April Week 1 Grade 4
administer (v)
to give or dispense a remedy/drug (약을 주다/처방하다)
sedative (n)
a drug that has calming/sleep-inducing effect (진정제)
brilliant (adj)
exceptionally clever/talented (훌륭한,멋진)
dramatic (adj)
(of event) sudden and striking; exciting (극적인,인상적인)
opposition (n)
disagreement expressed in action/argument; a group of opponents (반대, 경쟁사)
patient (n)
a person receiving medical treatment (환자)
incurable (adj)
a sick person/disease that is not able to be cured (치유할 수 없는, 불치의)
potion (n)
a liquid that contains medicine,poison, something that has magical power (물약)
cruel (adj)
willing to cause pain/suffering to others (잔혹한,잔인한)
poisoning (n)
the fact of being affected by poison (중독, 음독)
euphoria (n)
a feeling or state of intense excitement (행복감, 희열)
mixture (n)
a substance made by mixing 2 or more substances together (혼합물)
acceptance (n)
the action of accepting something that is given (동의, 승인)
clone (n)
a person or thing regarded as identical to another; exact duplicate or copy (복제, 복사품)
era (n)
a long period of history (시대)
aboriginal (adj)
native to an area before the arrival of colonists (원주민의)
fatality (n)
an occurrence of death by accident, in war, disease (사망자)
anesthesia (n)
loss of consciousness produced by drugs (마취)