Chapter 23 Digestive System
Which of the following processes is the funciton of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system?
Mixing and propulsion
Which of the following processes is the primary function of the mouth?
Which of the following processes is the primary function of the villi of the small intestine?
Which of the following accessory organs produces a fluid to soften and moisten food?
Salivary glands
Which of the following accessory organs stores bile?
Which of the following accessory organs of the digestive system produces a fluid that function to emulsify dietary fats?
This specific plexus is located between the longitudinal ad circular smooth muscle layers of the muscularis.
myenteric plexus
These are composed of prominent lyphatic nodules that function in the immune response
Why would you expect emotions such as anger or fear slow digestion?
because they stimulate the sympathetic nerves that supply the GI tract
This portion of the peritoneum drapes over the transverse colon and coils of the small intestine
greater omentum
The hard palate
all of the preceding
IN the mouth, the tooth sockets are lined with:
peridontal ligament
Deciduous molars are replaced by
premolars (bicuspids)
Which of following is the primary function of the large intestine?
feces formation
This structure of the stomach allows greater distension for food storage?
WHich of the following secrete gastric acid?
parietal cells
This cell secretes the hormone that promotes production of gastric acid
G cell
This major duct carries a fluid rich in bicarbonate ions
pancreatic duct
which of the following gastric enzymes digests proteins
This is the heaviest gland of the body
This is found on the liver and is a remnant of the umbilical cord in a fetus
round ligament
this is the principle bile pigment
Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver
storage of bilirubin
WHich of the following small intestine cells secrete lysozyme
paneth cells
which of the following enzymes acts to produce monoglycerides and fatty acids as products?
Which of the following pancreatic anzymes acts to produce monosaccharides?
Which of the following pancreatic enzymes acts to produce smaller peptides from proteins?
This hormone functions to counteract the effect of gastric acid in the small intestine?
This hormone is stimulated by high levels of dietary fat in the small intestine
This digestive aid, produced by the stomach, begins digestion by denaturing proteins
Hydrochloric acid
This structure regulates the flow of material into the colon
ileocecal sphincter
The wavelike rhythmic contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
The pyloric sphincter is found between the
stomach and the duodenum
The pancreas is stimulated to release its secretions by
The physical and chemical breakdown of food is completed primarily in the
small intestine
Gastric glands increase their secretory activity in response to a hormone released from the
The space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum is the
peritoneal cavity
The intrinsic factor is produced by _ cells of the gastric glands
Digestion begins in the
Taste buds are found in elevations on the dorsal surface of the tongue called
What are the names of three sections of the small intestine
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The final products of protein digestion are
amino acids
Absorption of nutrients occurs primarily in the
small intestine
Which hormones stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice that is rich in digestive enzymes and contraction of the wall of the gallbladder to release bile
The inner surface of each lip is attached to the gum by a midline fold of mucous membrane called the:
labial frenulum
mumps is a viral infection, inflammation and enlargement of the
parotid salivary glands
During the act of deglutition
food moves from the oral cavity to the stomach
The dental formula of the deciduous teeth in humans is:
The dental formula of the permanent teeth in humans is:
Wisdom teeth are of this late erupting type