Officer Safety
Demonstrating confidence and control by avoiding such distracting behaviors such as foot tapping.
Controlled behavior
used for an area that is large. divide area into 4 sections and search using one of the patterns above.
Zone/Quadrant search
Active listening skills
Usually used by one person. Searched begins at a central point and moves in increasingly larger circles to the outermost boundary of the search
Spiral search pattern
Being aware of any occurrence or activity, such as irregular mood changes, emotional outburst, and acting out.
illegal drugs
biahazardous materials
Special deposal
Valid identifications
Holding your body in a manner that shows strength confidence, interest, and control.
COMFORTABLE or relaxed state of mind, which lulls you into a false sense of safety and security
Facial recognition
automated visitor registration
automated barcode scanner
rapid identification system
automated biometric identification
automated identification
keeping a safe distance
being familiar with your environment
watching groups and individuals
Helpful tips for positioning
place yourself in a position to see and hear what is going on around you
watching groups and individuals
Being alert
identifying a potential threat
responding to a threat
3 stages of a situation awareness
any authorized item found in excessive amounts or altered fro its original state usually does not pose a threat
nuisance contraband
usually used in a predetermined area by several people. The search is divided into lanes that are searched by one or more people in both directions until the entire area has been examined.
strip ine pattern
self induced
work related
4 categories of stress
a secure and reliable form recognized individuals based on sound sandaards
identity verifications
observes (looks at correctional officer using jargon)
contacts (supply information)
runners (paid inmate/ doesn't care about getting caught)
turners (befriends the correctional officer)
point men (stands guard to make sure no one is caught)
inmates manipulating organization team
any item that poses a threat to the safety and security of the staff, inmates, and facility.
Hard hazardous contraband
Is lying, misleading, tricking, or fooling another person
Inmate Face card
inmate gate pass
inmate files
agency identification card
government issued identification cards
Manual identification
A state of mental responsiveness. It is the ability to pay attention to what is going around you.
Situational awareness
Placing yourself in a tactically advantageous location to observe an area.
Occurs when qn inmate attempts to get something they want to influence the officer or staff member.
Some nuisance contraband can be used to create hard hazardous contraband
Key factor
A variation of the strip/line search pattern. It overlaps a series of lines in a cross pattern.
Grid search pattern
elevating a situation for threats
universal equipment
Inmates uniform being worn incorrectly
physical condition of inmates
physical structures during inspection or search
observation of inmates
Being aware of what is going on around you at all times.
Being alert
distance yourself far enough away to be safe but close enough to observe what is happening
Keeping a safe distance
Supervision of inmates activities
enforcement rules and regulations
maintaining order in the facility
protect yourself, staff,inmates, and the public.
responsibilities of a correctional officer
focus your attention on potential threats while maintaining intense concentration and avoiding tunnel vision which is when your attention and field of view narrow because of stress.
responding to a threat
concentrate on possible threats while remaining aware of your surroundings.
identifying a potential threat
know the layout of the facility to plan the best escape route.
Being familiar with your environment
Photos must be taken before confiscation, storage, or disposal. Initiate the chain of custody also. Must include inventory of contraband and incident report.
Documentation of contraband
if a visitor is granted access without proper identification
Security breach
attempting to create bonds
using special circumstances
distracting staff
over familiarizing with staff
attempting to engage in non job related conversations
circumventing or disobeying rules
spreading rumors about staff
attempting any illegal activity
Methods used to manipulate
Through inmates, visitors, staff, and vendors. Contrabands enters through body cavities, mails, canteen, deliveries, or commissary items.
Ways contraband enters facilities
Receptacles, trash bins, incinerators not accessible to inmates. (Needs authorization before disposal)
Disposal of contrabnd
Drivers liences
State ID
Criminal agencies or correctional IDs
U.S. military cards
U.S. passport'
facility issued inmate wristband
birth certificate
student identification cards
ID acceptable cards
Be apart of a correctional team
follow rules and procedures
monitor marks, gestures, and actions
know your job
learn to say "NO" and mean it
address inmates by inmate pr last name
be suspicious
be truthful
be cautious
Behaviors to avoid manipulation