Chapter 18: Self Assesment
Which of the following is known to speed up the passage of substances through the large intestine, thereby decreasing exposure time to carcinogens?
What should be the next course of action for a person who was unsuccessful in lowering ldl or blood pressure by lifestyle changes?
Prescribe medications
Naturally occurring salicylates in curry,paprika, and certain teas provide the same protective effects as low dose...
what happens to the risk of CVD for a person w/a blood pressure of 120/90?
It is doubled
Which of the following is a characteristic of type 1 diabetes?
It is an autoimmune disorder
A person's level of C-reactive protein appears to be a strong predictor for
a heart attack
In the otherwise stable person w/type 1 diabetes, a potential problem associated with physical activity is
What is the appropriate method of assessing blood lipids to ensure reliable results?
Take at least 2 measurements at least 1 week apart
Dietary guidelines believed to help protect against cancer include all of the following EXCEPT
decreasing saturated fat intake
Insulin stimulates the actions of all the following metabolic activities EXCEPT
fat release
In the measurement of blood pressure, the units are expressed as
mm of mercury
What is the best predictor for risk of a stroke?
Blood pressure
What are cytokines?
Specialized proteins that activate responses to infection
Kimmy is a curious 4-month old baby who is just learning how to crawl. On Monday she came across some large dust particles nderneath the couch, which cused her to sneeze & develop a runny nose & a cough. Two weeks later she came across more dust sfrom remember how to respond to this dust again?
B cells
Beverly is a 48 yr old woman with a strong family history of athersclerosis. She eats a diet high in fat, smokes & doesn't excercise much because she typically works 12hr days. Beverly visits her doctor because she has reently been having chest pains. Her doctor suspects she is at risk for a heart attack. Which of the following would be the most definitvie predictor of this suspicion?
C-reactive protein concentrations
What percentage of people w/type 2 diabetes are obese?
Which of the follwing risk factors for disease may be modified by diet?
Low HDL level
A person with diabetes is most likely to develop
heart attacks
Conventional medicine & alternative medical therapies are commonly linked together into a practice called
complementary medicine
Your aunt Crystal asks you to recommend a diet that will help lower her blood pressure. she is willing to try just about anything. Which of the follwing choices would be most effective in lowering Crystals blood pressure?
Including 3 servings of skim milk & 10 serving of fruits & vegetables a day PLUS restricting sodium to 2g/day.
The diseases most common today include all of the follwing EXCEPT
What blood cholesterol carrier is of greates concern in athersclerosis?
Which of the follwing is a characteristic of HIV or AIDS?
AIDS develops from HIV infection
Which of the follwing statements represents current thought regarding the development of cancer?
Food additives play only a small role, if any, in the causation of cancer
The DASH diet was developed to lower the risk for
For which of the follwing the chronic diseases are DIETARY risk factors least involved in its development?
Which of the follwing is a feature of the DASH diet?
It works synergistically w/reduction of sodium intake
Functions of the T-cells include all of the following EXCEPT
production of antibodies
Which of the followingmay be classified as a risk factor for coronary heart disease?
High C-reactive protein levels
Approximately what percent of people with high blood pressure are sensitive to salt?
What percentage of people w/diabetes have type 1?
A complication of diabetes is blurry vision, which results from swelling of the lenses of the eye caused by conversion of excess glucose to
sugar alcohols
The DASH diet is actually the acronym for
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
In a person w/a BMI of 50, what MINIMUM number of pounds must be lost to obtain a measurable improvement in glucose, blood lipids, and blood pressure?
Which of the following is a characteristic of factors associated with hypertension?
African Amercians develop high blood pressure earlier in life & their average blood pressure is higher that whites.
Insulin resistance is defined as
reduced sensitivity of cells to blood insulin.
Strategies to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in people who drink include limiting daily alcohol intake to
1 drink for women & 2 for men
All of the follwing are associations between smoking & coronary heart disease EXCEPT
cessation of smoking begins to lower the risk of CHD after 36 months.
Which of the follwing describes the actions of a carcinogen?
Cancer-initiating substance
Diabetes is know to lead to all of the follwing EXCEPT
increased resistance to infections