The health care team
The health-care team of today is an identified group of persons involved in the delivery of health care. This group consists of?
All members of the health-care discipline.
Within the health care community, the
most important people are ?
The patients
The health-care team members are determined in terms of what and how do theydivided them?
“patient contact”.
This collective team is divided into two separate components.They are the patient-care team and the medical-care team
What is a Patient-care team?
are those members (physicians, nurses, therapists) who have the most sustained patient contact and provide individualized services related to the program of care.
What is a Medical-care team?
are those members (radiographers, medical technologists, pathologists, pharmacists) who provide essential back-up services for the patient-care teams.
What are the Radiographer’s Role in Health Care?
What is a Physician?
The physician is in fact the team leader because he/she is the one who makes the primary commitment in the patient/physician contract.
What is the relationships between the physicians and the patient?
The relationship between physician/radiographer involves written and oral communications as well as
human respect and professional courtesy
What is the relationships between the nurse and a radiographers?
The relationship between nurses/radiographer involves written and oral communications as well as human respect and professional courtesy.
During the 1990s a new concept of health care delivery was developed and introduced to the health care community. This new concept deviated from “patient care orientation” to “cost-containment outcome”. It is called “
patient-centered care
Standards of an Accredited Educational Program is?
Document that describes the standard of quality for the educational program.
JRCERT stand for ?
Joint review committee of education of radiologic technologic.
American registry of technology
ASRT Stan for ?
American society of radiologic technologic
What is an "Affective Domain" according to Radiology?
One of the three major categories or domains of learning, which includes behaviors guided by feelings and emotions that are influenced by one’s interests, attitudes,values and beliefs.
Cognitive Domain in radiology
One of the three major categories or domains of learning, which includes various levels of thought such as knowledge, understanding, reason, and judgment.
Psychomotor Domain in radiology is ?
One of the three major categories or domains of learning, which includes behaviors involving physical actions, neuromuscular manipulations, and coordination.
Clinical defined as
Procedures and activities that occur in the clinic or hospital setting.
Competency defined as
Observable, successful achievement of a performance objective.
What is an Objective according to Radiology ?
Concise description of an observable behavior.
What is a Didactic ?
Informational and instructional activities that may occur in formal or informal settings.
What is a Direct supervision in students clinical setting ?
Radiographer is present during the entire procedure; from reviewing the request for the examination to reviewing and approving the radiographs for submission.
What is an Indirect supervisor in student clinical setting?
Radiographer is immediately available to assist the student if required, regardless of the level of student’s achievement.
Repeats in radiologyof students clinical trial is defined as what?
Radiographs that must be repeated may only be done in the presence of qualified radiographer, regardless of the level of student’s achievement.
Clinical education is sequential, with each course building on the previous one. The first aspect of development is known as what ?
the “process”.
What are the three steps of the " process"?
1. Observation
2. Assistance
3. Performance
What is the second aspect in Progressive Clinical Development known as ?
This is where an instructor assesses the knowledge, comprehension and ability to apply, analyze, synthesize or evaluate specific radiographic procedures.
Give an example of "Concepts of Clinical Environment".
1. Assignment of Initials and use of Lead Markers
2. Clinical Competencies and Simulations
3. Discussion
4. Responsibilities of the Student
5. Conflict of interest
The Clinical Education Policies are ?
1. Clinical supervision
2. Avoidance of using students to replace staff
3. Radiation protection policies
4. Professional ethics
5. Professional appearance
6. Attendance
7. Pregnancy
8. Disciplinary procedures
Radiography Program Officials include?
Program Chairperson
Clinical Practice Coordinator
Clinical Instructor
Medical Advisor
Supporting Staff are ?
Didactic Faculty
Clinical Instructors