Long Term Care
Retirement communities
Assisted living communities
Nursing homes
Family in Later Life
Average age of grandparenthood is
years for women
52 years for men
Most report it improves
quality of life
avrage age of grandparent is 50 to 52 and most report it is a grate part of there life
when we are thinking about gradparenthood most of the time indivilas are reporting that having a grandchild is enormace bose of there qulity of life
later in that audithood that socioemotional development compomote social networks gets smaller, social contact decreases in late aduilthood. so this is erecson stag of interety vs despare . so how do you becan to think about all the events in your life . do you feel good about how you live when you are facing death , when it comes up and if not, how do you feel about what you could have done, is there alot of regrate there.
for eracsions middle aduithood is gentery vs stagnation, so it relate to work proformace, family life, are you secsseding or are you kind of living snacnit or steco
Disengagement Theory
Older adults withdraw from
responsibilities (vocational,
social, and
familial) from the
older adult
viewed as beneficial
Little support for this
Activity Theory
Social barriers/events lead to
less social
Same desire to
Just need to provide
opportunities to
Merely providing
opportunities is not sufficient
Quality of relationships is key
Continuity Theory
Not about maintaining the
exact same social
level, but the same self
Effort to
consistency between past
and anticipated
Socioemotional Selectivity Theory
Social networks more
selective with age
Deepening of close
Defining Death
Definitions differ across history and cultures
Brain death
vs. loss of heartbeat
Brain death is the standard in most
Persistent vegetative
No cortical activity, but brainstem activity
when we are defining death, are defenation are going to defer acoss history and culture.
so in modern erreor brain death is our tepical devenation in our death prossess so is the standerd once your brain is no longer functioning that means that you have passed away. a loss of hartbeat can be a point of death but it may not resuit in death atematiclly.
the persistent vegetative state is when cortical activey is absent , but brantep activety is present, so in thes case your brain is not farning in a sensitive of normary would tipically that is a brain dath, but the brain stem, which is resposible for hart rate and resporation, hoomeyostates, to keep your temperture in cheack, that is still active. somethimes we see this with bran inderies or pratesis
Phases of Dying
Defining the process of moving from life to death
Begins after decrease of oxygen saturation below 80%
systolic blood pressure below 80 mm Hg.
Clinical death
& Biological Death
Clinical Death: When the heart stops
pumping blood
Biological Death: cellular damage from lack of
the state or
condition of being subject to illness, decline,
and death OR the
death rate in a population.
agonal phase: this is when we are starting the dealth process, so oxsegen exsagration is going to dip , blood brasher is going to dip and the destenction indivial is starding to conflict, as the hartbeat slows as that oxsegen decresses we are reching of point non- function , so this is were clinical and biological death come in
Clinical death & Biological Death is when the hart stops pomping so tecniclly you can pass away, but you can be revived
with bilogical death that is earisitible cellar damag that come from a lack of oxsegen, so in that case you cannot be revided from a biological death. so once your cells are able to no longer to function tipiclly you can not come back to life.
mortality is the same condition being subjected ilness for death, but tipically we look at mortality as a death rate of the popluation. what is the tipical life expency, in the us is arount the year 18 for most aduits
Death with dignity
Ways to promote death with dignity
Provide those dying with
humane and
compassionate care
Candor about death’s
Help people learn about treatment options
have personal control
we want to promot death with dignity. we want to provide eaqual with humaan care, we want be candated with death cernty and we want to help pople worry about terment options let them have personal conrol
Palliative vs. Hospice Care
Palliative services.
Paid by insurances, self, any stage of disease, same time as curative sreatemtn, typically happens in hospital.
In common
Comfort care, reduce stress, offer complex symptom relief related to serious illnesis, physical and psychosical relief
Hospice services
Paid by medicare Medicaid, insurance, prognosis 6 months of less, excluds curative treatment, wherever patent calls home
palliative is offerd due vetioals and samething as creative treatment
Hospice, is derecting to helping indivial through the death prosess of death, making sure they ae confrable and not in pain
Attitudes toward dying
Kübler-Ross Stages of dying
Denial, Anger, Bargaining,
Depression, Acceptance
But not a fixed sequence that applies to all
when an indival findout that they are ill or they exprence the lost a love one Kübler-Ross defin stages of gref, there shock denay, frastarion, depression, barketing,
gref is not liner, it is like an ocean
Appropriate death – “the death a person would choose
if given
the opportunity”
The concept draws attention to the differing
and values of individuals in the terminal phase
life and challenges the assumption that a good death
the same meaning for all people.
Influenced by:
of the disease
Personality and coping style
member behavior
Health professional behavior
Spirituality, religion, & culture
apporprate death is if you had a choice, so for alot of indivals it depents of the nature we pressive. sprechilty relagoin
the imporant part of death in this is the indivial, depending on what they want
Grief & bereavement
Experience of losing a
loved one by
Intense physical and
Culturally specified
of the
bereaved’s thoughts
and feelings
Culturally specified expression of the
thoughts and feelings
bereavement is expresing loss
grief is what follows that loss the entance the emotional compont physilogal and socologial destress
mourning is cultery specifid expression, so these are diffrently bound freedom of expressions . some are colorful, alot are not, alot of them have to do with regales and relagios compont as will as ansistry
Components of the grief process
Grief as a series of tasks
anesthesia that helps the individual
accept the reality of the
loss (Task 1)
Intense and painful grief
that helps the mourner
work through the pain of the loss (Task 2)
and adjust
to a world without the loved one (Task 3)
Restorative activities like overcoming loneliness
reorganizing daily life
As grief subsides, berearved
makes progress on
developing an inner bond with the deceased
moving on with life (Task 4)
in terms of gref process tipiclly we see gref as task, you should not check off your gref boxes. alot of times gref is a life long expresns and you never get passed, or you relly shodent get passed that loss . it is somthing that stayes with you
getting task involved
Grief is dynamic
Dual-process model of coping with loss
More successful
outcomes are associated with
alternating between dealing with
consequences and attending to restorative life
but overall we know graf is dynamic, so there emotional points and there are responsable poins. so you have to eknologe the loss you exprence it will allow to matian your feelings and also how you are to crate a life for yourself