Which type of organism requires oxygen as its final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?
obligate aerobe
What might explain the reason why obligate aerobes cannot grow at all in the presence of oxygen
They lack enzymes to degrade toxic forms of oxygen
True or false obligate aerobes, obligate anaerobes aerotolerant anaerobes, and facultative anaerobes are all present at different places on in the human body
Where would you expect obligate anaerobes to grill at FTM culture tube
At the bottom
What type of environment is created in the gas pack jar
Which of the following is likely classified for the organism in the FTM tube
Obligate aerobe
True or false the organism inoculated onto the plates was likely a facultative anaerobe


A bacterial species that cannot tolerate the presence of oxygen and will only grow in the absence of oxygen is classified as a(n)
obligate anaerobe
Some organisms exhibit flexibility in terms of their energy harvesting reactions. If provided with oxygen, they will obtain energy through aerobic respiration. If in an environment without oxygen, they will turn to fermentation to satisfy their energy needs. These organisms are classified as
Facultative anaerobes
Indicate which of the following are used for the cultivation of obligate anaerobes.
Anaerobic jar
CO2 incubator
What is the role of resazurin in fluid thioglycolate medium?
Resazurin indicates the presence of oxygen in the media
Inoculated tubes of fluid thioglycolate medium should be placed in an anaerobic jar during incubation.
Where would you predict an obligate anaerobe would grow in a tube of fluid thioglycolate medium?
At the bottom of the tube
Where would you predict a facultative anaerobe would grow in a tube of fluid thioglycolate medium?
throughout the tube
The pink color in the top of the broth in an FTM tube indicates
the presence of oxygen

Which parts of a cell are affected by temperature
Membrane fluidity
Both human pathogens and normal microbiota are typically classified as
You are studying a bacterium found in the normal intestinal flora of humans and most other mammals, and are doing an experiment to determine the optimum growth rate of this bacteria. You have inoculated five nutrient broths, and are incubating one broth at each of the following temperatures: 5°C, 25°C, 38°C, 42°C, and 55°C. At which temperature would you predict to see the optimum growth rate?
38 c
As temperature decreases, membrane fluidity increases
Listeria monocytogenes is a human pathogen, growing readily in the human body. It poses a problem in food storage because of its ability to grow in refrigerated foods, such as unpasteurized milk or deli meats. An organism that prefers moderate temperatures, such as 25–40°C but is capable of growth at refrigerator temperatures is known as a
Taq polymerase is a DNA polymerase enzyme that demonstrates maximal activity at 72°C. The organism from which this enzyme was isolated would most likely be classified as a

