APGOV Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
the belief that individuals should be responsible for themselves and for the decisions they make
Free Enterprise
An economic system which government intrudes as little as possible in the economic transactions among citizens and businesses. aka: laissez-faire
Political Socialization
the experiences and factors that shape an individual's political values, attitudes, and behaviors
Keynesian Theory
A theory that the government should stimulate the economy during times of economic recession by spending money to encourage economic growth
Liberal Ideology
An ideology favoring less government control over social behavior and more greater regulation of businesses and of the economy
the grouping of individuals based on shared characteristics, such as ancestry, race, ethnicity, and gender
Conservative Ideology
an ideology favoring more control of social behavior, fewer regulations on businesses, and less government interference in the economy
Supply-side Theory
An economic theory that the government should stimulate the economy by cutting taxes to encourage businesses to grow and taxpayers to spend more money
Political Ideology
an individual's coherent set of beliefs about government and politics
Rule of Law
the principle that no one, including public officials is above the law
Equality of Opportunity
a state of fairness in which individuals are treated similarly, unhampered by artificial barriers, prejudices, or preferences
Political Culture
the dominant set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and values that define the relationship between citizens and government