March Week 1 Grade 4
escort (n)
a person, vehicle, or group accompanying <호위대(원)>
worthy (adj)
having value; deserving good praise (…을 받을 만한, 자격이 있는)
commit (v)
to do/perform.dedicate/pledge (약속하다)
retreat (v)
to run away from danger (후퇴[철수/퇴각]하다)
offspring (n)
the child of a person; young of an animal <자식,(동물의) 새끼>
ailment (n)
sickness;illness (질병)
typical (adj)
having distinct qualities of a particular type of person/thing (전형적인, 대표적인)
deny (v)
to not give; refuse (거절하다, 부정하다)
blistering (adj)
extreme;intense (맹렬한, 지독히 더운)
weep (v)
to cry (울다)
unavoidable (adj)
not able to be avoided,ignored (불가피한)
cascade (v)
(of water) to fall or move downwards quickly (폭포처럼 흐르다)
labor (n)
hard work; physical work (노동)
don (v)
to put on item; to wear (옷 등을) 입다
irreplaceable (adj)
impossible to replace if lost (대체[대신]할 수 없는)
protest (v)
to publicly express disagreement with (항의[반대]하다, 시위하다)
barracks (n)
a building where soldiers live for a short amount of time ( 막사 같은[크고 볼품없는] 건물)
consult (v)
to look for information/advice from an expert ( 상담하다)