July Week 3 Grade 4
intimidated (adj)
Frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation (겁을 내는)
harbor (n)
A protected area of water near land where ships can be kept safe (항구)
deceive (v)
trick or fool (속이다, 기만하다)
terrain (n)
An area of land, or the natural characteristics of its surface (지형, 지역)
overwhelming (adj)
Difficult to fight against; very great, large, or strong (압도적인, 너무도 강력한)
bluff (n)
An attempt to trick someone into believing something (허세, 속임수)
gullible (adj)
Believing almost anything; easily tricked (남을 잘 믿는, 잘 속아 넘어가는)
traitor (n)
A person who is disloyal to their country, friends (배반자, 반역자)
inexperienced (adj)
Having little knowledge or experience in something (경험이 부족한, 미숙한)
allegiance (n)
Loyalty or support to a person, country, group (정당·종교·통치자 등에 대한) 충성
pursue (v)
To follow in order to reach or catch (추구하다,해 나가다)
resistance (n)
The refusal to accept something (저항)
veteran (adj)
Having gained experience over a long time doing a particular activity (베테랑인)
debt (n)
Something owed to another person or company (빚, 부채)
corrupt (adj)
Dishonest and willing to use your position or power to your own advantage (부패한, 타락한)
edict (n)
A public order given by a higher authority (포고령, 칙령)
bribe (n)
Money or a present that you give to someone so that they will do something for you (뇌물)
assault (v)
To make a violent attack on someone (폭행하다, 괴롭히다)