WEIRDO phrases
preferir que
to prefer that
insistir en que
to insist that/to insist on
querer que
to want that
desear que
to wish that/to desire that
necesitar que
to need that
esperar que
to hope that
me gusta que
I like that
sentir que
to feel that
tener miedo de que
to be afraid that/to fear that
lamentar que
to regret that
temer que
to be afraid that
e mejor que
it's better that
es bueno que
it's good that
es posible que
it's possible that
es fantástico que
it's fantastic that
es justo que
it's fair that
es una lástima que
it's a shame that
es aconsejable que
it's advisable that
es horrible que
it's horrible that
es necesario que
it's necessary that
es malo que
it's bad that
es interesante que
it's interesting that
es importante que
it's important that
es ideal que
it's ideal that
es perfecto que
it's perfect that
es terrible que
it's terrible that
es lamentable que
it's unfortunate that
está mal que
it's bad that
es peor que
it's worse than
está bien que
it's good that
es improbable que
it's unlikely that
es probable que
it's likely that
es una vergüenza que
it's a shame that
es injusto que
it's unfair that
sugerir que
to suggest that
recomendar que
to recommend that
pedir que
to ask that
no pensar que
to not think that
no creer que
to not believe that
dudar que
to doubt that
no es cierto que
it's not certain that
negar que
to deny that
no estoy seguro de que
I'm not sure that
I hope/I wish
tal vez
no dudar que
to not doubt
es cierto que
it's certain that
es verdad que
it's true that
saber que
to know that
creer que
to believe that
pensar que
to think that
es obvio que
it's obvious that