Chapter 7 True/ False
1) Any process that destroys the non-spore forming contaminants on inanimate objects is sterilization.
Answer: FALSE
2) Desiccation is a reliable form of sterilization.
Answer: FALSE
3) The thermal death time is the time needed to kill all the bacteria in a particular culture at a certain temperature.
Answer: TRUE
4) Pseudomonas has been found growing in quaternary ammonium compounds (quats).
Answer: TRUE
5) Moist heat destroys organisms by denaturing proteins.
Answer: TRUE
6) Some antimicrobial chemicals are considered to be disinfectants and antiseptics.
Answer: TRUE
7) The pH of the medium has no effect on the activity of the disinfectant being applied.
Answer: FALSE
8) Ultraviolet light (UV) causes irreversible breaks in DNA strands.
Answer: FALSE
9) Autoclaving is the most effective method of moist heat sterilization.
Answer: TRUE
10) Microorganisms placed in high concentrations of salts and sugars undergo lysis.
Answer: FALSE