Capsule, Endospore, and Flagella Staining
A Smear for the capsule requires heat-fixing.
The basic stain (Maneval's) is applied and remains for five minutes.
What is the purpose for the Congo red stain?
It stains the background.
What is the purpose of the Maneval's stain?
It colorizes the cell proper
Nigrosin can be used in place of Congo red.
This stain is both a structural and differential stain.
Identify 3 species of bacteria that may have capsules.
Bacillus anthracis, streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae
The rinsing agent in the Schaeffer-Fultron Method of endospore staining is
DI water
The stain is both a structural and differential stain
The primary stain in the endospore stain is:
malachite green
What color are the vegetative cells in the endospore stain?
Heat is not necessary using the Schaeffer-Fulton method.
A hood is necessary using the Schaeffer-Fulton method
Identify 2 genera that have endospores.
Bacillus and Clostridium
Match the location of the endospore with the descriptive term.
Subterminal endospore- The endospore is between the middle and end of the cell.
Terminal endospore- The endospore is on the end of the cell.
Central endospore- The endospore is in the middle of the cell.
This stain is both a structural and differential stain
Match the flagella arrangement to the definition:
Amphitrichous- Flagella at both ends of the bacterium.
Peritrichous- Flagella covering the entire cell surface of the bacterium.
Monotrichous/polar- A single flagellum found on one end of the bacterium.
Lophotrichous- Tufts of flagella at one end of the bacterium.
Why can't flagella be observed in a living sample?
Bacterial flagella are too thin to be observed with the light microscope and ordinary stains. They need to be overstained and this kills them unfortunately.
Organisms with a capsule and endospores are easy to destroy.
All staining methods used in all the staining exercises performed in lab always color or stain the microbe.