Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
First person to see organisms in pond water, from mouth scrapings.
Built a simple microscope
Robert Hook
Built microscopes
First person to use the work "Cell" after observing cork under his microscope
Robert Brown
First person to observe and identify the nucleus of the cell
Schleiden and Schwann
Team of scientists that identified that plants and animals were all made up of cells.
Rudolph Virchow
His studies noted that all cells come from pre-existing cells
The Cell Theory
- All living things are composed of cells.
- Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things.
- All cells come from pre-existing cells.
Prokaryotic cells

small, simple cells that lack a nucleus and other organelles
DNA strands are loose and located in the nucleoid region floating in the cytoplasm
only bacteria
Eukaryotic cells
large, complex cells
have a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
found in protists, fungi, plants and animals.
endosymbiont theory
- Prokaryotic cell was engulfed by a eukaryotic cell.
- Mitochondria and chloroplasts
Structures common to prokaryotes and eukaryotes
cell membrane
cell membrane

composed of phospholipid bilayer, proteins and cholesterolf
controls what goes in and out of the cell
Fluid Mosaic Model
main structure of the cell membrane
has a polar head: hydrophillic
non polar tails : hydrophobic
Channel Protein

protein in cell membrane that allows charged molecules into/out of the cell
Receptor Protein
protein in the cell membrane responsible for communication between cells
Receives information and transmits message to cell
Marker protein

membrane protein that identifies that the cell belongs to that organism

Cell Wall
extra barrier of support and protection
Protects the cell from pressure (prevents bursting)
Plants: cellulose
Fungi: chitin
Bacteria: Peptidoglycan

cell structures that manufacture proteins
Small and large subunits fit together to function
free ribosomes float in cytoplasm
attached ribosomes attached to RER

the jelly-like substance that makes up the bulk of the interior of a cell.
Holds the cell structures and aids in movement within the cell

control center in eukaryotic cells
houses the DNA, directs cell activities
has nuclear envelope with pores

located inside the nucleus
manufactures ribosomes

powerhouse of the cell
produces ATP through Cellular Respiration
has cristae (ruffled folds inside) that help in production of ATP
found in plants and algae
uses energy from the sun to build food for the plant (photosynthesis)

membrane that encloses digestive enzymes
breaks up waste material in the cell

Golgi Body
flattened stack of membranes that modify and package proteins
produce lysosomes

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
membrane network in cell that synthesizes lipids and detoxifies drugs

Rough endoplasmic reticulum
membrane network that has attached ribosomes and manufactures proteins

structures found in animal cells that help separate chromosomes during mitosis

framework in the cell made of microfilaments and microtubules
Helps give shape to the cell and aid in movement of materials

storage sac in cells
animals have very few, small vacuoles
Plants typically have a large central vacuole holds water

organelle in plants that stores starch

tiny hair like projections on a cell that move materials around the cell
typically occur in large numbers

flagella (flagellum)
whip like structure that propels unicellular organisms
can be found in some prokaryotes and some eukaryotes

outer sticky layer on some prokaryotes that offers protection and helps them to adhere to surfaces

structures on prokaryotes that help them to attach to surfaces or exchange genetic material
extra circular piece of DNA (may contain genes for antibiotic resistance)

composed of one cell

composed of more than one cell