February Week 3 Grade 4
devastated (adj)
very shocked/upset (엄청난 충격을 받은)
ravage (v)
to cause great damage to something/someone (황폐[피폐]하게 만들다)
enslave (v)
to make a slave of someone (노예로 만들다)
persecute (v)
to treat someone unfairly for a long time be, of their race/religion (특히 인종·종교·정치적 이유로) 박해하다
liberation (n)
the act of setting someone free (해방)
kidnap (v)
to take a person away illegally (납치[유괴]하다)
exhaustion (n)
the state of being extremely tired (탈진, 기진맥진)
voyage (n)
a long journey/trip (긴 여행)
humanitarian (n)
someone who is involved with improving people's lives (인류발전을 위해 도움을 주는 사람)
politics (n)
the activities of government,people who try to influence the way a country is controlled (정치)
malnourishment (n)
the fact of being weak/bad health bec. of having too little food (영양실조)
peril (n)
great danger/something that is very dangerous ((심각한) 위험)
refuse (v)
to say that you will NOT do (거절[거부]하다)
surface (n)
the outer/top part of something (표면)
graze (v)
to touch/rub against something lightly when passing (스치다)
refugee (n)
a person who has escaped from their own country to find safety (난민)
nonexistent (adj)
completely absent (존재[실재]하지 않는)
compassionate (adj)
showing concern for others and wanting to help them (동정하는)