APES test
The location on the soil triangle that represents the soil type with the highest rate of water infiltration and drainage
Point B
The location on the soil triangle that represents the soil type best used as an impermeable layer preventing leachate from entering groundwater reservoirs beneath landfills 3. The location on the soil triangle that most likely consists of 50% clay, 20% silt, and 30% sand.
Point A
The location on the soil triangle that most likely consists of 50% clay, 20% silt, and 30% sand.
Point C
Based on the data, which US location is likely located on a transform plate boundary?
Students wanted to increase the level of the layer labeled “O” in the soil profile model. Which experimental design procedure would likely result in an increase of the “O” layer in the soil horizons?
increasing the water infiltration rate during precipitation
Which conclusion can best be drawn from the data in the experiment?
Grass as a groundcover can decrease the level of erosion that occurs in the soil.
Which statement describes the changes in the thermosphere shown in the graph?
An increase in solar radiation in the upper thermosphere increases the energy associated with the atoms in the thermosphere.
Which statement best explains the comparison between watershed 102 and 112?
Grasses are more effective vegetation at preventing erosion and sediment yield.
Which of these activities would reduce the contaminant levels found in water sampling at the site indicated by the arrow?
damming the river upstream of the reservoir
What best explains the deflection of the wind patterns seen on the model shown below?
Coriolis effect
Which pair of concepts best explains the wind patterns shown in the previous model?
Rotation of the Earth on its axis and the difference in densities of air masses
Which statement best describes the environmental conditions on Earth according to the model?
It is summer in the northern hemisphere.
Which of the following explains why the higher altitude of the mountain can have similar features to the Arctic tundra biome?
Adiabatic cooling occurs as air rises in the
In which year would the phytoplankton population off the coast of the Eastern Pacific be predicted to be the lowest?