November Week 1 Grade 4
scale (v)
to climb up (오르다)
dormant (adj)
not active, but having the ability to be active at a later time (휴면기의, 활동을 중단한)
invader (n)
an army that uses force to enter and take control of another country (침략군)
collide (v)
to come together with a direct impact; clash ( 충돌하다, 부딪치다)
unthinkable (adj)
to shocking that it can't be imagined (상상도 할 수 없는 )
handout (n)
something (food, clothing, money) given free to someone who needs it ((정부 등에서 주는) 지원금)
attain (v)
to reach/succeed in getting something (이루다[획득하다])
plateau (n)
a large flat area of land high above sea level and has a steep slope on all sides (고원,뜰)
muster up (v)
you try hard to find that quality in yourself because you need it (용기를 내다)
engross (v)
giving all your attention because it is so interesting (몰두하게 만들다)
faraway (adj)
a long way away ( 멀리 떨어진)
cautious (adj)
careful' not acting quickly in order to avoid risks (신중한)
haven (n)
a safe/peaceful place (안식처, 피난처)
magma (n)
hot liquid rock found below the surface of Earth (마그마)
shield (v)
to protect someone/something (보호하다)
fantastic (adj)
extremely good/attractive (기막히게 좋은, 환상적인)
endless (adj)
never finishing/ continues for so long (무한한, 한없는)
outdoors (n)
a place outside where you can experience nature (야외)