance info, verify eligibility, scrub outgoing claims prior to submission, process claims check claims status, monitor contracts for underpayment & generate financial reports

practice management software


part of opening the office is to check the exam rooms for cleanliness, even if they were cleaned the night before. why would you recommend checking again in the morning

in case the physician saw a patient in the office after hours


careful monitoring of inventory is vital, you do not want to run out of needed supplies, & you want to be sure to

determine if you have enough storage space


improper setup of workstations or repetitive use of computer equipment may

result in physical injury


what application software allows patients to communicate with the practice & providers, suing a secure username & password

patient portals