Political Science final exam 2301
A representative democracy is a system of government that
Gives citizens a regular opportunity to elect top government officials
The decision to give the national government control over commerce and finance was motivated primarily by the framers' desire to
promote economic development and protect property from radical state legislatures
which of the following is an instrument of direct democracy?
the specific powers granted to congress in Article I Sec 8, of the U.S constitution are called the
expressed powers
the framers employed the separation of powers and federalism in order to
prevent the new government from abusing its power
A ________occurs when a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders control the government
Which of the following is the best example of a concurrent power (share with both Fed and State) under the U.S. Constitution?
The power to regulate commercial activity.
the writing of the constitution demonstrates the
marriage of interest and principles
there are ____ amendments to the U.S constitution
why was the declaration of independence a remarkable political statement for its time
it helped unify colonial groups that were divided along economic, regional, and philosophical lines by identifying shared problems, grievances, and principles.
which clause in the U.S Constitution has been central in debates over same sex marriage?
the full faith and credit clause
what is the purpose of the tenth amendment?
to limit the powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals
The electoral college is
designed to select the U.S President
The existence of slavery in the United States is a good example of how
American values are not always reflected in practice
What is the best example of a unitary system of government?
The federal government sets education policies for all schools
What powers do state governments NOT have?
to coin their own money
Congressional grants paid for _____percent of the development of an interstate highway after World War II
In a federal system, governmental responsibilities are
shared by both state and federal authorities
Political culture refers to the
shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that serve to hold a nation to its people together
The Antifederalists argues that the powers of the government should be limited by
both confining the powers of the federal government to certain narrowly defined areas and adding a bill of rights to the Constitution.
What is true about the Articles of Confederation?
There were no federal courts.
Which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws?
the state governments
Nations that adopt a federal arrangement tend to have
diverse ethic or language groups
Judicial review is the power of
the courts to decide on the constitutionality of actions taken by the other branches of government
The belief that citizens can influence what govenerment does is called
political efficacy
A ______ is a service that a person needs but is usually unable to provide for himself or herself.
public good
A definitive role of the states in the American federal republic was preserved by the ________ Amendment.
Which of the following statements is true
Americans express mixed views about government.
Politics can be defined as
conflicts over the character, membership, and policies of any organization to which people belong
Under the Articles of Confederation, it was left to the _____ to execute the laws passed by Congress
Direct democracy is best defined as
a system that allows citizens to vote directly for laws and policies
Why did the Progressives support direct democracy in California in the early twentieth century?
The Progressives believed direct democracy would reduce corruption in State government.
Under the United States' first constitution.
there was no president
The framers of the U.S. Constitution intended to create a presidency capable of
withstanding excessive popular pressure by making it subject to indirect election through the electoral college.
During the national debate over ratification of the new Constitution, the Federalist
supported the Constitution and preferred a strong national government
The essential documents of the American founding are the ______and the _____
Declaration of Independence; Constitution
Bicameralism is a constitutional principle that means the division of
Congress into two chambers
The ability of the president to veto a bill passed by Congress is a good example of ____?
Checks and balances
The supremacy clause
announces that the Constitution and all laws made under it are superior to any state laws.
Shay's Rebellion was significant because it
Convinced many observers that the government under the Article of Confederation had become dangerously inefficient and indecisive AND helped to make the Philadelphia Convention successful
How was political power in Congress divided under the Articles of Confederation?
Each state had an equal vote
What is an example of the process of direct democracy?
Citizen in a state approving the use of medical marijuana
The events that led to the Revolutionary War were triggered by what?
The British raised revenue by increasing the tax rate of the colonies
Those instrumental in the founding of the American republic
provided protections for political protest in the Constitution because they believed elections were not enough to protect political freedom
The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution requires
States to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions
Which of the following inalienable rights are guaranteed in Article I section I, Declaration of Rights of the California State Constitution but not in the Declaration of Independence?
When the Alaskan legislature passed a law in the 1970s that gave state residents preference over nonresidents in obtaining work on oil pipelines, this law violated the _______ clause
privileges and immunities
the Three-fifth Compromise
determined that three out of every five slaves would be counted for purposes of representation and taxation.
Colonial protesters of the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act rallied around ____.
no taxation without representation.
The source of implied powers under the U.S. Constitution is the ______Clause
necessary and proper
____________compels state officials to obey costly federal regulations, but does not reimburse those costs
An unfunded mandate
How did the framers attempt to reassure citizens that their views would be represented in the new government created by the Constitution
by defining the new government's most important powers, such as collecting taxes, borrowing money, and regulating commerce, as belonging to Congress
What have many political scientists called laboratories of democracy?
the States
The principle of _______gives the federal government the power to override any state or local law in one particular area of policy.
The population of California was estimated to be_______ in 2014
former governor Rick Perry believes the Tenth Amendment is
Subordinate to the Supremacy Clause
A state government's authority to regulate the safety, health, and morals of its citizens is called________ power
The system of shared powers, divided between a central government and the states, is called______.
How many amendments to the Constitution have been formally proposed in Congress in the U.S. history?
over 11,000
________ powers exist when both state and national governments possess a certain level of authority
Government can best be defined as the ________.
institutions and procedures by which a territory and its people are ruled
The________ was the key group in Europe that pushed for limited government
What about Alexander Hamilton is FALSE
He grew up in a wealthy family
A______ vote by both houses of Congress and a ratification vote of_____ of states are required to amend the U.S. Constitution
Two-thirds; three-fourths
The federal system can be best defined as
a system of government in which power is divided between a national government and lower levels of government
During the ratification debates, who were the Anti federalists?
Those who opposed the new constitution because they wanted a weaker central government.
What about early California political history is FALSE
in 1907, the California State legislature was recognized as a national model of integrity
The three branches of government created by the Constitution are
executive, legislative, and Judicial.
Which of the following is FALSE, according to courthouse dogs video on the State of California website?
Dogs are not allowed in courthouses outside of California
Which of the following statements about the role of money in American politics is NOT accurate?
Money was not important in politics until the 1960s