High Intermediate 7.6
noun - xoog sheegid
verb - xoog sheegasho
verb - to scare someone who is smaller or weaker than you
noun - the person who does this
EXAMPLE: That boy is a bully. He likes to tell younger kids that he is going to beat them up.
to not allow something
EXAMPLE: Bullying is not allowed at our school. It has been banned. All bullies are suspended for a month.
(verb) censor
(noun) censorship
to examine books or movies and remove them if they are offensive and not allowed
EXAMPLE: This book was censored by the librarian. She removed it from the library. Now no one can check it out. This is called censorship.
making you feel embarrassed or ashamed; you feel like everyone is looking at you
EXAMPLE: My most embarrassing moment was when I fell down the stairs at school. I felt like everyone was looking at me and laughing. The truth is that people felt sorry for me.
to continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time
EXAMPLE: My child is unhappy at school. A bully has been harassing him every day for a month! This makes my child feel miserable.
gardarro ah
likely to make people angry or upset
EXAMPLE: I did not like the book my child brought home from school. It contained swear words and other offensive language.
to tell someone that you will hurt them or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want
EXAMPLE: The bully demanded money from my daughter. He threatened her with violence if she did not give it to him.
to remove something or get rid of something
EXAMPLE: I have pre-diabetes. The doctor told me to eliminate sugar from my diet.
to tell everyone about something that is bad or dishonest
EXAMPLE: If you are bullied, it is important to expose the bully. Don't keep it a secret. Tell your parents! Tell your teacher!
been abuur ah
not real
EXAMPLE: This passport did not come from the government. A criminal made it. This passport is a fake.
software that will remove bad things from a website
EXAMPLE: You should download this filter. It will keep your child from seeing offensive language when he browses the internet.
when a person ends his own life on purpose
EXAMPLE: The boy was bullied for months and became very depressed. Sadly, he decided to commit suicide.
aan jeclayn
not popular
EXAMPLE: That girl is unpopular. Her classmates don't like her.
verbal abuse
aflagaado afka ah
very rude and offensive words spoken to another person
EXAMPLE: The girl experienced verbal abuse at school. Kids in her class called her fat and lazy. She became very depressed.