June Week 3 Grade 4
profession (n)
Job or career that needs a high level of education (전문직)
contort (v)
To twist or bend into an unusual or unnatural shape (뒤틀다)
havoc (n)
Widespread destruction, damage (대파괴, 큰 혼란[피해])
suffocate (v)
To die from lack of air (질식사하다)
slither (v)
To move smoothly by twisting or sliding from side to side (스르르 나아가다[기어가다])
mere (adj)
Used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is (겨우 …의, (한낱) …에 불과한)
detonate (v)
To explode or cause to explode (폭발하다)
obtainable (adj)
attainable (얻을[구할/입수할] 수 있는)
capsize (v)
To turn over or cause a boat or ship to turn over (배가) 뒤집히다, (배를) 뒤집다
rely (v)
depend on with full trust (의지하다; 신뢰하다)
aggressive (adj)
Mean and unfriendly in one’s actions; ready to argue or start fights (공격적인)
defuse (v)
Remove the fuse from an explosive/make a
situation less
dangerous (폭탄의) 뇌관[신관]을 제거하다 / (긴장·위험 등을) 진정[완화]시키다
grieve (v)
To feel or show great suffering or sadness (비통해 하다)
category (n)
A group of people or things that are alike (범주)
encounter (n)
An unexpected or casual meeting with someone (예상 밖의 만남)
set off (v)
To trigger or cause (something) to explode (~을 일으키다)
lethal (adj)
Able to cause or causing death; dangerous (치명적인)
ultimate (adj)
The most important, highest, last, or final (궁극[최종]적인, 최후의)