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1) What soil composition would be best for availability of nutrients, water, and root development?

  1. A) equal amounts of sand, clay, and humus
  2. B) higher proportion of humus; lower amounts of clay and sand
  3. C) higher proportion of clay; lower amounts of humus and sand
  4. D) higher proportion of sand; lower amount of humus and clay 1) What soil composition would be best for availability of nutrients, water, and root development?
    1. A) equal amounts of sand, clay, and humus
    2. B) higher proportion of humus; lower amounts of clay and sand
    3. C) higher proportion of clay; lower amounts of humus and sand
    4. D) higher proportion of sand; lower amount of humus and clay

2) The highest amount of oxygen will be found in soils containing large amounts of ________.

  1. A) clay
  2. B) sand
  3. C) gravel
  4. D) silt

3) A group of ten tomato plants are germinated and maintained in a large tray with no drainage. After several weeks they all begin to wilt and die despite repeated watering and fertilization. The most likely cause of this die-off is ________.

  1. A) competition for resources
  2. B) a lack of oxygen for the roots
  3. C) organic nutrient depletion
  4. D) no room left for root growth
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